View Full Version : GG Kk

20-09-04, 00:26
Less than 2 weeks before retail and i lose my backpack in neocron 1 . Get that gay ol we cant compensate you reply what a load of shite . Having had my chars set up for transfer ages ago i gave most my stuff away . No compensation
what so ever even though J01 and MB are fucked beyond recognition. What a fucking mock . You know if in Ireland id just do ya under the sales of good and supply of services act were stuff is supposed to be merchantable quality this how ever fails to be of any quality .

FYI im new to the hating of KK .

20-09-04, 00:34
that sucks man, tho how did you die? I got my guys ready and just left em, no way im risking dieing, just standing in my Apps

20-09-04, 00:42
Died fighting in MB, i died gr then i went back to my body even though i ggr to rontrade i relog im in rontrade , then i relog again and im back at j01 . Lost all my inventory. Pretty shit tbh like 7 days till the 26th the day we have to finish our chars off, the usual shite we cant compensate you doesnt work . I somehow gotta pull cs parts outta my ass to try and make a new one like wtf
7 days :(.

20-09-04, 00:45
thats pritty shitty dude, hope it works out well

if not just leave :p

20-09-04, 00:49
Na ive already recieved this .
Thank you for writing. Unfortunately the support policy is as follows (http://neocron.com/index.php?name=NeoContent&op=modload&file=index&pageID=195):

"Loss of in-game items

The loss of items will not normally be compensated. The sole exception will be when Reakktor Media GmbH or the Neocron Support Team have provided prior notification of issues affecting the game servers, in which case backups of characters may be restored. Direct compensation of items or in-game currency is not permitted."

Sadly I am not permitted to reimburse you for any loss of items. I apologize sincerely.

Apologize my ass whats that do for me a week away from transfer i wouldnt even mind but like my char aint even in top notch condition to start a clan in any faction i need a gm to activate my key because i got bugged a while back i said fuck it , ill get someone else to activate it for me dont matter cause having my char deleted while a gm held my stuff and recapped him would take a few days . Well you know the nc1 server is a piece of shit so give me my stuff back. It makes you feel sick knowing how well we a supported should anything go wrong.

20-09-04, 02:29
I killed a whole noob clan at one pt in time, and then they spammed the forums crying out how psi monks were overpowered, then they nerfed hybrids :confused:

20-09-04, 03:29
shitty luck :/ lotta part trading and selling goin on maybe someone will be nice and just give ya a CS if ya ask...what server ya on?

20-09-04, 04:10
Rant thread. Closed.