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View Full Version : How many people want to play but population is too low?

31-08-04, 19:57
Right now I want to play NC real bad but with this population I just can't get myself too..

VENUS : 104
SATURN : 206
PLUTO : 39
TOTAL : 722

I am a Pluto player.

I know quite a few people who want to play NC but because of the low population they don't want to.

Why isn't KK advertising the open beta more? I have heard of games that aren't even close to open beta because of their advertising. So where is KK's? If there is only gonna be 3 weeks or so of Open Beta, I really suggest they advertise because I dont think they can expect that Open Beta will advertise itself unless its like a MMORPG with the capabilities of the HL2 engine... lol. I don't know, I just dont think the Open Beta will have as many people as we all hope, and even if it does, who is to say that most will play retail?

31-08-04, 20:05
There really is no point in playin gATM. Just wait for NC2 and transfer to the 4 slot INT server.

31-08-04, 20:07
I HEAR YA pSYCHO....I been using the time to lvl up a second char on a different server to bring over.....Im lvlin him here while i have some cash reserves ect.

31-08-04, 20:09
Thats the excat reason I dont play - Seems kinda pointless

Ill carry on with CoH and reading the boards :)

31-08-04, 20:09
i play pluto and almost never log on cause no one is at PP pvping :(

Shadow Dancer
31-08-04, 20:10
Same reason I don't play. Pop is too damn low.

31-08-04, 20:12
CoH gets old realllllly fast

31-08-04, 20:13
Same reason I don't play. Pop is too damn low.

What he said. When I have time I jump on SXR Vent, if there's something up I'll log in, otherwise, I can't see anything ultra exciting happening with the 18 people on Pluto when I'm able to log on.

31-08-04, 20:17
With all you pluto people saying you dont log in because of the population being so low. You ever think that if you all logged in you might actually have a higher population? Simple if you ask me.

31-08-04, 20:25
I would play if more people were on the servers... viscious circle I suppose.

Doc Holliday
31-08-04, 20:32
unless u got absolutely everything u need to take over with you to doy there must be something u can be doing to prepare surely?

31-08-04, 20:34
unless u got absolutely everything u need to take over with you to doy there must be something u can be doing to prepare surely?

Ok so i need to spend about 5 minutes xfering items. But that is it.

31-08-04, 21:01
are all of the items you're taking 120/120 condition, all artifact with 5 slots? Do you have all of the mc5 chips you could ever want?

No? This is a perfect time to get them. I never dreamed I'd ever have a DS. Now I have one for each of my monks. All it took was some clever trading, some good friends, and some time spent at mc5 on pluto (there's no line to clear it out, you know...)

To date, I've completed or helped complete 6 mc5 chips. woot, time well spent if you ask me.

Shadow Dancer
31-08-04, 21:04
are all of the items you're taking 120/120 condition, all artifact with 5 slots? Do you have all of the mc5 chips you could ever want?

No? This is a perfect time to get them. I never dreamed I'd ever have a DS. Now I have one for each of my monks. All it took was some clever trading, some good friends, and some time spent at mc5 on pluto (there's no line to clear it out, you know...)

To date, I've completed or helped complete 6 mc5 chips. woot, time well spent if you ask me.

Hah. I've been trading like crazy too. Got spare HLs, an extra DS, and some nice "trophies". There's really nothing else I want. I'm not interested much in 5 slot items, since you don't really need 5 slots. Especially for psi spells.

31-08-04, 21:38
Well lets see i have...
2 DS's
1 herc
2 Hawkings
1 RD
4 slot unmodded slasher
3 slot unmodded slasher
4 slot unmodded FL (times 2)

And many other's.3 and 4 slot unmodded rares. I have done alot of trading. Not much else i could trade for.

31-08-04, 23:15
Once they said all epics were going to be removed I havnt logged in since. It was like the staw that broke the camels back if you understand that. To many lies to much shit to wade past. I will look at open beta and see if there is something that makes it worth it. But it doesnt look good from here.

Asurmen Spec Op
02-09-04, 05:08
Biz, i must say I think you care way to much about epic items.
I mean they wherent always in so you can live without em and plus you get more skill with the less stats

02-09-04, 06:20
i think the main probs are that there will be no pluto anymore :( buhu i love pluto and well all are waiting for nc2 ... and since they will wipe everything but 10 items, there is no use for rarehunting anymore atm ... so what can we do instead sitting around and doing nothing ? :(

02-09-04, 06:48
playing uranus. tangent. small clan small faction. we got no chance against the clans dominating the worldmap.

i gave up. im not really playing anymore. i log on for pp1 brawls and the occasional opfights. thats it.