View Full Version : too many damn pills.

05-10-04, 23:56
k so i've had this ear infection for like 2 weeks now. while it's been really annoying, it hasn't been too painful and advil has usually sufficed.

so last night i go to bed like any other night, i sleep for like an hour, then i wake up to this excruciating pain in the side of my head. i get up, go take more advil, and try to get back to sleep. no can do.

i wait 4 hours, then i decide "screw this." i wake up my dad and he takes me to emergency. they take a look in my ear, give me some morphine, and procede to prescribe 2 different antibiotics, plus tylenol 3's (which contain codeine).

so right now, i'm taking Ibuprofen (advil), Acitaminophen w/ codeine (tylenol, the doctor said it was ok to take both advil and tylenol 3 at the same time), Zithromax, and Clindamycin. joy.

i'm too young to be on that many different pills. i'm probably murdering my immune system in the process. aint life grand.

i may seem normal (what is normal really on these boards) but in rl i'm slow as hell and my body feels numb. there's gotta be a better way to get rid of an ear infection. anyone know any old school remedies that'll do the trick?

Dribble Joy
06-10-04, 00:46
Ear infections are just evil, they can do lasting damage (not dmg) if they get too bad and can take a long time to clear.

One of those things where you just got to stick it out.
If it gets worse then it's back to A&E.

06-10-04, 00:48
I know one extreme way of getting rid of an ear infection, its a remedy thats been around for centruries and is still practiced somewhere in the world..

decapitation :angel: :lol: get well soon dude <3

06-10-04, 15:49
Can't ear infections make you go deaf for the rest of your life?

:cool: Just playing with ya dude, just kidding.

06-10-04, 20:59
They do cause balancing issues though - so it's best to stick with the drugs.

A regular weekly checkup while the infection persists is a good idea too. Better soon dude. :)

06-10-04, 21:06
They do cause balancing issues though - so it's best to stick with the drugs.

A regular weekly checkup while the infection persists is a good idea too. Better soon dude. :)

only inner ear infections cause vertigo. i have had more than my share of ear infections in my life, predominantly perferated eardrums.

06-10-04, 21:07
Damn, ear infections are nasty.. especially waking up with a fucking pain in your ear and yellow shite all over your pillow thats leaked out your ear :p hurts alot :(

06-10-04, 21:12
there's gotta be a better way to get rid of an ear infection. anyone know any old school remedies that'll do the trick?Yeah.

Go deaf and/or die.

Your immune system obviously wasn't coping already, so I think you'll just have to accept the help of modern medical science ;)

06-10-04, 21:40
i remember when i had an eye infection and in the morning it took 30 mins of soap, water, a sponge and a LOT of pain to get my eyes open cause so much gunk came out of my eyes and dried up during the night, one night i decided to sleep on my face to see if the pillow would soak it up instead of it just drying but my face was stuck to the pillow in the morning :( :lol:

06-10-04, 22:05
i remember when i had an eye infection and in the morning it took 30 mins of soap, water, a sponge and a LOT of pain to get my eyes open cause so much gunk came out of my eyes and dried up during the night, one night i decided to sleep on my face to see if the pillow would soak it up instead of it just drying but my face was stuck to the pillow in the morning :( :lol:

dude.. you could of suffocated :eek: :lol: