View Full Version : this game is getting boring fast

15-08-04, 23:38
with the announcement of the plan file, the economy is shot to hell, no gm in sight with player events. nothing.

i liked the spawn and kill events we used to have. i havent seen a event on saturn in months. aside from the usual gm holy pesting a plaza sector and killing every noob in sight, its really dull boring and well... moot.

it would be nice if we had a warbot invasion in the a_08 sector or something

no content and 8 capped chars later, well i love to play this game but op fights just arent doing it anymore. since there is yet another doy delay, wouldnt it be nice to have more gm interaction / events?

im on all the time and i never see / do anything exciting in this game anymore.

15-08-04, 23:40
You want GM interaction....on Saturn? Right...I think Saturn used all their chances up with that.

15-08-04, 23:44
the GM's are probs busy on the new servers and keeping beta running smooth. so they probs deserve some slack from us for having to do twice the work that they were doing before

15-08-04, 23:45
see thats fucked up. im a paying customer, we should continue to get the service we initially got when i signed up 2 years ago. this is why the community feels neglected. sucks that jupiter gets all these events and everyone else gets didly squat

15-08-04, 23:48
what events does jupi have that we dont

15-08-04, 23:53
well the fc will come on here and say that they are player organized and blah blah blah.

go on jupiter. see for yourself. there was a point that there was 3-4 events int he course of one month

its bs. i wont go any further into it. look at the calendar. you will see weeks planned of events for jupiter left and right.

15-08-04, 23:57
Look, I really don't give a damn. I think that this partial wipe is bullshit and we just need a full wipe or no wipe. I mean i'm sure that people will just take their rarest weapons with them and all their chars, then they'll want the same amount that they cost before. I'm fucking pissed about the delay again, and I think that if it gets pushed back again I'm gone with my four accounts. If I play doy beta and some how find a problem, very likely, and it isn't fixed, fuck it. If I buy doy and I fucking FRE I'm going for getting my money back, I'm not paying for a bugged game.

I hear Face Of Making calling my name. Gotta get some practice in for the 2v2 Americas Army Ladder on TWL and the 4v4 Ladder on CAL.

I just have this sinking feeling that this is gonna suck overall. Delays, buggy code, problems moving items to NC2. I just see bad.


16-08-04, 00:34
I mean i'm sure that people will just take their rarest weapons with them and all their chars, then they'll want the same amount that they cost before.

The economy has reached it's equilibrium point. Unless it's structure is dramatically changed it will just get to this point again. A full item Wipe would maybe knock it back 2 months at the most. The 10 item thing is an attempt at compromise between ensuring new players (optimistic) don't get screwed and us lot (the only customers that kk could reasonably rely on) don't get too pissed.

There isn't a great deal kk can do, they were realistically always going to do some form of item wipe, and tried to leave it for as long as possible to tell us all (I think that was a mistake but I can understand why they did it). Cue totally screwed game till DoY.

16-08-04, 00:37
They stopped events on saturn a while back due to the servers attitude and abuse towards the GM's, they stopped all support totally but started up again after a few weeks, just be happy about that. I play pluto AND I play jupiter, and whatever events ive seen and heard about on Jupiter have also happened on pluto, infact pluto's had a couple that havent been on jupiter yet afaik.

16-08-04, 00:43
There's no point in events if they're not storyline related in some way. And if they're related to the storyline, it generally helps if people tend towards RP at the event. However, every event I have been to, on any server, unless privately organised and not broadcast serverwide, has had no RP whatsoever, except from the GMs. So I can understand them not bothering with events. If the community grew up a bit and lost the anti-RP attitude I think we'd be rewarded with more events. Until then, get involved with some RP and get in touch with your FC. It's worked for me so far.

16-08-04, 00:56
quote Brad :I think that this partial wipe is bullshit and we just need a full wipe or no wipe."

I completely agree with that. But that is because I was expecting DOY to be sufficiently different to NC to at least 'feel' like a new game, and not simply an expansion type.

I have mixed feelings about it all too. Whilst I feel that the game runs a lot smoother and is much more fun to play than a real lot of other games I have tried, if it is going to be the same old same old just with a bit more land mass and better graphics, and if the server is bare most of the time because hardly any players are on, then I do not think I will proceed. I also do not particularly like the attitude towards the English speaking public, not nice.

16-08-04, 01:00
We are still doing events!

16-08-04, 01:11
Cant say this game is getting boring....just had one of the best days eva in it :D

SiL ..:..

