View Full Version : Mouses TBH

21-09-04, 05:43
ok just got a new logitech mx 1000 mouse the so called laser boasting uber mouse. However its not a great gamin mouse imo, anyone know of any uber gaming mouses?? or good mouses in general ?

21-09-04, 06:09
I use the Logitech MX700 until it's batteries die.

Then I use a Logitech MX510.

They are both very good mice, IMO.


@Logitech users: Google for LogiGamer if you are interested in a utility that allows you to create user profiles for your mice. It's very useful in order to maximize the use of your mouse buttons. ;)

21-09-04, 06:13
I just use standard MS mice. :o

21-09-04, 06:13
ms optical bluetooth intellimouse

21-09-04, 06:38
I use the MX 900. It works realy well as long as you remember to charge it. On a side note you can change the batteries on it real fast too :D . My friend had a boomerang till his wife made him get rid of it, cause it was so responsive she couldn't controle it.


21-09-04, 06:42
5 button MS Optical intellimouse for my games

I have a draw full of poor mice that looked good in the shop but turned out to be poop, for work I oftern end up using the simple basic good ole reliable 3 button logitech.

for looks I still say my G4 macintosh white mouse wins, although its a dam nuisense to use half the time. pifft each month im going more and more off macs.

21-09-04, 06:44
10 dollar GE optical mouse.. works for me

21-09-04, 06:47
still have about 3 wingman mice left in the box, still haven't found anything better. (the microsoft 3.0 intellimouse ain't bad though, used that a lot at work).

21-09-04, 07:09
ms optical bluetooth intellimouse

My previous mouse is that one without the the blue tooth but instead just standard radio thingys for wireless :) a pretty good mouse

Vithar whats better the mx510 or the mx 700??

21-09-04, 09:15
battery powered mice are teh lose because 10 times outta 10 the batteries will die in the middle of a pvp/op fite

21-09-04, 09:39
Noone beats my Mouse of Death:

21-09-04, 09:42
your mouse has made some droppings on your mat Silent..... 8|

21-09-04, 09:54
lol ! ! ! !

It's actually paint scrubbed off :p

It's not a mat, it's my desk.

Mat's = KOS :)

21-09-04, 10:01
I would'nt use anything other than the MX510 on a large Icemat v2 now.

I regularly compete in many high level european tournaments for Unreal and have won quite a bit over time (most recent was 3rd place in the euro PCZone UT2004CTF tournament) so i rely on fast accurate equipment for gaming.

A lot of the UT2004 community agree with me, MX510 + Icemat = teh w1n.

I was on an intelli 1/2 then v3 before i made the change (using everything from funq pads/ratpadz and everglide) and for sheer speed and accuracy, I wouldnt dream of using any other combination.

21-09-04, 10:11
lol ! ! ! !

It's actually paint scrubbed off :p

It's not a mat, it's my desk.

Mat's = KOS :)

what´s that thing to the right of your "desk" then ??

i thought it was a mouse on a mat on a desk... cuz it doesnt look like theres omre than 1 inch TOPS from (my mat to my desk)/(your desk to your whatever)

21-09-04, 10:27
optical mouse is allmost a must my aiming was a lot smoother and alot easyer on the old wrist much less frustrating

21-09-04, 10:40
Got some fancy usb optical wireless mouse i'm not using anymore, as i tend to sometimes lif the mouse a bit off the table and then ..... nothing happens :-)

So i'm now back to my old two button serial port mouse (which i open up often to clen the dirt and goo from the rollers).

I am thinking of changing the sensitivity a bit, as i tend to be too slow to follow those fast pistol spies and melee tanks.

Freaky Fryd
21-09-04, 10:59

I love it. LOVE IT!

21-09-04, 11:16
I had an MS Intelimouse v3 for years and was extremely happy with it for years before it finally died.

Got a warranty replacement v5 from MS, but didn't really like it. Got a wireless Logitech MX700 instead.

It's quite nice, but still feels un-naturally heavy, even after a couple of months use.

21-09-04, 11:32
I'm using a Logi MX510 at the moment, vereh nice :)

Before that had a MS v4 i think, decided not to go with the new MS with the new wobble wheel :D

21-09-04, 11:39
I use a MS optical mouse, have had it for about 4 years and have never had any trouble.

