View Full Version : So what have you been doing in the New and Improved world of Neocron 2?

07-10-04, 19:52
I've been trying to just get back to where I was when I left NC1.
So in short I'm re-doing all of the things I did in NC1 again.

At this rate, it'll be a few months before I get to the "new content" which is good I guess since most if it is broken. :(

So what have you been doing after all this trouble to upgrade to "Neocron 2: Beyond the patients of normal Men"

07-10-04, 20:00
So what have you been doing after all this trouble to upgrade to "Neocron 2: Beyond the patients of normal Men"

They added a really cool female sex emote..

When you wear PA 1-3 and have a rocket launcher or moonie on your back you could almost pass for a miniature warbot (looks really cool, just need the skin).

Mobs look a little better now.

All DoY sectors are now so confusing I often forget where my apartment is from the HQ and its only 1 corner away...

Uhm... Canyon is now inhabited by more flying fire beasts than the rest of the wasteland sectors combined, and on top of that several black scorpions from the underground city, which has the most overpowered mobs compared to their rank. Which means its a great place to lvl and get money, but it also means bring someone to heal ur ass all the time or you´re barbeque.

Hacknet.. the most sexy place ever constructed since the broken matrix neofrag.

And a lot more, that I have yet to understand.

07-10-04, 20:02
Leveling a pistol spy because of the much more diverse tradeskilling he can do under INT as opposed to my rifle spy.

07-10-04, 20:04
watching about 100 drones disappear

not a joke, nor an exagiration ...

07-10-04, 20:13
trying to re do epics and find a clan but due to roll bakc gave up atm

07-10-04, 20:28
Got some holographic armor that makes my spy look like a tank. Thought it would be funny when people see a tank saying "Researching TL214" but no one even notices.

07-10-04, 20:34
since i upgraded to nc2 i have...........watched more movies/tv shows on my desktop than ever b4

07-10-04, 20:38
Built stuff for all my chars with my trader ... twice, because of the rollback, LoMed a char, fucked off and ran around the city like a retard, talked with some newb for almost 2 hours. Maybe I will get some levelling done soon, maybe not. Or start my epics... I need 8 of them, I'm not sure about doing epics for both pro and anti city on one char, so I might make a DoY PE to level quick and get what I need, then delete the fucker.

07-10-04, 20:45
Doing the new epics, collecting parts for Ion Crossbow, flying gliders, trying to cap my character (again doh) and looking for a good name for my clan...

07-10-04, 20:56
Im not playing right now. Im trying to get better at c++ and playing Resident Evil series (RE2 right now). Im also thinking about buying DarkBASIC since it seems to do awesome job at game coding (its easy and you can make pretty good gode with it (if you dont know how to code with that dont even think about c++)).

07-10-04, 21:02
Well, since getting set up I've been dutifully logging in, getting my patches, and wrestling with Click2Pay (who are now sending me suspended account warning for reasons they can't seem to explain). But as far as actually playing, my wife and I have actually been messing around with a different online game (no, not SWG or AO) while we wait for the bugs to be ironed out a bit and to get a break from the hard science fiction setting. Its been a very troubling experience: Characters are ridiculously customizable, zones are huge and populated with wandering pedestrians, there hasn't been significant lag even with lots of players on the screen, and I haven't crashed yet in about 30 hours of play. Oh, and I haven't seen any major issues with characters being one place server and another client, or walking through walls, and we are talking about a game with people flying, leaping, and swimming extremely fast, so positions I would actually expect to be more off. You know, maybe KK should just blow off the engine they are using and licence one from somebody else?

07-10-04, 21:35
I have been just playing around, not really playing for a day after the lauch, trying to gather some new clan members and help my clan out like doing the epic for our tradeskillers.

So basically it's pretty much the same as before.

07-10-04, 21:42
done the pp epic 3 times...
lvled in caves for some cash

kicked some city ass

doing bio epic now

then ill see

oh also crashed a "few" times ;)

07-10-04, 21:53
I've been....dling corrupt/missing files for the last few days O_o