View Full Version : Its alive !! Honeypot is back !!

19-08-04, 22:14

Honeypot could not contact us up until now because he was in hospital but he is now back at home and in bed.

He's asked me to inform you that he still has a stomach illness and is not yet able to work but he will start to become more active in a week or so.

The mod, GM and KK team wishes him a speedy recovery!


PS: he hates oatmeal gruel... (after 4 weeks of eating it) ;)

19-08-04, 22:16
good to hear :)

19-08-04, 22:17
Yay! :angel: :lol:

Maester Seymour
19-08-04, 22:20
Thats good to hear,
Hope he gets well soon :)

19-08-04, 22:23
Get betta soon Honeypot! Good times are comin' ;)

19-08-04, 22:27
Hoo-rah! Take that, evil government conspiracy to kill off the ReaKKtor storyline team!

19-08-04, 22:33

Good to hear honeypot is going to be alright... I needed to get a rematch for that neofrag fight anyways :p

19-08-04, 22:34
Win! :D

Nice to hear!

Richard Slade
19-08-04, 22:34
We <3 u honey..
Poor bastard having to eat the oatmeal crap. I hate it too..

19-08-04, 22:39
Best wishes Honeypot.

19-08-04, 22:41
Keep eating the gruel Honey! ;) See you soon!


19-08-04, 22:57
yay :D

life just hasn't been the same without my weekly neocronicle fix

get well soon Honeypot :)

19-08-04, 23:03
Great news! :)

Doesn't like oatmeal? Pah! He just needs to make it like me...no water, all milk, and two spoonfuls of honey. He'll be back on his feet in no time :D

19-08-04, 23:03
Good news :)
Get well soon, Honeypot.

19-08-04, 23:07
hope you get better soon honey potter :D

SiL ..:..

19-08-04, 23:26
Whoa he had a stomach illness for a month? :eek:

What was it, if that isn't too personal?

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :)

Viper Venom
19-08-04, 23:28
wtf is wrong with u ppl, grule is SOOOOOO NICE, especialy in a winters morning with milk and sugar

oh er, WB huney (NOT WARBOT!!!!! welcome back :cool: )

20-08-04, 00:07
Hope you get better and active soon. :)

20-08-04, 00:17
Hope you get better soon, and then you can eat some decent stuff.

20-08-04, 00:44
Honeypot get well soon, and stop that smoking, not good for your stomach

To get well:
no smoking
no eating
no sexing
no drinking
no gaming

20-08-04, 01:05
Good to hear that you've been released from hospital, hope you have the worst behind ya now.

Get well soon dude, We are so empty withoud you! and the chronicle offcourse ;)


Lucas Anderson
20-08-04, 01:19
Excellent News...

To a speedy recovery, hope to see you soon bud,
Good old 'potter :)



Honeypot could not contact us up until now because he was in hospital but he is now back at home and in bed.

He's asked me to inform you that he still has a stomach illness and is not yet able to work but he will start to become more active in a week or so.

The mod, GM and KK team wishes him a speedy recovery!


PS: he hates oatmeal gruel... (after 4 weeks of eating it) ;)

damien vryce
20-08-04, 02:05
get well soon hope to see u back

20-08-04, 02:43
Awesome news - Good to know you're on the way to recovery dude.

20-08-04, 02:45
Hopefully the delirium from your illness gave you some good ideas and plot twists!!! :D


20-08-04, 02:47
Glad to hear hes doing good for his situation, hope he recovers soon

20-08-04, 03:08
Considering the topic, did they turn him into some kind of frankensteins monster, and if so how do I get one of those operations myself?

Get well honeypot, Neocron aint good without you!

20-08-04, 07:15
Welcome back, good to hear all is better now !

20-08-04, 08:59
Good to hear he's well even with all that oatmeal :D

HoneyPot, if you're reading this maybe the incredible ugly smiley below can cheer you up a bit :p

20-08-04, 10:24
/me looks at sp000nge's smile and shudders

and ways get back soon honey and get back to teh storey line ;)

20-08-04, 10:49
Honeypot get well soon, and stop that smoking, not good for your stomach

To get well:
no smoking
no eating
no sexing
no drinking
no gaming

I aggree except for these :

no sexing..... as long as it doesn't open up any stitches it's actualy good for the healing proces.

no drinking i can imagine he can't take alcohol, but one glas of red wine is even good for heart patients.

no gaming... i couldn't agree more on this one.... it'll elevate your bloodpressure, keep you up too long.... all honeypot needs now is sleep to dream of the storyline :-)

20-08-04, 11:20
Glad to hear that you are better hope to see ya soon ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!

20-08-04, 16:41
YAY!!! Good news dude... Get better and back to the 'cronicle soon...

on a side note, my peeps at work (all female) call their genitalia (sp?) their 'honeypot'... o_O

20-08-04, 16:47
Take it easy with the recovery, Honeypot. Don't try to work if your body doesn't agree with it...

20-08-04, 19:39
YAY!!! Good news dude... Get better and back to the 'cronicle soon...

on a side note, my peeps at work (all female) call their genitalia (sp?) their 'honeypot'... o_O

err why, ill tell you one thing it tastes NOTHIN like honey. :D

Glad honeypot is ok however and hospital food sounds REALLY bad in germany, poor bloke.

Get well soon m8.

22-08-04, 15:30
Good to hear :)

Hope he gets well soon :D