View Full Version : Char Transfer and Vets

09-09-04, 17:31
UO: Where the player base gets rewarded for staying over a year with unique items, stay for another year, get even more items.
They give seasonal item packs to all chars, and generally reward people in the hope that they will stay and continue to pay and play.

Neocron: They seem to use the carrot and stick approach, but lost the carrot ages ago...

How about we get some sort of loyalty bonus for staying with neocron instead? Maybe for example - Sorry we can't allow Kami chips/those sanctums/quest items to go with you but we will give you rather cool / unique item(s) on the other side that won't unbalance the game.
Or maybe a custom tagline above our head "Neocron Veteron" for the people playing for over a year etc.

09-09-04, 17:39
I sent an idea along these lines to KK a little while ago, rewarding players with TL50 epic-like items, based up their highest combat or trade skill. No real response yet, though..

09-09-04, 18:57
not the first time this has been suggested but still one that should be brought in.

how about for vet tanks we get non drop gold or red PA or somthing :D

havnt though about other classes as dont play them, sure something similar that would note out a long term vet from another player would be cool