View Full Version : Hacknet PvP

07-10-04, 22:06
I'm getting the hang of Hacknet PvM. It's got more bugs than a desert has grains of sand, mob imbalances that make old school hybrids look perfect, but it's coming together and I can see where it's going.

But PvP...sigh.

I just can't see this ever working. Let me give an example of why:

I saw a TG on local, turn and he's right in front of me, having just come through the portal thing. I pull out my attack spell and shoot him once; it does no damage, he vanishes, I turn and he's already half way across the zone.

The netcode is pretty bad in general, but I've always assumed this was because it had to scale to cope with large battles (the fact it doesn't not withstanding). But in hacknet it's so bad it's comical. You can be through a zone and to the other portal before you even register on someones local. How on earth is PvP ever supposed to work in those conditions?

07-10-04, 22:18
do u think pvp outside of hacknet is fair in nc?
kk can't fix everything at once... is there no bugtracker to post such stuff?
...and i'd like to see the outfitters working before your pvp issues anyway =P

07-10-04, 22:38
This isn't a bug report, it's a gripe about how hacknet pvp is never going to work :p

07-10-04, 22:44
ah well. pvp on those beams wouldent be that great anyways. half the time the other guy will fall off.

07-10-04, 22:57
This is the problem with being a specialist. Hacker is boned. Droner is boned. PPU is boned. Tradeskillers are boned. Oh wait all you can do in NC is specialise, we're all boned!

08-10-04, 09:11
Yeah a few things need to be changed in HackNet for PvP to be good.
My suggestions are:

1. Fix the buggs ;) . (The "screen goes black" when hit bugg is no good).
2. Ditch the runner transparency. Sure it looks cool, but to hard to spot other runners.
3. Reduce runspeed (no sledgehammer reduction plz).
4. Make the ramps/beams 3x wider.

Richard Slade
08-10-04, 09:39
Yeah a few things need to be changed in HackNet for PvP to be good.
My suggestions are:

1. Fix the buggs ;) . (The "screen goes black" when hit bugg is no good).
2. Ditch the runner transparency. Sure it looks cool, but to hard to spot other runners.
3. Reduce runspeed (no sledgehammer reduction plz).
4. Make the ramps/beams 3x wider.

And I correct:
1.Fix the bugs, duuh.
2.Reduce runspeed, WITH sledgehammer nerf! With this said, I mean keep the speed but change the weight.
Make software like h-c tanks with low agi
If you gonna fire, you stand still, simple as that.
Would work nicely

That's all there is to be done to make it work,
and ye, auto kill on falling down.

As for transparency, I can't see it in another way as being digital code should make you quite sneaky among other code.
Also keep beams this tight gives you the eed of some control knowledge instead of just running in circles aaround each other..
Bring the skill back to the cron!

08-10-04, 09:46
No auto kill on falling to the "floor" please. Extend the gravilifts to the lowest level also, so people can get up without resetting position (which is just a joke tbh, I cannot understand why the lifts do not go down as default ! )

Maybe to add some walls there on the lowest level, and some "levels", ramps u know... would make perfect place for hackers to PvP, incase they fall off the narrow roads and walkways.

08-10-04, 09:59
And I correct:

You corrected me :rolleyes: ?

and ye, auto kill on falling down.

NO, NO and Hell NO.
Have you even tried PvP in HackNet?
I rather see stairs or elevators to get you back up on the ledges, its stupid that you need to reset position to get back.

Richard Slade
08-10-04, 10:07
You corrected me :rolleyes: ?

That's right. And it's non-arguable :p

NO, NO and Hell NO.
Have you even tried PvP in HackNet?
I rather see stairs or elevators to get you back up on the ledges, its stupid that you need to reset position to get back.

I'm pure hacker and hardly ever go outside HN at all, walk the zones without looking and solo 127/127 faction mobs.. Haven't had my LE in since... Err.. Two years ago.
Wanna take a guess if I've PvP:ed in HN? :rolleyes:

08-10-04, 10:16
I'm pure hacker and hardly ever go outside HN at all, walk the zones without looking and solo 127/127 faction mobs.. Haven't had my LE in since... Err.. Two years ago.
Wanna take a guess if I've PvP:ed in HN? :rolleyes:

From that statement, i guess YES, from your autodeath on falling down suggestion, i guess NO.

The only place in HackNet that its fun to PvP is on the floor. Otherwise its just a turretfight or one person bailing out at warpspeed.

08-10-04, 10:22
Make software like h-c tanks with low agi
If you gonna fire, you stand still , simple as that.

Also keep beams this tight gives you the eed of some control knowledge instead of just running in circles aaround each other..
Bring the skill back to the cron!

Eeeeh? Please explain the underlined text...Turretfight = Skill ?

Richard Slade
08-10-04, 10:31
Eeeeh? Please explain the underlined text...Turretfight = Skill ?
Just mark words, will ya..
'stand still' = slow down in this case
Also as for skills with slow movement in weapons,
just pull weapon down to get a fat ass speed boost and get to a better position :cool:

08-10-04, 10:38
Just mark words, will ya..
'stand still' = slow down in this case
Also as for skills with slow movement in weapons,
just pull weapon down to get a fat ass speed boost and get to a better position :cool:

Well, with this suggestion i think we might see alot of lightspeed chicken escapes since you cant run after you opponent and shot him in the back...

So i prefer my suggestions, and i dont correct you :angel: , you can keep your own suggestions, mine are just better ;)

08-10-04, 10:52
PvP in hacknet is pretty bad. when the local list spots someone he is like
a) shooting at you for a second or more
b) he is half across the zone

they should add a morph soft that enable u to fly at low speed.
or an elevator soft :D