View Full Version : I got a complaint -epic kills-

06-10-04, 19:48

The other day, I am standing in DOY city center and I am just minding my own business when all the sudden a neutral runner is trying to kill me. I ask him what his problem is, and get no response, but me being a ppu, i just shelter, and heal up and all is fine. Later on, his entire clan tries to gang up on me and kill me and i'm like "WTF?!?!?!"

I then learn that he was trying to get his epic kill. Of course I'm slightly pissed of that they chose me as a target, since i had -30 SL. But after giving it some thought, i realize that I am not the slightest bit upset with this clan, what I am upset with is KK and their storyline. If you want us to be neutral to eachother, why are you having them kill us?

I urge KK to really put some thought into how they want the factions interacting with one another, and would like to see some updated epics that can properly reflect the relationships between each given faction. I give that person and that clan credit, I am sick of seeing people paying for epic kills and it happens way too often to make it more convinient. I personally never did such a thing either, I always got my epic kills by going out and hunting someone. It isn't that hard and adds a purpose to your existence, BUT for the love of God, make us kill our mortal enemies (hostiles), not people where there is shakey ground to begin with between the two parties (neutrals).

My 2 cents.

06-10-04, 19:51
thanks for understanding bounty :P

sorry bout that...that guys done for now so dun need to worry for a bit :P

standing around DOY city center with neg SL tends to be a bad idea regardless...

the reason is its part of the story line somehow...since i havent done it i dunno how it ties in

06-10-04, 19:54
Just another lame issue in a lame ass game. KK, get your story lines straight! You've had 4 years!

06-10-04, 19:57
Yeah I completely understand, and my point was not to bring up this particular scenerio as a problem, but rather am trying to bring it up as a example of the bigger problem I am trying to get at.

MY point is that if we are neutral to one another, KK shouldn't have us going around killing eachother, and starting potential problems between otherwise friendly people.

Furthermore, yes standing in the center with negative soullight is dumb, but technically I should feel safe in my own home among people that are neutral or friendly to me. An attack from outsiders get me? sure, np, understandable. But an attack from my own allies and neutrals? Thats where my beef is. It just adds to the confusion of my role among the factions.

06-10-04, 20:00
Same goes for the TT epic. Biotech is supposed to be our sworn enemy yet they are neutral to us. I am not sure if I should be fighting BT or banding with them to fight doy. There was really no thought put into the faction changes and the problems they would cause.

06-10-04, 20:01

I am sick of seeing people paying for epic kills and it happens way too often to make it more convinient. I personally never did such a thing either, I always got my epic kills by going out and hunting someone.

My 2 cents.

maybe thats cause u only have 2 cents

epic kills cost more than that

06-10-04, 20:15
in the end i dont think it will be a huge deal

its one neutral kill per crahn runner(it protects SL for the kill)

although i would hate for epic kills to end up in allied clan wars....as long as it doesnt turn into that i think its fine...although i see lots of allied/neutral wars starting up potentialy

06-10-04, 20:23
in the end i dont think it will be a huge deal

its one neutral kill per crahn runner(it protects SL for the kill)

although i would hate for epic kills to end up in allied clan wars....as long as it doesnt turn into that i think its fine...although i see lots of allied/neutral wars starting up potentialy

How many times have you had to just accept something as it is instead of it being done right? I loose count at around 100+ I just think it would be nice for once to not have so many issues to look past.

06-10-04, 20:47
Had to kill a CM and 2 CA's for my TG epic.

All of which had to be over combat rank 70 since i'm 80+

The little money I had I didn't want to throw at epic kills, so I went out to hunt for the kills - which ofcourse is how it's supposed to be.

Took forever, ploughed through alot of high level people until I actually got someone of high enough rank. Bit of a joke that a capped tank is considered too weak to count as a kill.

I personally think anyone over rank combat rank 50 should count. Or ofcourse lower if you're lower yourself. It's BS as it is.

Maybe a little off the point of this thread but a contribution none the less ;)

Mr Kot
06-10-04, 20:59
Just another lame issue in a lame ass game. KK, get your story lines straight! You've had 4 years!

