View Full Version : been fun...

05-09-04, 14:35
...but time for me to move on

after 2 years i wanna play something new,and will most likely head to matrix online since its the closest thing to a martial arts game.

realising i was also only playing the game for the nostalgia of the past early retail days

any way special mentions to the following clans

V Nox/Followers of Crahn/MiG/Blood Titans/Black Cartel

all of which i spend a portion of my time in game with.

and to people outside those clans was nice knowing you all.

checking out

Ezza/Shinto/Diabolus Decor/Ceres BladeMaster/Consecro Animus/A Spy/Richard Deckard/Look out Below!!!!/Black Ninja and other chars that ive long forgotten of mine :lol:

was gonna say more but thats it hope NC2 is as fun as you all hope

Richard Slade
05-09-04, 14:36
cheerss mate
was fun having u
cu on the other side

05-09-04, 14:37
You'll be back.... They always come back... Besides - matrix is shite! ^_^

05-09-04, 14:38
You've waited all this time for NC2 and its 1 day away and your leaving? :confused:

Aint you gunna at least try it out retail? either that or your already in closed beta.

Edit/ Oh yeh, cya later man.

05-09-04, 14:40
damn...oh well, when u gotta go u gotta go, cya around mate

05-09-04, 14:41
later dude. have fun. the forums will be a lot quieter without your sense of humour.

Tha BeAsT
05-09-04, 14:47
see ya....

btw mxo is good :p

05-09-04, 14:48
later ezza, have fun

05-09-04, 14:50
Cya, Ezza. Leaving thread, closed.