View Full Version : Petition - Details Inside

05-10-04, 23:10
Okay - I have read the forum rules - and as far as I gather - this thread is not close material - as it is not an inflammatory thread - it is not an attack on KK in any sense.

It is a suggestion put forth by a member of the community.

Closure of this thread will result in a formal complaint to all parties involved in the occurences and process mentioned within. Further more - This thread will be logged and if deemed unfairly closed - full details of the thread - including a full post by post account and reasons of closure will be sent to various sources for them to publish as they wish.

This is a petition.

The aim of this petition is to not only gauge community response but to make a request. To put it bluntly the company Click2Pay offers inconsistent and substandard service.

We have witnessed accounts of validation failure.

Incorrect statements - for example the failure to validate a credit card with insufficient funds is displayed as an "incorrect credit card number" warning. The details of this have been submitted days ago and are still awaiting implementation. C2P are giving us false information.

Various people have experienced failed payments to thier credit cards. A failed payment damages your credit rating. According to them, they had funds available. Are you willing to place your credit rating in the hands of this comapny if mistakes like this are made?

In these cases 2nd debits are set up WITHOUT consent of the Account holder. Having read the terms and conditions - it is not mentioned anywhere that this is a valid action. Which means it's something we didn't agree to. We only abide by what is in the contract, and they are bound to do the same. This is malpractice.

False data. For a full week and several days prior to launch. Switch and solo cards have been listed as an option. This is false. Only recently has the option been implemented. As usual even now it is inconsistent.

Other points of contention were the submission of Passport numbers and social insurance numbers - these are not needed in any other mainstream payment method. Even though they have been removed from the account prerequisites - it is still a grossly unfair and highly suspicious action on thier part to ask for them in the first place.

I put this to the community.

A simple vote. Shall we continue to give our custom to Click2Pay? Or shall we seek, no, DEMAND other means of payment for our custom?

Vote and be heard.

Keep all comments clean.


05-10-04, 23:13
I've had no problems with C2P at all, and despite the noise on the forums I suspect I'm in the majority. It's far too early to judge them, give it a month and if renewals are screwed then we should start worrying.

I was a little pissed about the email I got which said they'd spoken to me by phone and confirmed my identity, which they quite blatantly hadn't, but otherwise I'm perfectly happy with them.

05-10-04, 23:16
I've had no problems with C2P at all, and despite the noise on the forums I suspect I'm in the majority. It's far too early to judge them, give it a month and if renewals are screwed then we should start worrying.

I was a little pissed about the email I got which said they'd spoken to me by phone and confirmed my identity, which they quite blatantly hadn't, but otherwise I'm perfectly happy with them.
Anyone else gonna KOS Chumble for voting stick with C2P? :lol:

05-10-04, 23:20
I thought everything was fine with both my accounts till I got that email saying one failed and C2P don't have a fucking clue why >.<

05-10-04, 23:20
I voted to get rid of them, but - for me the process worked the day after launch perfectly. I want rid of them due to their phone verification process.

Some creepy guy calls me, and asks me for my email, my secret question, AND the secret answer. They told me they'd shut off my account if I didn't tell them so I did. Even if I knew for sure it was C2P, I wouldn't trust them either.

05-10-04, 23:21
rofl that disclaimer is retarded.....KK can close anydamn thread they want for any reason they want....its their boards

but yeh C2P sucks....theyre getting better though

[edit] now that theyre getting theyre shit together a lil i would actually hate to switch and have all teh same problems

05-10-04, 23:26
Flaming and snide comments to a minimum. Remember it's not a gripe at KK or other community members.

If people want to vote differently it is thier choice.

05-10-04, 23:29
I thought everything was fine with both my accounts till I got that email saying one failed and C2P don't have a fucking clue why >.<


I voted to get rid of them, but - for me the process worked the day after launch perfectly. I want rid of them due to their phone verification process.

Some creepy guy calls me, and asks me for my email, my secret question, AND the secret answer. They told me they'd shut off my account if I didn't tell them so I did. Even if I knew for sure it was C2P, I wouldn't trust them either.

Again, same. Phone calls = bad idea. The other security is okay, but being interrogated for it over the phone is NOT.

05-10-04, 23:29
C2P worked fine for me

05-10-04, 23:41
Closure of this thread will result in a formal complaint to all parties involved in the occurences and process mentioned within. Further more - This thread will be logged and if deemed unfairly closed - full details of the thread - including a full post by post account and reasons of closure will be sent to various sources for them to publish as they wish.

I'm intrigued exactly who you would send them to and why you think they would care and what action they might take if they did. KK should be easily able to retrieve the edit histories of any thread without outside help.

