View Full Version : O.k let me get this stright

Super Mario
14-08-04, 06:47
Say we have 4 accs you have to pay to upgrade all 4 accs YET they only have 1 English server which is multislotted with 4 chars! SO what i want to know is WILL there be a single char english server (like the GERMANS are getting) OR will we have to live with 4 char servers BECAUSE

1. I like 1 char servers (pls no posts saying why have you got 4 accs then)
2. IF there is not going to be a 1 char server Then i think we should be able to merge our chars on to the one acc and only pay for 1 !!!
3. if you didnt get it by now I am a pluto player, I love the community atmosphere on that server i DON'T however like (as alot of ppl on pluto) the other servers (on offence), I have played Saturn and Uranus but i never liked it as much pluto and would prefer to keep my community.

pls tell me what you think
Super M

14-08-04, 07:29
You know, I'm so fucking confused at this point that I'll just wait and see what other plan changes will occur during the next several weeks.

IMO, it doesn't seem they have thought things through and are making it up as they go along.

IE, the LE chip, I mean they didn't even think about that, the ranting on the forum pointed that out.

Like I said in another post before the shit hit the fan, KK does things their way and you either get use to it or leave.

It seems that this new merger hasn't changed that part anyway.
Just gunna have to wait and see, it's their gig.

14-08-04, 07:41
You know, I'm so fucking confused at this point that I'll just wait and see what other plan changes will occur during the next several weeks.Amen!
IE, the LE chip, I mean they didn't even think about that, the ranting on the forum pointed that out.I think they did, I just think they just chose to ignore it and see what would happen. :-)

14-08-04, 07:47
I doubt u can merge em....

14-08-04, 08:12
I doubt u can merge em....I seriously hope they reconsider this decision. As of today’s rates, the least expensive 6 month payment plan for NC2 is 37% more expensive than the same plan in NC1. That is a significant price increase. Someone with say 4 accounts will already have to pay roughly $100 to upgrade but I doubt they intend to keep paying for 4 accounts given that the new international server is multi-character. They need to let people merge accounts. It is not at all a technical impossibility.

14-08-04, 08:24
i dont know why anyone cares that its more expensive. hell i work for minimum wage at a fast food place and i will be playing nc2. whats wrong with you cheap bastards?

BTW min wage here is 6$ cdn. thats roughly 4.50 USD.

14-08-04, 08:39
i dont know why anyone cares that its more expensive. hell i work for minimum wage at a fast food place and i will be playing nc2. whats wrong with you cheap bastards?

BTW min wage here is 6$ cdn. thats roughly 4.50 USD.

its called debts, monthly costs of living, 2 swg accounts, 4 neo accounts

if its a 37% increase kiss 2 account good bye cos i couldn't afford it :(

no one is a cheap bastard just some of us have more than 1 neoo account to think about as a monthly expense like RL stuff etc :D :lol:

14-08-04, 08:55
you earn more spenidng money then me per hour of work after living expensise have been taken away. nearly everyone does. i would go into a realy deep argument about the multiple account thing but im sure its all been said and its down to personal opinion.

14-08-04, 10:23
You're on mimimum wage and you're paying an nc subscription? Way to prioritise :rolleyes:

14-08-04, 10:34
You're on mimimum wage and you're paying an nc subscription? Way to prioritise :rolleyes:

No flame is strong enough but I'll sum up my views in a short

Way to completly demean someone that pays for the exact same thing you enjoy. God forbid anyone spend money on something they enjoy. :rolleyes:

Super Mario
14-08-04, 10:55
Come on guys lets not bring this thread to an early close :rolleyes: but i agree you pay for what you enjoy 9.99 UDS or 5.25 pounds for a month of talking and playing with ppl around the world seems worth it IMO but still i just think that as we do pay for it we should get some say in what goes on with the add-on/expansion (espically as we HAVE to pay for it instead of the free add ...... no better not go there :angel: )

14-08-04, 11:21
you earn more spenidng money then me per hour of work after living expensise have been taken away. nearly everyone does. i would go into a realy deep argument about the multiple account thing but im sure its all been said and its down to personal opinion.

I think NC2 is a fair price hike for less character slots :* and I ain't no scrooge thats the point i was making!!

paolo escobar
14-08-04, 11:26
they also say they are gonna introduce a french server after the release. Might there be the same possibility for an english server and if so how much of a big fuck you will that be to the english/french players who's chars are now stuck on the friggin german or international servers. ATM it seems like pretty much everyone is gettin a raw deal.

