View Full Version : [CbT] Would you like Skill Points Released? Please read and vote.

31-08-04, 14:43
Lo All. Simple really. With the advent of NC2 most of us have had to go through a hell of a lot of questioning about who and what to take with us. There won't be the ability to merge runners between accounts which is another limitation.

I can live with the loss of epics (just re-do them zzz), earn faction sympathy and soulllight again (more zzzz) and all the schtuff I've hoarded (even the stuff like event awards which has sentimental value).

I would really like a skill point release to help with the transfer. I have two accounts and will probably reduce the runners I play so I'll have to re-think and re-design the runners I take over.

It will mean the opportunity for a lot of us to balance our trade/combat spy skills again. I'm sure people would like the opportunity to try a different combat set-up HC goes Melee, Pistol goes rifle, PPU goes Hybrid etc etc without the grindingly tedious time-sink of LoM pills.

After all we've all invested a lot of time into playing the game so far. Is it too much to ask for this one little acknowledgement of that? This has got to be pretty painless for Reakktor to implement.

Your votes and thoughts please. Ta. :cool:

31-08-04, 14:44
Yes - it would be nice.

Dribble Joy
31-08-04, 14:47
Unless there is a drastic chnge in the way skills are worked... No.

31-08-04, 14:49
like DJ said unless there is a major skill change then no.

although i do admit, i have shares in the company and do enjoy lomming, or at least i think i do since i do it so often O_o

31-08-04, 14:50
Unless there is a drastic chnge in the way skills are worked... No.

Agree with DJ here, there is no need to do.
If there would be totaly new skills or anything then yes.

31-08-04, 14:53
This is more about the opportunity to do something different and allow people to sort out there characters during the transfer it's not about reflecting any major changes in the game mechanics.

31-08-04, 14:54
Im with DJ.

On a side note - who really cares - KK wont bend to releasing skill points as theyve said they wont. And if you havent sorted out your char to go over to NC2 by now you had better hop to it - 3 weeks and counting.

31-08-04, 14:56
No. It would just create hellova lot of hassle, and KK have already said that they wont do it.

31-08-04, 15:11
I'll have to go with no.

My main char a PE is all setup as Low Tech PE and there is no reason for changing those main skills. As for his CON i have already ripped out my PP chip and adjusted my con setup for NC2 and i'm ready for action.

S3-X0 trade no need to change anything there.

Allure, my sexy monk will not be coming so no need.

I can't see why anyone would really need a full release unless as stated there was a re-working of some sort.

31-08-04, 15:23
Okay I can see which way this one is going already. I'm just too damn naive.

Please close the thread Mods thanks.

31-08-04, 15:26
before thread closure I'll put in my no also on the same note that unless there was some major change to the ways skills were handled.

Ch1n Th3 M4g
31-08-04, 15:32
it would be nice 2 re fine tune my chars to wot they need 2 be
and 2 change a spy 2 drone (gota hate em drones! :lol: )


31-08-04, 16:33
The reasons stated are wrong really...fine tuning your chars should not be a reason to reset skills, you have loms for that now!

If you want to fix your skill points then do it the way the game intended to, the only real reason I would see for it is a removal/addition of a sub skill so then you would have the chance to do this.

Also slightly OT but on a subject to do with skills, I wonder what KK are going to do with the PSI resist skill lol

31-08-04, 17:40
Closed by thread starter.