View Full Version : Beef PE's Up? (apperance)

Clive tombstone
01-10-04, 08:46
Come on, I know this may be a bit early to ask, but, can you do something about Male PE's? there a little too skinny (that may be an understatment by other people's standerds) so here a poll. What does everyone think?

01-10-04, 08:54
MAKE TANKS LOOK LIKE TANK!! not just some guy who is made from skin and bones..

imo NC2 charactermodels suck ass.. you can't tell what character your opposing if he's not wearing pa. (which is also a good thing..)

Edit: Ohyeah.. i voted: Yes

01-10-04, 08:54
Maybe a 'little' but not too much. Tanks though yeah they are skinny...

(I'm a pe)

01-10-04, 09:02
Then if they are skinny, KK must make some high nutricious food of some sort that when you eat in quantities, then you get fatter and fatter. Then at a later time and if you stop eating or are on a diet, you go back to your normal siluette :D:D:D

01-10-04, 09:07
beefcake4000 for tanks.

01-10-04, 09:09
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Please KK, I can't bear PE skins and I still don't have remove my PA in order not to have a heart attack...