View Full Version : Remove glider collision damage?

10-10-04, 06:50
Ok my first poll. I've tried to keep it as unbiased as possible.

10-10-04, 07:28
Wheres the fun in them not blowing up instantly? :angel:

10-10-04, 07:29
OMG someone voted for option 2. That's the wrong answer.

10-10-04, 07:31
But I think its funny seeing people's beloved gliders blowing up due to KK's shitness :angel:

10-10-04, 07:41
But I think its funny seeing people's beloved gliders blowing up due to KK's shitness :angel:

Fair nuff.....wait. MY gliders blowing up is not a laughing matter.

10-10-04, 08:33
OMG someone voted for option 2. That's the wrong answer.
u should have made a public poll.

there are some pros and cons. but atm there are a lot more cons when we keep the crash damage.
i would not even use mine if i was not a res/cst char and can replace them cheap.

due to KK's shitness

bah, please. im really cant stand that shittalk any more. the german forum is full with that. its ok to talk about problems but there are other ways them that.

10-10-04, 09:05
Doesn't matter what they do at this point... the game is going to hell anyway :D

10-10-04, 12:12
Only thing that is going to hell in this game is whiners ;)