View Full Version : BDoY + Fatal ?

27-08-04, 00:46
moin, mir fällt da gerade die frage ein, ob es mit doy immer noch fatals geben wird/gibt.

Die frage stelle ich bewusst an beta tester, ich weiss NDA usw..

SOLLTE ES DEN BETA TESTEN IMMER NOCH NICHT ERLAUBT SEIN SOLCHE FRAGEN ZU BEANTWORTEN MÖGE EIN FORUM MOD BITTE DIESEN THREAD LÖSCHEN/SCHLIESSEN, aber da die gc ja schon am laufen/vorbei ist ( ka ) sollten die beta tester doch schon soetwas beantworten dürfen ?

27-08-04, 00:53
BDoy ohne Fatals waer kein NC mehr glaub den fehlt was :D

27-08-04, 01:02
Ich quote mal Thanatos:

I'm gonna post a few quotes from the beta forums here regarding FREs.
Now you may doubt those are real, but whatever, Benjie and the other testers know they are.

"Played the whole night tonight, and didn't have one single FRE. *knocks on wood*
The code seems pretty stable and I haven't run into many bugs since I am playing beta, most of those I found were already on the forum here."

"yup, nice work on the fatals (not a single one since one week now) and the FPS (since 107 really nice)."

"I've had a maximum of 2-3 FREs since I started playing last week"

"Aye, very nice work KK have been doing. Think I’ve had around 4 FREs or summin in the entire week, i usually have that many per day in NC1, maybe even more heh."

"I timed this:

20 hours
0 FREs

If NC2 has that when it hits retail, you're good for the stability side of things "

"Yeap, the stability of NC2 is excellent!"

"Ive yet to crash once, and I tell you this fo-nothin!" Desweiteren gilt die NDA noch, daher:

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