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View Full Version : Crahn epic glove

Dribble Joy
31-08-04, 17:26
OK, this came up between a few of us a while ago, and the thread a whle ago reminded me of it.

The crahn epic is a cool bit of kit, hardly overpowering to anyone and not really a must have item like the moveons/pprs are to some setups.

It is however a req40 item.
This means that those that can use it are drugging lowtech non PA PEs (and of course monks).

Allowing (all) PEs would mean, a) Another item to attain, etc. and b) especially for riflers, not a complete gimpage in the field of psu.

Should that be allowed?

So, the suggestion is:
Should we in crease the psi req on the CS epic glove? To say 75 psi (like the other epic weapons).
Or do we reduce the req to 30 psi?
Or do we remove the psi req? This would help tankies with thier psi too.

31-08-04, 17:30
maybe have more than just the one glove as an epic reaward so that others who are not monks can get something too.

31-08-04, 17:30
OK, this came up between a few of us a while ago, and the thread a whle ago reminded me of it.

The crahn epic is a cool bit of kit, hardly overpowering to anyone and not really a must have item like the moveons/pprs are to some setups.

It is however a req40 item.
This means that those that can use it are drugging lowtech non PA PEs (and of course monks).

Allowing (all) PEs would mean, a) Another item to attain, etc. and b) especially for riflers, not a complete gimpage in the field of psu.

Should that be allowed?

So, the suggestion is:
Should we in crease the psi req on the CS epic glove? To say 75 psi (like the other epic weapons).
Or do we reduce the req to 30 psi?
Or do we remove the psi req? This would help tankies with thier psi too.

Possibly it KK might have made it a monkie only item in which case the psi40 would be fine imo.

It needs a psi req i think really.

31-08-04, 17:33
Possibly it KK might have made it a monkie only item in which case the psi40 would be fine imo.

It needs a psi req i think really.

That's like making a moveon a tank only item, or the reveller a spy only item. Class reqs on epic rewards would be a really bad idea.

31-08-04, 17:35
although i would like it to have no req and allow my tank to use it, i would rather see it in the hands on monkeys alone as crahn make items for the monks.

however there is no class req on any of the other stuff so i think it would be slightly unfair, if the PEs want to gimp to use it they should be able to, but i dont think everyone should get the use if it.

Shadow Dancer
31-08-04, 19:42
IT should have no req. Epic rewards that only ONE class can use is silly IMO. Either make it no req, or a req of 55-60 int.

But really, it should have no req. Like MOVEON or PP.

31-08-04, 20:23
I want my spy to use it

31-08-04, 20:25
please wait for open beta, i mean, we don't have no idea yet what its stats will be till then, bit useless speculating about things all the time

Mr Kot
31-08-04, 20:32
IT should have no req. Epic rewards that only ONE class can use is silly IMO. Either make it no req, or a req of 55-60 int.

But really, it should have no req. Like MOVEON or PP.

Well said, that man. Some epic rewards are already discriminatory against classes. A nice all rounder prize is a nice treat for all.

There have been the whiners that complain that everybody will be either pp or biotech during the first week of NC2. If the glove can be used by everyone, it will help to split up the faction populations a bit.

31-08-04, 20:37
IT should have no req. Epic rewards that only ONE class can use is silly IMO. Either make it no req, or a req of 55-60 int.

But really, it should have no req. Like MOVEON or PP.

If your going to make it INT based make it aroud 80 INT. For spy's and monks. With 55-60 your only leaving the tanks out. And it would help them more then PE's.

Shadow Dancer
31-08-04, 20:38
If your going to make it INT based make it aroud 80 INT. For spy's and monks. With 55-60 your only leaving the tanks out. And it would help them more then PE's.

Pes are better psi users than spies. I also think PEs should get some sort of a boost, IMO they're slightly underpowered.

31-08-04, 20:54
Pes are better psi users than spies. I also think PEs should get some sort of a boost, IMO they're slightly underpowered.

Spy's have a higher INT to make it work for them. I never said PE's were over or under powered. PE's can use everything a spy can minus stealth.

If a spy has to drug for a shelter why cant a PE drug for for the glove? I dont see a differance really. You want something to better your class and not everyone else.

Your idea would make it so everyone minus a tank could use it. IMO tanks would get more benifet from it then a PE would. So why not make it so every class but a PE can use it.

We could go on like this for days.

Shadow Dancer
31-08-04, 21:00
If a spy has to drug for a shelter why cant a PE drug for for the glove?

Drug to 80 int?

You want something to better your class and not everyone else.

My class is a monk. What are you talking about? Either way he'll be able to use the glove, no matter what the reqs KK put.

Your idea would make it so everyone minus a tank could use it. IMO tanks would get more benifet from it then a PE would. So why not make it so every class but a PE can use it.

We could go on like this for days.