I think kk and their puppet masters need to sit down round a table and actually think/discuss what their plan should be instead of leaving it partly to chance and partly to the drug addict out back of the kk HQ in the alley, i know he's got some idea's, but frankly they are all complete bull shit.

14-08-04, 11:27
Wait a second, am i reading this wrong or are we going to be paying more for NC2 ?

14-08-04, 16:26
Wait a second, am i reading this wrong or are we going to be paying more for NC2 ?

12.95 euro or ~15.88US

14-08-04, 17:02
12.95 euro or ~15.88US

KK you have got to be kiding me...

First you take so fucking long to get the game out, then you make us pay to upgrade it, then you whipe our fucking items, and most of our money, then you tell us we half to pay more for the fucking game? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU KK!?!?

14-08-04, 17:40

KK you have got to be kiding me...

First you take so fucking long to get the game out, then you make us pay to upgrade it, then you whipe our fucking items, and most of our money, then you tell us we half to pay more for the fucking game? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU KK!?!?

Yeah I just realized this now, for some reason I thought it was 12.95 for everyone.

This is supposed to be a fun and relaxing distraction from your everyday stress, not ADD to it.

I hate to say this, but I feel like a used rug. :( :mad: :(

14-08-04, 17:44
Yeah I just realized this now, for some reason I thought it was 12.95 for everyone.

This is supposed to be a fun and relaxing distraction from your everyday stress, not ADD to it.

I hate to say this, but I feel like a used rug. :( :mad: :(
yes i agree, im starting to think what the fuck is the point of this anymore, BTW who ever i asked about a NC banner add to stick on my multi gameing site, nvm i dont whant it.

14-08-04, 18:56
Say we have 4 accs you have to pay to upgrade all 4 accs YET they only have 1 English server which is multislotted with 4 chars! SO what i want to know is WILL there be a single char english server (like the GERMANS are getting) OR will we have to live with 4 char servers BECAUSE

1. I like 1 char servers (pls no posts saying why have you got 4 accs then)
2. IF there is not going to be a 1 char server Then i think we should be able to merge our chars on to the one acc and only pay for 1 !!!
3. if you didnt get it by now I am a pluto player, I love the community atmosphere on that server i DON'T however like (as alot of ppl on pluto) the other servers (on offence), I have played Saturn and Uranus but i never liked it as much pluto and would prefer to keep my community.

pls tell me what you think
Super M

I just think its funny you want to play on a 1 char server not a 4 char server but you have 4 accounts so you can have 4 char on a one char server. So you have an unfair advantage over people that just have one account.

its just a bit ironic really.

14-08-04, 19:04
BTW min wage here is 6$ cdn. .

Hey buddy, I dunno where YOU are, but minimum wage in Canada is $7.30. Stop exaggerating.

14-08-04, 21:07
Erm KK can hardley be blaimed for how strong the euro is compared to the dollar, this is unfortunatley one off the downsides off playing this kind off game. NO I am not for a second suggesting it is anyone's fault, but it is unfortuantley a cold hard reality to anyone paying in ANY currency other than the Euro. Hell it'll affect the UK player's too depending on how sterling fair's in the currency market.

14-08-04, 21:25
min wage is diffrent for every province. for alberta its actualy 5.90 cdn. but i rounded. i cant beleive you didnt know that :p where do you live? ontario?

BTW remember they will be releasing more servers as time goes on like they did with the first nc.

14-08-04, 21:36
Erm KK can hardley be blaimed for how strong the euro is compared to the dollar, this is unfortunatley one off the downsides off playing this kind off game. NO I am not for a second suggesting it is anyone's fault, but it is unfortuantley a cold hard reality to anyone paying in ANY currency other than the Euro. Hell it'll affect the UK player's too depending on how sterling fair's in the currency market.

think us brits will be paying bout 9 - 10 pound a month. at the moment we pay 6 pound roughly

14-08-04, 21:46
21$ on a one month plan for me. im sure it will be down to 18 or so for a 6 month plan. still worth it. as long as the servers dont do terrable. but we can all see the servers performance in the open beta.

14-08-04, 23:02
I seriously hope they reconsider this decision. As of today’s rates, the least expensive 6 month payment plan for NC2 is 37% more expensive than the same plan in NC1. That is a significant price increase. Someone with say 4 accounts will already have to pay roughly $100 to upgrade but I doubt they intend to keep paying for 4 accounts given that the new international server is multi-character. They need to let people merge accounts. It is not at all a technical impossibility.

Seriosuly, no one should have more than one account. That is just an utter waste...

If you need 40 characters to have fun then I don't know if you are playing the game right.