View Full Version : [OT] Picture Animations

16-08-04, 21:15

I just saw a movie where someone used objects, and he made pictures of it.
So for example you place a glass somewhere, and you take a picture of it, then you place the glass about a centimeter further, and take a picture of it again. This way you can make a glass walk when you make all the pictures animated. :)

So, here's my try at it:
Download here: car.wmv (converted to video file to save filesize). (

I want to ask others who have a webcam to do the same :p

[EDIT: addidional information:

Why is the camera work so bad, and why is the video so slow?

Well remember, it isn't a video, their pictures attached to eachother.
So the car isn't moving automaticly, I had to push it ^^]


17-08-04, 13:11
Did nobody thought this was funny? :(

17-08-04, 13:14
u owe me the time i spent reading this and looking at that...video. u also owe me the band width.......

17-08-04, 13:33
Dude, one word.... FlashMX, give it a whack, tis good for animations. or maybe drector if you have the patience.

17-08-04, 13:47
Are you guys freaking stupid? God damnit!!!!
It is supposed to be crappy!

Look at This movie (
This one was done by a proffesional.

You guys just don't get it do you? Go look at that movie and see what I tried!

17-08-04, 13:53
Dude! I saw what you tried, and suggested a better platform for you to do it on. Trying to give advice? Y'know?

17-08-04, 13:59
Like like, aah! Go eat fish :( I'm hurt now! Leave me alone!

What I did was make pictures with my webcam 1 by one to record a little car on my desk to drive forward.

Now, how am I going to this better using Flash? I mean all I do is attach the images..

17-08-04, 14:26
Ever heard of the wallis and gromit movies? (wallis and gromit > you)

The idea is sound, but you screwed it to hell and back by using a crap camera, crap lighting, and moving the car way to far between each frame. For the professional video, he took pictures to a ratio of about 24 pictures to every second of video (24 fps) to make it nice and smooth, but it takes ages to do.

Very creative tho, excellent idea with the candles, and the fire and the doll at the end.

17-08-04, 14:39
Congratulations, you've invented stop animation

17-08-04, 14:42
Like like, aah! Go eat fish :( I'm hurt now! Leave me alone!

What I did was make pictures with my webcam 1 by one to record a little car on my desk to drive forward.

Now, how am I going to this better using Flash? I mean all I do is attach the images..


But flash has allsorts of nifty features to take advantage of - I'd recomend director tho.

17-08-04, 14:48
I think I'll just stick to never do it again? Ok? :(

17-08-04, 16:38
I think I'll just stick to never do it again? Ok? :(

means i won't be wasteing my time watching crap like that again