View Full Version : Nc2 Price Poll

11-10-04, 21:10
Should item prices be lowered for NC2? items like weapons and spells ect... even apartment items such as cabinets, furniture and plants should be available to ppl who have quite little cash, they deserve a nice home too ;)

Its obvious that this is the first stages of NC2 and everyone is low on cash and so forth, It seems this credit wipe was to help the economy get back to a more normal state by lowering everyones buying power.

This unfortunatley has not effected the shop prices wut so ever though, so ppl are still stuck paying high prices for basic items and even items that allow you to exspress your characters style (ie decorations in apartments and so on...

So im posting this poll to see how you the players feel about the shop prices. Are they too high? or or they fine the way they are? Plz poll and post your reasons thx.

PS: no flames just honest opinons and ideas thx :)

EDIT: i voted that prices are a bit high and it seems liek a lot of money for lower lvl ppl to buy stuff even the more comon items.

12-10-04, 06:41
from a personal view, id say yes, im a ppu, and getting cash is like utter crap

from a roleplay point of view, id say no, having to work overtime every month to be able to pay the rent kinda gives it another dimension

12-10-04, 08:51
I've played a lot of MMO's. So far I haven't played any game where it was easier to earn money and buy the items you want than this one, honestly. If anything, I'd advocate for making things more costly, not less. :eek:

12-10-04, 09:22
peices should stay the same.

12-10-04, 09:36
It's called El Farid - or the swamp caves.

That's a great source of income - if things cost to much - you're too impatient. Chill dude. I'm glad t5he economy is back to normal - at least for a wee bit - I saw a miracle yesterday - On trade - an unressed Rarepart going for 250K - then a niblet that I knew - told him to STFU and offered his parts for 30K a piece.n At least someone hasd some grasp of the value of them - it's not like they're hard to find anyway - and if they are hard to get hold of - you shouldn't be looking for them in the first place.

12-10-04, 19:42
It's called El Farid - or the swamp caves.

That's a great source of income - if things cost to much - you're too impatient. Chill dude. I'm glad t5he economy is back to normal - at least for a wee bit - I saw a miracle yesterday - On trade - an unressed Rarepart going for 250K - then a niblet that I knew - told him to STFU and offered his parts for 30K a piece.n At least someone hasd some grasp of the value of them - it's not like they're hard to find anyway - and if they are hard to get hold of - you shouldn't be looking for them in the first place.

WORD :p That made me luagh a bit, the whole n00b telling the other guy off thing. But im fine with the player side of the economy and yea thats wut parts should cost is like 25k - 30k each.

I was more worried with the ncp side of the economy.