View Full Version : How long will characters stay in the transfer database ?

02-10-04, 12:22
I would like to know how long characters will stay in the transfer database AFTER you have upgraded to NC2.

We have at least 10+ ppl in our clan who have upgraded to NC2 and are playing on terra but have left their pluto mains in the transfer database. I would like an answer to the simple question on how long they can stay in the transfer database. We are basically waiting for a 1 slot server, and it would be nice to know where we stand.

This is not about the upgrade dead line of 31st december, its about how long that transfer database will stay open.

02-10-04, 13:40
From what I gathered a while back it sounded like they would be in there
either indefinately or a really really long time. Dont take my word for it tho,
might have changed since.

02-10-04, 14:35
On the other hand theres a huge crowd who wants a fresh server which you
cant transfer things to, maybe they will opt to make the upcomming server
that way..

Richard Slade
02-10-04, 14:36
31th Dec

02-10-04, 14:40
On the other hand theres a huge crowd who wants a fresh server which you
cant transfer things to, maybe they will opt to make the upcomming server
that way..
The last poll said there were 50. :lol: :lol:

Athon Solo

02-10-04, 14:41
yup date way back in 1 of the plan files said something about first week of jan.. anyway i wouldn't wait for so long if i were you ;)

02-10-04, 14:42
yep 31 dec.

02-10-04, 14:42
The last poll said there were 50. :lol: :lol:

Athon Solo

*shrug* In the poll I posted a while back more than 50% were interested.


02-10-04, 15:18
From the plan files about character transfers:

The characters that can not be transferred to Neocron 2 right away will remain in the database and can be transferred at a later time. That would be when another character is deleted on a Neocron 2 server or when an additional server launches

Which suggestes that the leaving the characters for transfer to a one slot server is a valid choise.

and about account upgrades

The special offer of 19.95 Euro for the upgrade will be valid until the 1st of January 2005.

Point is that the end of the upgrades has not being definatly linked to transfers being stopped. For a start if you upgrade on 31st of Dec do you have to transfer all your characters before kk deletes the transfer data base at midnight.

Also if it is doing to be deleted then i would want to know why. The fresh server argument does not hold water as you could just block transfers to that server.

02-10-04, 17:41
Dont know, but it had better be until they create a one or two slot int. server. Dont want to move my main and capped char until I can move him to the server I want to play in.

(fingers crossed that they get one up and running in the next month or so.)

02-10-04, 17:48
*shrug* In the poll I posted a while back more than 50% were interested.

Yes, but I never saw any poll where more than 50 people voted for it (There were atleast several). Now if people had really wanted this, they would have voted, and considering servers now support 500+ concurrent users, IMO KK couldn't justify creating a single server for only 50 users.

Athon Solo

02-10-04, 17:50
tbh since i havent seen a single server on over 50% i doubt they will be adding any new server (fresh or 1 slot int) unless the playercount pick up