View Full Version : Easy Money Making in NC2

09-10-04, 14:16
I have 4 pvp chars and used to hunt and sell doy junk for cash in nc1, but I cant do that now, any tips for making quick money inbetween doing my epics ?

Im finding rares/parts dont seem to have any real cash value either at the moment...plus some folk have 16 million etc already so im doing something wrong lol.

Any tips ?

09-10-04, 14:19
[ edited ]

But assuming you don't want to do those things...I'm having much the same problem. El Farid was pretty good as a tank for getting money in NC1, and any cave runs usually get good money. Just now though there's no good places for pro-city to go on Terra, those damned DoY monkeys are hanging around all over the map.

You just need to find some mobs to farm...if you do let me know.

09-10-04, 14:23
The faster i've find for , is hunting in the east zone of chester (cyclops spot)

But ur aggro must be <50 or juste at 50

At this moment u can make monney easly , in one hour if u have a good weap(i ve a ravager and a rank at 46*) u can make 300K and more if u are a recycler (don t have to go to chester for munition)

Good luck

Tracid , french helper :D

Richard Angelus
09-10-04, 14:23
hmmm I make my money by const Holy Heals
i'll do this with my PPU (to buff my Trader) and my Trader who Const/Ress/Barter
I need 5520 credits / H Heal and get around 12k for every 0 Slot

09-10-04, 14:24
U can do that if u have a ppu and tradeskiller but for pvp char .... o_O

Richard Angelus
09-10-04, 14:27
hunt with a PPU (small team) in a cave
best way to get money
if you want to do it alone....
skill ressi for the cave you want to go and use Aera Weapons

but i could be wrong with this :D

09-10-04, 14:28
Just question ,

In nc2 crp cave are already protect by tg guard ?

Richard Angelus
09-10-04, 14:29
nope no TG guards near Cycrow/Canyon

oh and a good level place is the old Canyon
everywhere firemobs

09-10-04, 14:31
What kind of mob in ?

Richard Angelus
09-10-04, 14:40
raptor, grims and those fire scorpions and much more (I think)

09-10-04, 14:43
Get an apu, a heavy poison belt and solo the tg/chaos caves

SiL ..:..

09-10-04, 14:44
Hey it's me or spawn of Wb are faster :confused:

09-10-04, 14:45
I have a ppu/pe/tank/spy all pvp.

no apu, and also because of doing my epics ive lost alot of armour like PA in belts which I cant get back so its catch 22.

09-10-04, 15:01
What about those nice 120/120 mobs in the abandoned faction HQ sectors in pepper park (TS, CS, BD)?

I've never tried it myself, but it seems it might be a very good hunting place for apu/ppu team, both for lvling and cash...

09-10-04, 15:04
tried them, as part of my epic, not worth the hastle
can u recycle anything into something valuable ?