KK have got their storylines perfectly straight. Here's an example from the ProtoPharm epic:

Your faction asks you to get information from an employee of the company. The employee is none too keen to divulge this information for fear of revealing a sordid tale from his past. Your boss asks you to ask one of his ex-colleagues for more information about this "tale" in order to blackmail the employee into talking. The "ex-colleague" is an ally, whose enemy is neutral to us. He will only give us the information we require if we dispatch of one of his enemies for him.

This is why we have to kill a neutral faction.

At the time, the Fallen Angels were neutral to us, but we had to kill one as they are the sworn enemy of the crahn monk who promised us the info.

Since then, relationships have changed. The Fallen Angels have kind of made up with the Crahn sect (for reasons explained in the Crahn epic) and are now hostile to us. However, this does not change history. The Crahn monk in question wanted us to avenge his brothers because of a deed committed in the past, regardless of relationships now. It's a personal vendetta.

These epics are far more detailed than you think. Different sides of the same story emerge when you do multiple epics and approach the same people.

The lesson learned here is: If you don't know the hidden operations and motivations of a faction, watch your back! If you don't want to be attacked by neutral factions, don't stand there daydreaming in anarchy / war zones. It's as simple as that.

@ Bounty: I agree with you about the paying for kills issue. Doing an epic is one of the times i like to roleplay as i quite enjoy the stories set out for us. The first time i did each epic, i did the same as you (with a little help from time to time :p ) I only resort to consentual epic kills when i have to do the damn thing for the umpteenth time, not helped by the deletion of epic items on multiple characters :rolleyes: I like roleplay, not timesinks

06-10-04, 21:01
Isn't everyone lumped together because of the war? I figure that when the wars done - things will return to normal.

Or not.

06-10-04, 21:20
a whole clan to kill one person oO

06-10-04, 21:23
Whats the problem with having small fights between neutral factions ? .. theres a reason they arent allies

06-10-04, 22:33
Whats the problem with having small fights between neutral factions ? .. theres a reason they arent allies
Theres a reason that they aren't enemies. Neutral means that they leave each other alone (don't fight each other but at the same time don't help each other)

06-10-04, 23:57
Problem I see with it is the epic kill is a free pass. The target will lose SL and symp for defending him or her self, right? The attacker loses nothing.

Would also be nice if DoY epic kills were primarily NC targets. But oh well.

07-10-04, 06:12
Tsunami epic is full of missions to bomb/piss off/kill/pk Black Dragons. Yet we're happily neutral to each other and both living in DOY. It's blatantly obvious that the scripts/missions are from NC1's faction system. Bounty's point is valid, if we're expected to kill each other why are we neutral?

07-10-04, 06:37
actually if ya think about it this stuff explains why we might be neutral as opposed to allies

07-10-04, 07:55
I don't get why Tsunami and Black Dragon are coexisting at all. Along with TG/CA, that should be the most infamous rivalry. One of the two mob factions should have been left in NC I think.

07-10-04, 07:59
Small skirmishes between neutral factions would be ok...IF WE DIDNT LOSE A BUTTLOAD OF SYMP AND SL!!!!

God thats annoying.

07-10-04, 09:10
actually if ya think about it this stuff explains why we might be neutral as opposed to allies

neutral by definition means means not favoring or siding with someone or something. So you shouldn't have both hostility nor alliance with the faction. And that was definitely showing hostility.

But more to the point, if KK really wants neutrals fighting eachother, so be it, even if those times are special occasions, which i still think makes for inconsistent storyline and confusion about a runners role in the world of neocron. But like i said if this is KK's intentions i can live with that, but if i am being attacked, i cannot fight back without taking a soul light hit. this is where the true flaw lies. So basically that player with the epic can go and harass as many Tsunamis as he likes with no penalty, while that person on the receiving end gets soullight hits all the time. I am not a fan of any system in neocron where the person defending themself is forced to turn the other cheek and take it. In fact, i hate those little newbs that go around harassing players just to see their soul light drop too, but that is for another post.

07-10-04, 09:13
i cannot fight back without taking a soul light hit.

argee 127% on that...its really dumb that it doesnt work like that.....i wish it gave a SL waiver to whoever teh epic person went...i am in general against PvP flags...but i think the epic would be a good thing to implement it with