Various people have experienced failed payments to thier credit cards. A failed payment damages your credit rating. According to them, they had funds available. Are you willing to place your credit rating in the hands of this comapny if mistakes like this are made?.

While I agree they are useless that's just misleading. All they can do is request funds from your card issuer. If the funds are absent it MAY count against you (but not usually), if the funds are there they will be transfered. C2P mis-reporting the transaction status means nothing in terms of your credit record. Also I think you mean "withdrawls from" not "payments to".

In these cases 2nd debits are set up WITHOUT consent of the Account holder. Having read the terms and conditions - it is not mentioned anywhere that this is a valid action. Which means it's something we didn't agree to. We only abide by what is in the contract, and they are bound to do the same. This is malpractice..

No. By agreeing the transaction you gave them permision to withdraw the funds. They are entitled to attempt this a number of times, usually three but sometimes more.

Don't get me wrong - they are offering a very poor service but you need to stick to facts if you want them to listen.

05-10-04, 23:47
I posted keep it, why? Because it finnaly worked for me after a week of trying! Screw every one else I can play now

05-10-04, 23:52
a charge not goin through will NOT affect your credit rating
unless its for an overdue bill or something....but making a purchase and having teh card decline only cancells the purchase(the exception is after billing if youve already received a service but when u pay for it your card declines)

06-10-04, 00:25
Closure of this thread will result in a formal complaint to all parties involved in the occurences and process mentioned within. Further more - This thread will be logged and if deemed unfairly closed - full details of the thread - including a full post by post account and reasons of closure will be sent to various sources for them to publish as they wish.
You're perfectly free to make a poll if you wish. Threats are entirely unecessary, but whatever floats your boat...


06-10-04, 00:52
http://fastdiscs.com/ - oh look! Worldpay are having problems with their servers atm - No service is perfect - stop your whining!

Athon Solo

06-10-04, 00:54
http://fastdiscs.com/ - oh look! Worldpay are having problems with their servers atm - No service is perfect - stop your whining!

Athon Solo
I would add that there were no shortage of problems with WP in the past. I never had any myself but they did happen.

06-10-04, 00:58
I would add that there were no shortage of problems with WP in the past. I never had any myself but they did happen.
Yea that's part of how nae got her job eh?


The phone call, which I went through was as simple as "ok, we know this number is good, so, you're account is active."


Every online payment company is just as anal/has equal flaws in different areas, at the moment, I see none better than the other, plus, it is a pain for companies like that, to set up, for companies like KK, and that will always compound problems.

What's more, is the only other alternative, which, is direct payment, to KK themselves, is not something that's too easily setup (though if well setup is simplest to manage, though, iirc C2P is KKs choice because of this reason, it's easy to maintain their database), SoE do direct pay, but that's sony.

Remember KK don't have all the resources in the world, it would be quite difficult(difficult = needing specific staff for it = hassle and resources, and time, and money, for KK, this is faster, and easier) for them to setup that kind of account, at a bank, or otherwise.

06-10-04, 00:59
I posted keep it, why? Because it finnaly worked for me after a week of trying! Screw every one else I can play nowHaha same here sort of. After my initial reaction I had to leave for a few days, then got back and tried again, and it worked fine, so they at least fixed my problem in a few days. If they can continue doing that with all the problems it should be running smoothly in a short time. Also the phone call which some may not like, once I finally got it and finished up, I view it as a good thing.

So keep 'em.

06-10-04, 01:03
Actually I'm for "multiple" ways of paiement.

Why stick with one ? (Click2much)

Wouldn't like a worse one either ...

06-10-04, 01:09
I have had no problems with Click2Pay. I just needed to use the www.click2pay.com and not the URL loaded from within the Neocron Launcher.

06-10-04, 03:43
if KK were to actually manage to get a smooth release of the boxxed version. Why not just do game time cards. (like several other MMORPGS got) Simple and easy, Less frustration most likely.

06-10-04, 06:03
I thought everything was fine with C2P...

Until I got four notices that the attempts to fund my subscriptions had failed.

A call to C2P on their 888 number took a couple of tries to go through, but I got in and talked with a rep. Who could have known that clicking "activate payment method" actually suspended it?

Hopefully their micropayment method of determining that I own my own checking account works, or in 14 days all four of my upgrades will be cancelled...

06-10-04, 07:04
i voted to stay with c2p for my experiances. it was fast and easy. but another system has to be offered aswell so other people can play neocron. its kidna retarded the way it is now how some cant even pay.

06-10-04, 07:09
Okay - I have read the forum rules - and as far as I gather - this thread is not close material - as it is not an inflammatory thread - it is not an attack on KK in any sense.

It is a suggestion put forth by a member of the community.

