View Full Version : [OT] You wait ages for a good movie and then....

31-08-04, 12:59
... They bring out AvP.

***Might contain spoilers***

Watched this over the weekend and i must say i was really dissapointed in it. Been waiting years for them to get this film out and then they give us this. The film wasn't even long enough for 1 and there was no way enough fighting.
3 preadators and 2 go and bloody die without even putting up much of a fight.
crap crap crap.

***end of AvP spoiler***

Anyway, anyone else ever been anticipating a decent film for ages then its a big let down. Like Star Wars episode 1.
Maybe i just have too big of expectations 8|

31-08-04, 13:54
imo sw ep. 1 wasnt such a letdown, avp is total SHITE thou

Richard Slade
31-08-04, 15:36
It's always the same,
you wait for a BMW and they bring you a damn WV Beetle,
sure, it's not a bad thing u get, but it's not really what u were waiting for...

Ch1n Th3 M4g
31-08-04, 15:45
It's always the same,
you wait for a BMW and they bring you a damn WV Beetle,
sure, it's not a bad thing u get, but it's not really what u were waiting for...

i had higher hopes....but :(

fuck it

o well


31-08-04, 19:17
God damn right Gary

I havent seen AvP yet but I knew just from the 90 min length of the film that it would be weak on story.
I am going to see it though just for the action.

and SW episode 1 did suck basically.
SO dont take any guff from these swine Gary

31-08-04, 19:30
i didnt mind SW1 some good fighting in it, sure to much CGI shit but was still ok.

not seen AvP however i didnt think much of the idea of putting them togeather, sure make for interseting matchup, but not a interesting film.

anyway aliens got pwned by Ripley while predetor got pwned by Arnie(forgot his char name in film- was it Dutch or was that commando-)

how about Ripley V Arnie for a match up, the two winners of the previous films :D

Clive tombstone
31-08-04, 20:19
hehe good idea^^.

I mean though, honestly I know the

oops spoilers below


anywho, the preds didnt have there las cannons cuz the main chick (I forget her name) took em without knowing.
but that still doesnt explain why a preditor lost to a single aliean (twice)

also the ending kinda sucked, the entire movie was based off of an old pred comic, but the ending was changed, (The chick was supposed to go with the preds, and she got some real badass (Human/pred) armor. something like that