21-09-04, 12:10

I love it. LOVE IT!

They said mice - not dildos...

What the crap is that?! o_O

Oh - I use a loverly wheelie rollerball mouse... Cos I'm a skint student, and beer comes before peripherals. :)

21-09-04, 12:28
mx700 since it comes with a recharger...

just place it in the recharger during the night and it will last you a full day of gaming... talking 10+ hours...

21-09-04, 13:23
Currently using some logitech optical, but considering this (http://www.razerzone.com/diamondback.html) , once it comes out. What you think ?

21-09-04, 14:33
The best mouse I have ever used and still use to this day is my Razor Boomslang.
I don't think you can get that that model anymore but here is the website www.razerzone.com
The best thing about these mice is they are made just with gamers in mind.
I can use mine for hours with no wrist fatigue.

Ghanima :angel:

21-09-04, 15:09
what´s that thing to the right of your "desk" then ??

i thought it was a mouse on a mat on a desk... cuz it doesnt look like theres omre than 1 inch TOPS from (my mat to my desk)/(your desk to your whatever)

It's the door next to my desk, behold:

Now that you say it, on that other pic my desk could as well be a mat :p

21-09-04, 16:50
I use a nice MS Optical Intellimouse (Not the explorer though), side buttons great for calling up RPOS, and I don't like wireless because they break down at the wrong moment.

Was using a MS Wireless Optical Blue Mouse for most of this year at work until the other week when it exploded! Seriously, there was a mouse shaped singe mark on my desk, it had made the batteries leak and they shorted. Made me jump I can tell you, had to stop browsing these forums at work for a few seconds lol

21-09-04, 17:40
I use a nice MS Optical Intellimouse (Not the explorer though), side buttons great for calling up RPOS, and I don't like wireless because they break down at the wrong moment.

Was using a MS Wireless Optical Blue Mouse for most of this year at work until the other week when it exploded! Seriously, there was a mouse shaped singe mark on my desk, it had made the batteries leak and they shorted. Made me jump I can tell you, had to stop browsing these forums at work for a few seconds lol

Funny story actually - y'know how you can get replacements when it goes kaput?

Well, one of the guys I used to live with in halls, myles - he got a replacement one, or more like a replacement six! Monumental fuck up on supports part - free mice for our side of the floor! Lush.

'Cept I gave mine to one of the laydois on the floor below us for her laptop, and forgot to get it back when I left...

Whoops. - So using my loverly TIME Mousey thing.

Squeek squeek etc....

21-09-04, 17:42
im intrigued about the mx510 and those razor/terratec mouses to personally i dont think i will be using the mx1000 for gaming :-/ might put it on ebay

21-09-04, 17:46
I have a 5 button intellimouse, which is ok for gaming, and the new razor boomslang "speed" with a razor eXact mat. Its teh pawn, although there are a few teathing issuses, (ball gets stuck o.0)


21-09-04, 17:49
Razer viper.... incredible gaming mouse!

21-09-04, 17:58
Razer viper.... incredible gaming mouse!

Most useless thread ever lol.

Try a URL or a image or anything?

Im guessing you are talking about this (http://www.razerzone.com/viper.html)


21-09-04, 17:59
I use the Logitech MX700 until it's batteries die.

Then I use a Logitech MX510.

They are both very good mice, IMO.


@Logitech users: Google for LogiGamer if you are interested in a utility that allows you to create user profiles for your mice. It's very useful in order to maximize the use of your mouse buttons. ;)

But i have two Logitech MX700s :)

21-09-04, 18:19
which mouse is better ? the new razor diamond back or the mx510
which mousepad is better? the razor exact one or the ice one?

21-09-04, 18:32
Ive got a Logitech MX900
Its Optical with bluetooth 'n' shit.
Works pretty fine.

Freaky Fryd
21-09-04, 19:53
They said mice - not dildos...
What the crap is that?! o_O

That's my 2 button trackball, except the I've had mine for 7 years or so, and it's finally starting to go...
Looks like I'll have to find a new trackball...

21-09-04, 19:55
I have tried various flavors of trackballs but they are just alien, never could get used to them. Too bad too cause some people swear they are god's gift to fps games.

Freaky Fryd
21-09-04, 20:20
They are.

