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28-08-04, 11:31
Hey guys, was bored last night and thinking about NC2 and how the safe zones are going to be wiped out. Kinda couldn't sleep either and I always do summat artsy fartsy to help me sleep, anyhoo, this is kinda how I imagine things going down, Oh and also had to include a special character in my story; He’s my favourite bad guy so I couldn’t resist!

As he stepped out of the Genrep, Luca’s heart skipped a beat. There were three of them. Tigers Jaw, the coldest, toughest clan this side of the Midworld Ocean, and here he was standing right across the square from them.

He still felt dizzy, weak; the side effects of molecular reconstitution. Even if he could aim straight, he wouldn’t stand a chance against them. Anyway, the pair of copbots over by Rocco’s would drop him before he could even raise his pistol. Psi, on the other hand, was a lot less conspicuous, after all, how could a copbot tell if someone was attacking you, if the attack itself came from your own life force? It could look like anything, a heart attack; an old war wound… anything.

Luca knew he had to get out of there, fast. Hiding just wasn’t an option, He knew Cashmere was wearing the same bio scanner on his wrist every other runner wore, and he cursed the day Crytons brought them onto the market. There was no doubt. He knew Luca was there.

The dizziness was wearing off now, but the heavy, tired feeling in his muscles remained, he had to dump some of the gear he was carrying if he wanted to make good his escape. Gingerly, Luca stepped out onto Rontrade, and made his way towards the Gogo, all the while snatching glances over his shoulder.

He shouldn’t have indulged himself at the Pussy Club last night, the credits he had left barely covered his trip to the wastelands, a trip that reaped ill rewards. If only he hadn’t have bought that damned Destrosol, he would have been able to ‘rep to his apartment, and he wouldn’t be in this mess. But he wanted his five minutes of fun, he always did. As it stood now, he had to cross most of Pepper Park to get back, and his recent exploits in Tigers Jaw territory didn’t help things, Cashmere and his lackeys were out for blood.

His hands trembled as he took off his helmet, and undid the buckles on his breastplate… this inquisition armour was good stuff, but the Asbestiplast plates adorning it, they were heavy as hell, and he was still exhausted, both from the Genrep experience and his hunting trip.. He took another glance over his shoulder while he keyed his ID code into the Gogo, Luca noticed Cashmere was now watching him. The lump in his throat grew. He couldn’t stay here, the copbots would move him along if he wasn’t trading, but he was too drained to carry the burden of armour, the second he was ushered on by the security staff, he would be easy prey, and the first dark corner he went by would be the last thing he would see. No, sometimes it’s better just to run.
He placed the armour suit into the deposit box, and watched as the contents dematerialised, whisked away to the central vault, deep in the bowels of the city, to be stored for the next time he needed them. If there was ever going to be a next time.

Taking one deep breath, and crossing his fingers, he stepped out once again onto Rontrade. Cashmere, who had been leaning against a wall, straightened up as he passed. A little further down the road, Luca took another backward glance, The Psi monk was hot on the trail, about 50 feet behind now. Sometimes obscured by the bustle of the crowds, but he was there. Luca stepped up a gear and broke into a brisk walk as he entered the Typherra memorial square, the place was emptier now, the traders having long since moved to the more comfortable and spacious Rontrade walk.

Almost afraid to look back, Luca was getting worried. He was coming up on the Diamond Real Estate offices. Soon he would be out of the plaza, and out of the watchful gaze of the copbots. All he had for a safety net now, were the Tsunami guards. They were Pepper Park’s security, they had jurisdiction. Unfortunately, they could be bought.

Cashmere had picked up the pace a little, his brisk strides almost breaking into a run. Luca rounded the final corner; he took one last look behind, before breaking into a full sprint as Cashmere raised his left hand, a ball of crimson fire glowing within his fist.

It was nice to be home.

And before you say it - I KNOW! I'm better with Max and PS than narrative! :angel: