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13-10-04, 04:38
Can someone tell me how hacknet works.
What equipment do i need, how much hack etc...
Can i just run in and get the stuff in the Database and run out ?

13-10-04, 08:23
Ok. Im not a Hacker master but here is what I know about hacknet.

Fist you need good Hack skill and hacktool. You can enter hacknet witn hack 50 and cheapest hacktool available.

But here's the catch!

If you want to do something in hacknet you will need:

-Faction symphaty at least 90 so you can buy tl-90 datacubes.
-Hackskill at least 75, more is better. 90 and more is good.
-Good T-C skill!! This is important so yo can use some of those hacknet sofware.
-You need high INT for using better hacknet software.

As what I have experienced, level 1 hacknet software is no good. Mobs in hacknet are too hard to deal with attack software v.01. Also regen software v.01 is not much good.

Also is you want to get something out from faction databases, BL's and stuff you need to get those tl90 datacubes from your faction suply manager, and you need faction symphaty no less than 90 for that.

High INT and T-C skills are needed for hacknet software and higher the Hack, T-C and INT, better results using hacknet software.

It's not easyliving as a dedicated hacker. You need to work your ass off to gain enough FS and exp to become skilled hacker. As hacker can't rely on combat skills, leveling outside hacknet is hard and long journey. And leveling in hacknet is impossible for lowlevel hacker. Hacknet mobs are killah!

I have played NC2 since it was released and been playing with one char. IA dedicated hacker. I have hack skill 105 and good T-C skill too. Int level is 40.
Now my mission is to get my FS to 90, (73 at atm), so I can get those datacubes.

It's been pain to level. I master pistols and Hightech pistols, but won't do much damage to mobs. So i use hit&run technique when fighting mobs. If i can, I strike fast and run for cover and continue to do that untill mob is dead. And i never enter combat with more than one mob. I can handle one Hurler or aggressor, but two.... and "Here's you ass Sir. We found it from Wastelands near Jeriko..."

But after you are enough high for some serious hacknet runs. There's much fun stuff in there.

Oh and you can travel fast between DoY and Neocron via Hacknet!!!
Also traveling to outposts is easy via Hacknet!!!

There's not much doing for solo hacker atm, but I hope that KK will implement some new features in near future so hackers could get more out of this game.

13-10-04, 09:25
What I don't understand is how to actually get those blueprints. I have found lots of "Database" mobs, but they don't do anything. They just have blank dialogue. Can someone explain?

Also, I heard horror stories of people perma-losing gear in HackNet. And no item tracking = no reimbursement. Is this something I should be worried about? It's the main thing that has stopped me from exploring tbh.

13-10-04, 09:40
For DL those BL from databases, you need high capasity datacubes!
You can get these datacubes from faction supplymanager when you have FS 90 or more!!!

And what I recall, only high secrity databases offers BL's and stuff atm.
So hacknet is useless and good only for traveling between NC/DoY and outposts.

I'm putting my hacker character on ice untill hacknet is fixed and somewhat remaked.

New char will be Spy assasin sniper. I'll see you in DoY, where I'll be doing some population reduction starting with YOU! :D