16-08-04, 01:25
Calm down and wait... :lol:

16-08-04, 07:11
We are still doing events!
yea but you guys also consider holy pesting a safezone a event right? :rolleyes:

or maybe callash or someone getting into the outzone and spawning a shitload of noob mobs for that capped ganksquad to take out in 30 seconds. How about a real challenge? Say the gilgamesh zoo has a malfunction and a grim chaser sets loose on plaza 1 killing anything and everything, maybe turning off the safezone shit and having a fight inside the city.

if you are still doing events, they sure as hell arent happening on saturn.

the rat poison thing and holy pestilence thing is really NO FUN. having a tiny event where only about 10 people know about it is really no fun for the 200 + population of saturn.

give saturn some love will ya? hasnt seen any in a while.

Viper Venom
16-08-04, 07:16
lol i taken my rare chips out my head, and my weps out my gogo and there all in a new FA aprtment, ready for the change over, my character is like a mega noob, cant even meele a doy warriour withought dieing now :(

16-08-04, 07:29
u better put all your stuff in your qb. u cant take apts or keys at all

16-08-04, 07:41
i feel compelled to agree with WebShock. it just isn't as fun these days. dwindling server populations and a blind eye from kk are making it worse and worse still.

development of another product is no excuse to stop supporting another product that other people still use. if you don't have the staff to do it, hire more people, no 2 ways about it, terms in black and white, do or do not. kk, we've paid your bills for 2 years now. if our money pays for your salary, then your time gets paid for our gaming experience. ignoring the problem, hiding behind the shroud of "we're busy with something else, you'll like it, we promise"... it's just lame, and we deserve better.

16-08-04, 07:50
the GM's are probs busy on the new servers and keeping beta running smooth. so they probs deserve some slack from us for having to do twice the work that they were doing before

your paying for a service, the words to busy shouldn't enter into it what so ever , but hey maybe with doy there will be enough uk/us and anything not german so some focus on events and so on will be focus'd on the other servers . As far as using up chances is concerned not all have done anything wrong for there chance to be revoked .

Oh yeah and what was the point in announcing that stuff about ratman mcruel, What use of it is it to me if hes on jupiter all the time waste of space to me if hes over on jupiter . http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=101222&highlight=ratman
rember that lol what a mock i never seen him once. See it says community , what it should have said was german community and it should have been just posted on the german forums it would have been better not knowing about it at all .

Also whens the last time anyone seen a Faction counsellor they all die out? , is it any wonder hardly anyone RP's anymore the only joy i get from the game know is pking plain and simple there is nothing else atm to do . Taking part in a few events would be cool im also really looking forward to the end of neocron 1 party should be kewl .

16-08-04, 08:37
i agree with Scikar on that. There is no point of making an events which arent involved into storyline, 'mass spawn' events are boring and provoke everyone to use them for their own reasons (eg. ganking the unexpected enemies).
Though the problem is that the storyline is dead from some time now, it never had any real impact on the game. Additionally, due to the fact that events are such a rarity when one occurs, every single person on the server move there which makes them even more pointless and usually crashes the server...

We need a storyline which does some kind of impact upon the game, then we need an events which are connected with the storyline which are run on regular, weekly basis and dont allow the participation of the whole server (eg. faction specific etc), then and only then we could use another line of simpler, 'spawn' events ran (again) on the regular basis for the sake of everyone's enjoyment. Only in this way an events system could work as far as i can see, though it probably requires 1-2 paid GMs who'd be able to do that so it will never happen.

Viper Venom
16-08-04, 08:40
there in my apt incase i acidentaly die adn lose one, i have them ready when there needed, and in the mean time i can go doy with my spair mall to get exp (even if i suk as a meele hybreed with no chips lol)

16-08-04, 09:49
Oh yeah and what was the point in announcing that stuff about ratman mcruel, What use of it is it to me if hes on jupiter all the time waste of space to me if hes over on jupiter . http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=101222&highlight=ratman
rember that lol what a mock i never seen him once. See it says community , what it should have said was german community and it should have been just posted on the german forums it would have been better not knowing about it at all .

Do you need to see his ingame char before you can talk to him?
He is the community representive not the server representive. People on Jupiter have the same problems as english players. What should be different?

16-08-04, 09:56
Cant say this game is getting boring....just had one of the best days eva in it :D

SiL ..:..
thats only because you got some bitch drunk and tried to drown them :p

16-08-04, 10:22
the GM's are probs busy on the new servers and keeping beta running smooth. so they probs deserve some slack from us for having to do twice the work that they were doing before

To be fair, they shouldn't have to do _twice_ the work they were doing before...

KK should hire NEW people to work on a NEW game. NC2 is a different game to NC. I've said this a million times ffs. If it were an ADDON, eg. a big patch, then I might be able to see where you were coming from...But when NC2 comes out, EVERYONE plays either NC, NC2 or nothing.