21-09-04, 20:33
well im using the bog standard 'Microsoft Intellimouse'


21-09-04, 20:49
I use some store bought blue logictech laser optic mouse that you still have to attach with a cord to the box, think it was originally around 30$ or less I think from the store

oh yea and a blank blue mat as a clean surface to get maximum rotation :wtf:

21-09-04, 20:53
I use Logitech Pilot (non-optic mouse), I have a USB version of it too but I use the PS2 version for some reason. That mouse beats them all and always have ^^

21-09-04, 21:06
Nicely battered MS 5 button optical USB intellimouse, £10 out of the second hand bucket at PC world back in '98/'99, broke a year later, sat in a drawer for another year, then I decided to fix it because i couldn't find anything as good. Fixed it pretty easy (i study electronics), and been usin it ever since, on a piece of polished, blu-tac suspended glass, for smoothness.

21-09-04, 21:08
i'm perfectly happy with the 3 button wireless optical mouse that came with my computer. 800dpi sensor is good enough for me. and it's comfortable to use.

22-09-04, 01:26
The MX510 is better than the MX700 for gaming, IMO. Though, I don't notice a huge performance difference between the two, the MX510 does perform a little better.

As far as batteries are concerned, the MX700 does not have batteries that can be replaced, but it does come with a charger and I only have to recharge the batteries every 5 or so days (if that). ;)

I also use a Belkin Nostromo SpeedPad n52 game controller (very nice controller).


22-09-04, 01:45
As far as batteries are concerned, the MX700 does not have batteries that can be replaced, but it does come with a charger and I only have to recharge the batteries every 5 or so days (if that). ;)Have a look behind the mysterious little door on the bottom of the mouse for a surprise. ;)

Edit: Just occured to me that you might have meant that you couldn't use standard non-rechargeable batteries.
That's not the case either. Sorry dude. :D

22-09-04, 01:51
I use a Microsoft 3 button wireless and optical mouse.

The batteries have latest for a while, and its still going strong. And I've never had any problems with the wireless crazyness either so its all good. :D

Though, I don't actually use a mousemat... The idea of polished glass for a mousemat sounds awesome, though I was thinking about using some of that teflon non-stick stuff stuck down to my worktop for a mousemat. Would probably be pretty awesome as well. :D

22-09-04, 02:02
Have a look behind the mysterious little door on the bottom of the mouse for a surprise. ;)

Edit: Just occured to me that you might have meant that you couldn't use standard non-rechargeable batteries.
That's not the case either. Sorry dude. :DI stand corrected. :)

I though I had read somewhere that you couldn't remove them, but I misread Logitech's site. They just recommend that you don't use other batteries.

/edit - before anyone else does it:

kurai > Vithar, this time ;) :p


22-09-04, 02:10
Ah - I didn't bother reading any of the `safety` documentation stuff. I thought `Let's face it - short of doing something Lexxuk-ish with the thing how dangerous can a mouse be ?` :D

They are a lower mAH rating than generally used in personal stereos, cameras etc - perhaps some cheap and nasty third party chargers wouldn't handle them well.

Mine actually came with the batteries packed in separate shrink-wrap so I had a head start on knowing they weren't fixed items - perhaps yours were pre-fitted.

Richard Slade
22-09-04, 02:32
Ballmouse > all, mine's 5 years old and works like a charm :D

22-09-04, 04:28
any mouse that you can eat is fine with me


in other words, ball mouse and non-wireless are the win imho, ball-less mice just dont cut it for me gaming-wise.

22-09-04, 05:27
any mouse that you can eat is fine with me


in other words, ball mouse and non-wireless are the win imho, ball-less mice just dont cut it for me gaming-wise.

u = weird, get a box of pringles or something

22-09-04, 08:46
Logitech MX 510=Teh Winnar!!!!

I was using a wireless microsoft mouse before that. It rarely needed a charge (could go for like 2 months on the same batteries) but its performance was quite crap...

I upgraded to the Logitech and OMG was it worth it. I believe its the best gaming mouse to get at that price tag. And it is VERY VERY comfortable.

Also my keyboard atm is the Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard (teh black sexy one). Those Multimedia keys that actually work are a blessing when you want to pause ur p0rn movie...

22-09-04, 09:36
If you're looking for a good gaming mouse, get a mousemat as well.
I'd recommend a func mousemat and an mx 510.