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View Full Version : if your launcher stops on a black screen...

29-09-04, 22:56
Hi everybody

I had the problem, that my launcher stoped loading on a black screen when i tried to proceed to the click2pay page.
The reason for that was the disabled options for java scripts and stuff in my internet explorer. Everything worked fine again with the launcher when i changed the security setting back to medium.

I hope it helps for some of you ....

good luck

29-09-04, 23:07
I confirm this.

Under Tools > Internet Options > Security > Internet, you have to set the security level to Medium / Default level.
Also, if you are using a certificate revocation plugin, disable it. It appears that either click2pay revocation servers are overloaded, either their certificates are non-conform.
Basically, you should "unharden" MS IE to complete the registration process. Why any form of scripting is required for a registration form is beyond me ...

Still, you will probably get a CGI500/Internal Server Error as click2pay infrastructure sems to be badly strained.
So, it seems that we will have a decent server population ;-)