Beta shouldn't be an excuse not to pay attention to NC server. It's not the GM's fault, it's KK's fault.

16-08-04, 10:42
DOY bot attack pepper park and if we can't take them out quick enough they spread into plaza areas killing everyone but anti-city CARNAGE

Edit: should just remove safe zones now that would really spice things up I don't mind living in the waste land for a while ;)

16-08-04, 10:57
We are still doing events!

Can you give a recent list on each server?

16-08-04, 13:48
Can you give a recent list on each server?

lol, and your expecting a reply? :rolleyes:

edit: sorry, they did the storm event on pluto, you know the server with 40 people on it?

yes i know pluto deserves events whatever the population, but what about saturn? i remember killers event at the doy gates... that was the best event i've ever been to... sigh, the memories.

anyone got any screenies?

16-08-04, 14:25
saturn does need events really. But not serverwide events, but faction ones. Remember kami soldiers attacking and there was this call to arms on the pro-city faction chat? great event. there were a CA attack on the tg canyon that was fun aswell (or so i heard, werent there). CM under attack by units going for the missiles? good event (dunno if that one would be called faction only but...)

See my suggestion? Faction event teh win! (even if its only a mass spawn kill all mobs event)

16-08-04, 15:20
lol, and your expecting a reply? :rolleyes:

Yea sure. It wouldn't be that hard to write a list of *events* that have happened in the last few days?

edit: sorry, they did the storm event on pluto, you know the server with 40 people on it?

Well 70 when I was on yesterday, but the only event I saw was "Throw the 4 slot ROG around plaza 2". As for the STORM event, how about events that don't require having to play at silly times (like very late at night/early morning).

The game has gone to hell since the announcment. Currency is worthless, items are worthless except completed rares (and then only certain ones). Which leaves only Fighting/opwars but most people have stripped themselves readying for NC2 that they don't want to loose anything.

On the bright side, there will probably be no one left to play on the classic server so they can free it up for neptune.

Also I heard (true or not who knows) that all the FC's are in the Beta.

... Which brings me to another subject. If they bothered (and I hope they do for NC2) to build a large database of Quests as it were rather then epic quests. Take AC for example, there is more then enough content in quests to keep a person busy to not even hassle a GM for some content to the game. NCs citycom is seriously lacking.

16-08-04, 15:22
Hey you guys cried and cried for more info. You got it in the plan file. You can't blame KK for doing what you wanted and then everyone spazzing out on their own accord.

16-08-04, 15:30
Hey you guys cried and cried for more info. You got it in the plan file. You can't blame KK for doing what you wanted and then everyone spazzing out on their own accord.

They didn't do what we wanted though did they? Unless you mean posting a plan file. If there was some thought put into how to transition players we wouldn't of had mass cancellations and the apocolyptic feel to the game now.

16-08-04, 15:49
3 years of constant fun and play, my, this game is getting boring fast!

(logs on for another OP war)

16-08-04, 15:53
what events does jupi have that we dont

95% germans?

16-08-04, 16:04
its not only events on jupiter, for example. Cycrow lab on jupiter is "enhanched". theres a fence at the main gate that narrows the entrance to 2 people at same time, the backentrance has barrels as a stockade so you cant drive a vehicle in, theres also a small stockade just outside the hackbuilding. The mountainsides around cycrow has missile launchers (non working off course) on em AND a large dish on the small hill which has the genrep on it. fighting at that cycrow would be so much more fun for snipers on the hillsides or tanks hidin behind the launchers etc. Just defending that place could be narrowed down to aoe spamming the entrances very very easily.

Just small "enhanchements" that gm just forgets to do on all servers...

16-08-04, 18:05
And to add to what I already said, we are not just doing events, we are also doing official events on all servers. It is right that Saturn was left behind with some of the events.

Reza week and the STORM are which take several days. The Reza week needs rolepayers, the STORM is more fighting with a little bit roleplay. We are currently waiting for applications for another event, some testing in the PP HQ - we can't start the event if we don't have enough applicants.

The list of events I did recently:


ProtoPharm Tests


Supporting a clan brithday party (player request)

Events planned (only me):

ProtoPharm Tests

Reza Week

Reza Week
ProtoPharm Tests


plus some events I can't announce yet and some support for player events.

If FCs are in beta, that doesn't mean they have no work to do on the retail servers...

16-08-04, 18:17
3 years of constant fun and play

It's been roughly two years since beta 4 began... IIRC it's been less than 3 years since the first beta.

16-08-04, 18:22
And to add to what I already said, we are not just doing events, we are also doing official events on all servers. It is right that Saturn was left behind with some of the events.

Reza week and the STORM are which take several days. The Reza week needs rolepayers, the STORM is more fighting with a little bit roleplay. We are currently waiting for applications for another event, some testing in the PP HQ - we can't start the event if we don't have enough applicants.

