View Full Version : Enjoy Neocron 2

20-09-04, 20:53
I've now decided to quit this game. Through out the 2 years of playing this game with bugs and immature people on saturn it has finally gotten to me.

I've put way to much money into this game and have gotten nothing but ageravation. So the simplest way to stop that is to just not play anymore. I cannot say that I will not come back in the future but I have to much real life shit going on right now then to get frustrated with stupid shit.

Since this will probably be my last post for a long time, i would like to say a few words to KK.

You have created a great game but I must tell you that you need to start looking at your community a little more then you do now. You show very little respect for your comminity and if you do not change the way you act with the comminuty you will be your own death to this game.

I would like to say good bye to a few people.

Divide, you tought me how to pvp in this game on my apu. You had faith in me back when I was a little old tangent and I joined over to TG and New Dawn (The good old days). Take it easy man.

DarkH, Had great times together dude, Fighting against you and with you. From the looks of it I dont see you playing this game to much longer either. Cya around.

Weeman, had fun back in the day together and i enjoy fighting you as well.

Devils Grace, Theres a lot could be said to you. All the ranting over Trade and OCC and shit. I'm gonna miss you and your big ass mouth.

Castoff, One of the coolest females I know in this game. I had a lot of fun fighting along side with your clan and helping out and over TeamSpeak. I wish you luck with your new clan.

Slaughtor and Apoc, the 2 coolest guys that I loved to fight with. It was fun and I will never forget the days where us 3 would take out an intire clan.

Everyone that was in New Dawn, Cartel, and Shadow. We had some great fights together, long lasting ones, This will probably be the only thing I miss in this game is the fighting.

To my clanmates, I know i played a big part in the game and I hope you guys can go on and have fun without me. a Clan is like family to me and its sad that a company like KK can fuck it up but shit happens :-\.

The reason I'm quiting is a lot of reasons. Bugs that have been around since i've started playing, Itmes that I worked for and now KK is taking from me, this could go on but I wont, theres no need to you all know the reasons.

Well this will probably be only a 2 month break or some shit becuase this game is like drugs. I can only hope if I come back that KK has done some major changes to this game.

Oh and to all the GM that I chilled and talked to, enjoy yourselves and good luck. Cya guys

-- System --
Forever Clan Leader of Clan UnforgiveN

20-09-04, 20:54
goodbye m8.. have fun ;)

*edit* no Love for Adult.inc :(

20-09-04, 20:58
yea yea, had fun at the end with you guys too.

20-09-04, 20:59
Leaving thread, closed.