View Full Version : [CbT] RPOS.ini Modification

06-10-04, 02:35
Anyone know where that thread on modding the RPOS.ini which told you what command changed what aspect of the RPOS? There was a decent guide in the old Beta Forums, but it got wiped. Perhaps a Mod could move it into the Announcements or something for us all?

06-10-04, 03:30
Is this what you wanted?

The file itself:

Default=128 255 190 255
DefaultText=180 240 200 255
DefaultButton=128 255 190 255

DarkText=0 0 0 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255

SysMessages=255 160 160 160
GameMessages=200 200 0 160

//Chat channel Colors
LocalChat=255 255 255 255
GlobalChat=180 230 255 255
TeamChat=180 230 180 255
ClanChat=118 160 180 255
DirectChat=73 230 153 255
ZoneChat=255 255 190 255
CustomChat=218 164 106 255

//Local List Colors
Player=255 255 180 255
PlayerNoPK=180 180 255 255

//Character System Colors (implant bonusses etc. )
CharSysWarning=255 255 160 160
CharSysBonus=110 255 110 160
CharSysCritical=255 160 160 160

ContextActive=100 200 150 255
ContextNoActive=0 0 0 255
ContextDisabled=128 128 128 255

HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=100 200 150 255

Item=190 255 230 255
ItemDisabled=128 128 128 255
ItemNotUsable=112 0 0 255

Damage=255 50 35 255
Heal=255 255 35 255

//SoulLight Indicator Colors
GoodSoullight=100 200 150 255
NeutralSoullight=200 200 150 255
BadSoullight=200 80 60 255

//Healthbars Colors
GoodHealth=100 200 150 255
MediumHealth=200 200 150 255
BadHealth=200 80 60 255

//Faction Window: Faction Sympathy Colors
FWGoodSympathy=100 200 150 255
FWNeutralSympathy=200 200 150 255
FWBadSympathy=200 80 60 255

//BoundingBox Colors
BBGoodSL=100 200 150 255
BBNeutralSL=200 200 150 255
BBBadSL=200 80 60 255

BBGoodFS=100 200 150 255
BBNeutralFS=200 200 150 255
BBBadFS=200 80 60 255

BBCombatLevelVeryLow=128 128 128 255
BBCombatLevelEqual=100 200 150 255
BBCombatLevelHigher=200 200 150 255
BBCombatLevelVeryHigh=200 80 60 255

//Worldmap Faction Colors
CityAdmin=128 255 0 100
DiamondRealEstate=0 0 255 100
Next=200 0 0 100
TangentTechnologies= 255 255 128 100
BioTech=0 0 100 100
ProtoPharma=128 255 255 100
CityMercs=0 128 0 100
TsunamiSyndicate=255 128 128 100
BlackDragon=50 50 50 100
CrahnSect=128 0 128 100
FallenAngels=180 180 180 100
TwilightGuardian=200 150 0 100

//Worldmap City Colors
Neocron=0 255 0 100
DoY=255 0 0 100

//Crosshair Colors
Crosshair=128 255 190 255
AimingArrow=255 255 255 255

Now the new and changed bits explained compared to the previous RPOSColor.ini structure

//SoulLight Indicator Colors
GoodSoullight=100 200 150 255
NeutralSoullight=200 200 150 255
BadSoullight=200 80 60 255
This part now only refers to the little soullight mark in the bottom right corner.

//Faction Window: Faction Sympathy Colors
FWGoodSympathy=100 200 150 255
FWNeutralSympathy=200 200 150 255
FWBadSympathy=200 80 60 255
These colors define the colors of your faction sympathy in the faction sympathy window.

//BoundingBox Colors
BBGoodSL=100 200 150 255
BBNeutralSL=200 200 150 255
BBBadSL=200 80 60 255

BBGoodFS=100 200 150 255
BBNeutralFS=200 200 150 255
BBBadFS=200 80 60 255

BBCombatLevelVeryLow=128 128 128 255
BBCombatLevelEqual=100 200 150 255
BBCombatLevelHigher=200 200 150 255
BBCombatLevelVeryHigh=200 80 60 255
The bounding box is the thing that you see when you move your crosshair over a player. There colors keys define how the bounding box looks.

Now you know all there is to know about the new RPOSColor.ini.

06-10-04, 14:11
Is this what you wanted?

Thanks a lot!

Thread can be closed now.

06-10-04, 19:45
Closed by Threadstarter