The list of events I did recently:


ProtoPharm Tests


Supporting a clan brithday party (player request)

Events planned (only me):

ProtoPharm Tests

Reza Week

Reza Week
ProtoPharm Tests


plus some events I can't announce yet and some support for player events.

If FCs are in beta, that doesn't mean they have no work to do on the retail servers...

How does Reza week work?

16-08-04, 18:24
Arb its not that you guys dont work hard and personally Id expect to see more events than usual to come up to whatever point we are supposed to be at with NC2. My gripe now and always is the EXTREME lack of American/Canadian (specifically West Coast) events people. Every ECC I can think of is German or European and they usually end up sacrificing their late nights to run events for us. I think there are maybe 3 FCs that are American, and the only one close to the West is Tamara in Hawaii. I dont think thats fair for them, and I dont think thats fair for us. We NEED some some West Coast people to do events. When I log on at night I am lucky to see a combined 100 people on every server because there is simply nothing to do. And unless I play right when I get home from work, thats when most of my time is spent in Neocron.

Please please please consider accepting some Americans into event positions. Every time I see another new ECC thats yet again outside of America its like a kick to the face. And before any one says "well why don't you apply?" I did and no word. And I didnt apply because I wanted to be one, (I am more than happy to stay a player) I applied because I wanted to give Neocron some great events for the people who dont normally get them and I couldnt think of any other way to make that happen.

So I guess thats my question. Are there any plans to give us Pacific time zone players something along the lines of events? Is Reakktor planning on accepting players into positions who would be capable of giving us events at that time slot?

16-08-04, 18:25
If i buy a game at the store, i play it, if it's boring i take it back or throw it away.

MMO's are the same, if you're bored leave, or do something about it, make you're own events do something. Just dont bitch about it, it's you're choice to be bored.

16-08-04, 18:28
If i buy a game at the store, i play it, if it's boring i take it back or throw it away.

MMO's are the same, if you're bored leave, or do something about it, make you're own events do something. Just dont bitch about it, it's you're choice to be bored.

think this is what this thread is bout.

Arbiter how bout putting a event calendar on the www.neocron.com site. where you can click on different events and see time/server etc?
I know theres the rpg forum but i dont read it alot... a calendar however i check everyday.

16-08-04, 18:42
And to add to what I already said,....

Ok cheers for that. :)

16-08-04, 20:51
Calendar (http://forum.neocron.com/calendar.php?)
World Event Forum (http://forum.neocron.com/forumdisplay.php?f=61)

Everything we can announce can be found up there. We can not announce all events though, some of them need to stay a surprise till they start, like some simple spawn events.

You are right, all current ECCs are german, and I know that this is a problem. We had some american ECCs, but we had bad luck with them - most of them quitted after some time. We have some plans what will change with NC2, but I can not talk about it yet.

16-08-04, 21:41
If FCs are in beta, that doesn't mean they have no work to do on the retail servers... .....it just means they aint doing it

16-08-04, 21:46
hehe I'd almost forgotten what an event or a GM was. I've seen maybe 5 events in 2 years of NC. (including the recent storm ) For at least 9 months of that I was an NC addict logged in for at least 4 or 5 hours every day.

The last time i actually spotted a GM in game in pluto was probably about 2 or 3 months after retail when 2 GM's were standing in plaza 3 randomly changing there chars into different in-game MoBs.

Of course it could just have been the fact that I couldnt stay on to late at nights, but its still nothing new to me :)

EDIT. Just spotted jests post above. I am in the UK and as I said above, going on 2 years of NC and I havnt seen more than a handful of events.

Gonna list em in fact.

1st ever event. Some WB's attacked sherman bay if I remember correctly. Was a n00b at the time and by the time I got there the fight was pretty much over, not that it would have made much difference. The entire zone was lagged out because of the amount of people there :)

2. - Hmm I think this one was after some server probs. Items got placed in bins which were dumped in ops around neocron. Everyone ran of to all the ops they had tagged in the hopes of getting there first.

3. - The recent storm events on pluto.

4. - Just remembered one other event. GM's spawned a load of MoB's at the OZ station.

5. -A load of MoBs spawned at the MB which if I remember correctly lead to a missile being launched at plaza :). Belts everywhere :lol:

There might have been another 1 or 2 that I cant remember but no more than that.

Last edit. -Just remembered ronald rodriguez (I apologise if the name is totally wrong) Came in to pluto and gave TG a little epic of our own a couple of months back. It was actually quite fun.

16-08-04, 23:16
Ronald is not responsible for pluto at the moment, Winston Cross is.

And the FCs do their work on the retail servers.