View Full Version : Epic Status Post-Doy

15-08-04, 15:13
I have a question, apologies if its been answered elsewhere but ive not seen it yet.

As we know so far, all appt/vhc keys will be wiped post doy. Hence no rare part collections etc.

The thing is, i want to know whats going to happen to my reveller. My ppu drives it about so i can go places and rez people, its my futuristic ambulance service if you will. Come doy when i move im not gonna have the key for it any more apparently.

Does this mean i will A) lose ownership or B) Lose use of it?

If i lose it then how do i get another? Do i have to redo the epic on my ppu or do i have to get another char to do it for me so as to give the key to my ppu upon completion?

It might not be a major issue as im sure i still have one char who hasnt done it and does have sympathy but if ive still got the E* next to my name on my ppu then how comes i dont get my reward?

Just something i thought about and thought best to let kk know.

15-08-04, 15:16
The issues surrounding epics have been noted and answers will be provided once the Game Convention is over. I'm going to close this thread now as the issue has already been collected elsewhere.