View Full Version : FAQ - Neocron 2 plan file

13-08-04, 19:01

I created this because the plan file thread is just too big if you want to find an answer. If you wan't, make this sticky.
If you don't want this, just close it :)

I tried to enclose the common questions. Feel free to add any or correct mine if there are any faults.


Q: Why is the plan talking mostly about Germany?
A: The current plan file is aimed at the German market. Plan files for the rest of the world is in development.

Q: What are the plans regarding other markets that Germany and Europe?
A: Plans are to release Neocron 2 in the US and Asia as well.

Q: When?
A: The plans are in development.

Q: Will there be an item wipe?
A: Yes, there will be an partial item wipe. You will be able to take you quickbelt with you, i.e 10 items.

Q: My quick belt? What about my implants?
A: Any item you want to transfer will need to be put it in one of the 10 quick belts slots. This includes implants, armour and every other item.

Q: So I can put any item I want in the QB for it to be transferred?
A: Yes, with one exception. You cannot transfer any keys of any kind.

Q: No keys? Does this include vehicle keys as well?
A: At the time of writing this, yes.

Q: Will anything change regarding the payment?
A: Yes, the new payment service will be handled by Click2Pay.

Q: But... My country isn't listed at Click2Pay's homepage as a supported country? How will I be able to pay?
A: Click2Pay has informed us that they will be complementing their list of supported countries this month. Most countries should be supported by the end of August.

Q: I hear Click2Pay requires you to enter all sorts of information, like passport numbers and such. What gives?
A: There will be a special payment page for Neocron 2. The normal Click2Pay verification process (such as telephone callback and passport number verifications) will not be done.

Q: Will I be able to pay by insert-favourite-method-here?
A: Please see DaFire's thread here http://neocron.jafc.de/announcement.php?f=2&announcementid=193

Q: Will item tracking finally be implemented?
A: Yes, Neocron 2 will have item tracking which is aimed to offer greater customer service.

Q: Will I be able to play both Neocron 2 and Neocron 1?
A: That depends. If you transfer a character to Neocron 2 it will not be possible to use that on a Neocron 1 server any longer. You can still run the old client to play on your characters in Neocron 1 which aren't transfered.

Q: How do I transfer a character?
A: There will be a special web interface for this.

Q: I read that we will be recieving an amount of money depending on the skill rank. Which of XX/YY is the skill rank?
A: The skill rank is YY. XX is called combat rank.

Q: Will there be an open beta like there was for Neocron 1?
A: Yes. The open beta will launch on the 5th of September and carry on until the 23rd of September.

Q: I noticed the price will increase. Why?
A: The increased cost pays for the new and latest hardware that will house Neocron 2. The new hardware will help supporting more players, offer better server performance and aid the deployment of item tracking.

13-08-04, 19:12
The effort is appreciated but there are still some questions yet to be answered (which are being worked on atm). I think it's probably best to wait for now.


13-08-04, 19:16
We appreciate your efforts phunqe - but you can't speak for KK.

What you're saying is based on assumptions and implications - such as the 10 items in a quickbelt, and when things change you won't be able to edit the thread ;-)

I would say to anyone who is new to the community, and interested in NC2, to bear this in mind!


13-08-04, 19:16
Ok, no problem.

Was waiting for my pasta dough to rest anyway :p