Actually my FIRST suggestion is to have NO req so all classes can use it. The reason I brought up int req as a secondary suggestion, is incase KK thinks it HAS to have some req. That way with a int req at least 3 classes can use it if KK doesn't want everyone to use it.


03-09-04, 13:03
Easy. Raise the reqs to 75 psi or something similar. We monks cant use a speedgatlin or a tsunami rifle so others shouldnt be able to use our glove either.

Besides. In a roleplaying manner, the followers of crahn were all monks..

03-09-04, 13:14
^^ and GenTanks were created by monks to fight for them...

03-09-04, 13:20
Should be for monks only.

03-09-04, 13:33
Tough call.

On one hand, there are the weapons like TSG and soon the Tsunami Rifle, which obviously can't be used by everyone. Making the glove monk only would be alright, since monks have no epics of value to them (except maybe Moveon).

On the other hand, +20 PSU and some extra mana is far different than an actual weapon, making the glove more along the lines of the chips, which everyone can use. And it really would help rifle PE's and tanks (who have 10 psi, but can't cast heal sanctum without extra mana from somewhere).

I can see the requirement staying at 40, though, since there's no reason to not have one on every single character. Everyone can use Resistors and Moveons, but not everyone does. Another chip has to be sacrificed for those. I don't think KK are willing to make an epic for combat characters that everyone would want for every character.

03-09-04, 13:38
They should make it monk only, then break it up into different glove types.


Then have each one do a special effect. Example.

APU - increase damage output. Can cast a reasonable APU special spell when you use fists.

PPU - decreases cast time. Can cast a reasonable PPU special spel when you use fists.

Hybrid - increase damage output/decreases cast time.

03-09-04, 13:39
They should make it monk only, then break it up into different glove types.


Then have each one do a special effect. Example.

APU - increase damage output. Can cast a reasonable APU special spell when you use fists.

PPU - decreases cast time. Can cast a reasonable PPU special spel when you use fists.

Hybrid - increase damage output/decreases cast time.

Well, I'd use the Hybrid glove on my PPU if the above was the case :p

03-09-04, 14:07
hah 75 psi coming second? what a bunch of selfish monkie bastards
not only do you want to do the most damage and/or be nigh invunerable you don't want to share a nice little boost.

charming :rolleyes:

03-09-04, 14:08
well the monks werent exactly known for there sharing careing attitude

03-09-04, 14:16
For monk,

Maybe for PE with drugs (lowtech ecc...) pe atm is a bit underpowered (don't tell me not nobody ask "have we a pe?" before op wars)

Sure spy and tanks shouldn't be able to use it... Crahn is a Sect of monk as monk can't use tsunami rifle or tangent rifle, or TG helmet, other classes shouldn't be able to use the epic guantlet, also for rolepay... IMHO.

03-09-04, 14:23
I'm with SD on this one, remove all reqs to it. However you look at it monks
are still the ones that will benefit from this the most, well monk hybrids
probably, second to that will be the PE's, but it wont change all that much..

Shadow Dancer
03-09-04, 19:59
Can PEs cap Damage Boost with TEH Crahn glove?

03-09-04, 20:06
Can PEs cap Damage Boost with TEH Crahn glove?
not sure but it would make it a fair whack better.

Shadow Dancer
03-09-04, 20:08


I just think it would be awesome if PEs could cap DB with the glove. Then they could truly utilize it in pvp.


03-09-04, 20:11
Well Psi 75 would fit like the other Epic items are as well TL75 true, as well that would make it Monk only.

But i would like to see a chose between diff kind of Gloves,
one with no Req (Mana + 10, PSU + 5)
one with 20 PSI (Mana + 15, PSU +10) [As we wont forget our spys]
and one with 75 PSI (Mana +50, PSU +20)

I think that may be fair to all that do the Epic or?

Dribble Joy
03-09-04, 22:00
I doubt PEs can cap DB, they can get into the 400s, but the psu from the glove makes no difference other than a few extra rof.
I get 40 rpm on my 5 slot DB with about 99 psu, 120 might get it around 45, whcih is walk castable easily.

Dribble Joy
04-09-04, 03:08
Did some checking, my last post was a load of shite.

with 99 psu, 75 ppu, 50 mst, 22 ppw I get 314% dmg on a DB, and 35 rpm.
(5 slot arti dmg/freq/range DB)

04-09-04, 04:21
I'm thinking of the glove as more of an implant than anything else. As such, it seems like it really shouldn't have a requirement . . . much more like the move on or PP chip than the actual epic weapons.

Would be sorta nice if the other classes could get different types of gloves (in the rare pool) for them too.

HC glove, rifle glove, pistol glove, melee glove. Very low stat boost, like maybe +5 or so in main stat and +3 in weapon lore or something else.

Then even though the other classes had the ability to use the crahn epic, some would chose not too. Would just make for more variety and less cookie cutter.