Closure of this thread will result in a formal complaint to all parties involved in the occurences and process mentioned within. Further more - This thread will be logged and if deemed unfairly closed - full details of the thread - including a full post by post account and reasons of closure will be sent to various sources for them to publish as they wish.

Idiot :s

Personally i hated the idea of C2P until i saw it.
Voted stay (as u can see)

06-10-04, 08:03
At first c2p wouldnt take US phone numbers.

Then c2p wanted a SSN (no way).

Then c2p worked but they couldnt call my phone number. (which was correct) This also happened to a friend of mine.

Then I had to call c2p long distance and talk to a german lady I almost couldnt understand and she said she would call back...

Then I found out that because the account is in my name and the credit card is my moms that I must get her written consent to use the credit card.

FUCK CLICK 2 PAY. After my trial (there is a trial right?) I wont be able to play Neocron again unless KK gets a non-for-shit company. (that or I have my mom write germany a letter... .....) ........


06-10-04, 09:27
The phone call, which I went through was as simple as "ok, we know this number is good, so, you're account is active."

They called me up, talked to my answering machine and my account was active, no hassle at all but it was most likely luck. Phone confirmation is bad. But since it's done and now working (at least for me ;)), keep it.

But fix the problems for those who are not online yet!

06-10-04, 09:56
through all my life, and the last few years of doing various online transactions, i've never ever encountered so many problems as with this one, relatively small and simple payment.

C2P are completely unproffesional. There systems seems to be broken, bugged (sending e-mails to wrong persons, calling to wrong person etc etc), they absolutely dont have idea what it is about (its about paying money to them basically and they should allow it instead of blocking every possible way to do it) and their service is chaotic like hell.
this so called online payment service is the shittest of shit, so i guess they're getting along quite fine with KK... And i'm now pretty much sure, they wont change it regardless of how many rants we would post about it and - what's more important and quite symptomatic - regardless of how much shitty/scammy/problematic their service will be.

06-10-04, 15:21
From what my members have told me over the phone while i've been at college that C2P sucks and they don't even want to try to wrok with c2p because its a pain in the ass and they probably wont play NC2 until it is simpler. So... I say change it or have more then one way to do it.

I havent even looked into the shit yet so personally I cannot say but I rather it be easy then way for a call or some shit.

06-10-04, 16:22
Okay - I have read the forum rules - and as far as I gather - this thread is not close material - as it is not an inflammatory thread - it is not an attack on KK in any sense.

It is a suggestion put forth by a member of the community.

Closure of this thread will result in a formal complaint to all parties involved in the occurences and process mentioned within. Further more - This thread will be logged and if deemed unfairly closed - full details of the thread - including a full post by post account and reasons of closure will be sent to various sources for them to publish as they wish.

This is a petition.

The aim of this petition is to not only gauge community response but to make a request. To put it bluntly the company Click2Pay offers inconsistent and substandard service.

We have witnessed accounts of validation failure.

Incorrect statements - for example the failure to validate a credit card with insufficient funds is displayed as an "incorrect credit card number" warning. The details of this have been submitted days ago and are still awaiting implementation. C2P are giving us false information.

Various people have experienced failed payments to thier credit cards. A failed payment damages your credit rating. According to them, they had funds available. Are you willing to place your credit rating in the hands of this comapny if mistakes like this are made?

In these cases 2nd debits are set up WITHOUT consent of the Account holder. Having read the terms and conditions - it is not mentioned anywhere that this is a valid action. Which means it's something we didn't agree to. We only abide by what is in the contract, and they are bound to do the same. This is malpractice.

False data. For a full week and several days prior to launch. Switch and solo cards have been listed as an option. This is false. Only recently has the option been implemented. As usual even now it is inconsistent.

Other points of contention were the submission of Passport numbers and social insurance numbers - these are not needed in any other mainstream payment method. Even though they have been removed from the account prerequisites - it is still a grossly unfair and highly suspicious action on thier part to ask for them in the first place.

I put this to the community.

A simple vote. Shall we continue to give our custom to Click2Pay? Or shall we seek, no, DEMAND other means of payment for our custom?

Vote and be heard.

Keep all comments clean.


i had posted a poll of the same nature .. is was closed.. i voted .. against c2p..

06-10-04, 16:30
back to what they had.. paybycash worked great.. c2p is plain shit can't pay myself now lol bs

06-10-04, 18:36
rofl that disclaimer is retarded.....KK can close anydamn thread they want for any reason they want....its their boards

Yeah but all it says is that if they do that hes going to complain about it to everyone who will listen and show how KK handles things. They can close it all day long if they are willing to accept the consequences. What you think that if they just took people's money and didn't even bother to supply a mmorpg game for that money that they wouldnt get a bad rep and people would still deal with them?