View Full Version : I'm out.

09-10-04, 22:44
It's a bit late, but it seems I can still post, so I guess a goodbye is in order. My account is cancelled, and only one thing would make me reactivate - making NC the hardcore RP game it should have been instead of the malformed, hybrid mess it has become.

First, a big thanks to:

All at KK, the ones everyone loves to bash and hate but clearly got things at least partially right. I especially admire the way you want to please everyone, but I wish you would realise it isn't possible.
Jerome Morrow, Vila, Elvin Atombender and everyone else who was in MiG.
Rizzy, Ste-X, T72, Stigmata and the rest of NAT/ND.
Seymour, SirRah and SSC/SSX.
Jest, Jack, Tostino and MirrorShades.
Mortis and FF.
Imposing Order.

Special thanks to:

DaedalusSSJ, benjamin, Kantrell, Selendor, Casius, Marmalade and the rest of V-Nox, QD, Dribble Joy, Shadow Dancer, Jewish/Sleawer, Duskrunner Featherstorm, and everyone else who should have been mentioned here but I forgot. :)

Finally, if you want me to come back to NC, here's what you have to do:

First, an optional step. Either apply this to all servers or just one, it doesn't matter but a single server should be 2 characters.
Remove the LE and all safezones.
Implement a workable bounty system, and assassin, guard and mercenary contracts.
Enforce RP. Non-public chat like direct and clan doesn't matter, but ooc should not be permitted in local or other public channels unless it's necessary (the hoster or GM of an event for example).
Improve guard AI, if possible, to assist the faction's friends, rather than making them all 120/120 bosses who never shoot when they need to and kill their own faction for just about anything.
Finally, I don't know if anything has changed on this yet (since I haven't played NC2 at all), but if still applicable, for God's sake fix PPUs.

So, with that all said, goodbye everyone, and don't expect to see me back in the near future without some serious changes. :)

09-10-04, 22:46
Hate to see you go.

09-10-04, 22:51
Me too. :( See you around Sci. Leaving thread, closed.