View Full Version : How much time extra will saturn get?

27-09-04, 12:26
as title, how much time are we going to be given.

as iirc servers were to start for NC2 29th sept, which is less than 2 days to go.

saturn still isnt up, and the other servers are due down tonight.

i mean i cant see you delaying retail for saturn, but its running out of time, ive only really got tonight to do what i need to do, as i would hate to have to cancel my usual tueday night plans for neo.

do we have any update on the time its goingto come up, if it doesnt come up soon, will helpdesk give me the rest of the CA symp i need to gain and change my faction to CA, since if the servers dont come back up, seeing as they should of been up would help desk do anything, ill begrudingly accept the lose of some items, but my aim was to get my tankto CA by last friday night and was well on the way to doing it.

27-09-04, 12:43
do we have any update on the time its goingto come up, if it doesnt come up soon, will helpdesk give me the rest of the CA symp i need to gain and change my faction to CA, since if the servers dont come back up, seeing as they should of been up would help desk do anything, ill begrudingly accept the lose of some items, but my aim was to get my tankto CA by last friday night and was well on the way to doing it.

I hear ya man..
i still have 300 bp's of holy rez's to build :).

However i think that kk will be reluctant to go down that line because when you start compensating players by doing there menial chores for them "so to speak ;) "where do you stop ? maby i can ask kk for uber constructing speed to compleat my builds :angel:.

It would be nice for kk to give us the best part of a day extra or as long as they possibly can without delaying nc2 too much :).

27-09-04, 12:45
ya your proberbly right, its just annoying, if it comes up this afternoon, i should be sorted, but if its not up tonight theres nothing i can do.

its just crap that its taken so much longer to sort saturn out

27-09-04, 12:51
Yea, pretty much crap as you all said :(. I had to cap my cstr so i could he could be ready for DoY, when everyone gonna go hunt (myself of course too), then i have to cstr my own, i don't trust many people on NC.

But what for the 3-4 days we lost?! We are gonna get that extra in our 'payment time' Or? Anyone know...

Winged Monkey D
27-09-04, 13:03
They have to give extra time, if not im gonna b pissed got a shit load of rares to make and 3 acc's worth of chars to sort out

Asurmen Spec Op
27-09-04, 13:22
I had my belt sorted till I put my main in beta and found everything needed to be repaired, I finished thankfuly(well almost just got one thing) but nothing is aranged yet :(
I just need maybe 30min or so

maybe they will put saturn on a workin server when they go down?(is that possible?)

27-09-04, 14:21
jeez saturn must be right proberbly screwed, wonder if we will get a update soon :(