View Full Version : Verlorene Fraktionen...

10-08-04, 22:26
"This page is temporarily not available."

steht es bei mir dauernd auf der Fraktion-Zusammenfassungs-Seite bei neocron.de

aber das nur nebenbei.

Jetzt wo das Hacknet kommt, wäre es doch gleich eine Möglichkeit storytechnisch mit Quests, bestimmten Matrix-Orten und anderem die künstlichen Intelligenzen die unter "Anderen Organisationen" geschrieben stehen, einzubauen. Wäre was für Hackerevents.

Hat KK dazu was geplant? Hat man sie vergessen?

"Another rumored power isn't even made of flesh. Highly developed, autonomous artificial intelligences (AIs) are rumored to exist on the lower levels of the city's network. Supposedly uploaded to the network 100 years ago, they are said to have come directly off the the Ceres Discs. The dozen or so AIs have been blamed for network anomolies suck as massive, anonymous credit transfers and the exposure and dispersal of corporate information that has gone on to save lives. Referred to with names like “Ghost”, “Spirit” and “The Eye”, a subculture of worshippers has emerged who spend all their time jacked into the network, looking for their gods. Their existance has never been proven."

11-08-04, 10:31
"Another rumored power isn't even made of flesh. Highly developed, autonomous artificial intelligences (AIs) are rumored to exist on the lower levels of the city's network. Supposedly uploaded to the network 100 years ago, they are said to have come directly off the the Ceres Discs. The dozen or so AIs have been blamed for network anomolies suck as massive, anonymous credit transfers and the exposure and dispersal of corporate information that has gone on to save lives. Referred to with names like “Ghost”, “Spirit” and “The Eye”, a subculture of worshippers has emerged who spend all their time jacked into the network, looking for their gods. Their existance has never been proven."

Das klingt nach dem "Core" aus "Die Hyperion-Gesänge" von Dan Simmons :)

Dak Ralter
11-08-04, 11:13
"This page is temporarily not available."

steht es bei mir dauernd auf der Fraktion-Zusammenfassungs-Seite bei neocron.de

aber das nur nebenbei.

Jetzt wo das Hacknet kommt, wäre es doch gleich eine Möglichkeit storytechnisch mit Quests, bestimmten Matrix-Orten und anderem die künstlichen Intelligenzen die unter "Anderen Organisationen" geschrieben stehen, einzubauen. Wäre was für Hackerevents.

Hat KK dazu was geplant? Hat man sie vergessen?

"Another rumored power isn't even made of flesh. Highly developed, autonomous artificial intelligences (AIs) are rumored to exist on the lower levels of the city's network. Supposedly uploaded to the network 100 years ago, they are said to have come directly off the the Ceres Discs. The dozen or so AIs have been blamed for network anomolies suck as massive, anonymous credit transfers and the exposure and dispersal of corporate information that has gone on to save lives. Referred to with names like “Ghost”, “Spirit” and “The Eye”, a subculture of worshippers has emerged who spend all their time jacked into the network, looking for their gods. Their existance has never been proven."

das frage ich mich auch schon seit langer zeit..

eigentlich war das mein erster grund in die mainsewer zu gehen weil ich erhoffte dort einen eingang zu finden,wurd aber nix. :(

12-08-04, 20:02
Das klingt nach dem "Core" aus "Die Hyperion-Gesänge" von Dan Simmons :)

Erinnert mich auch etwas stark an Shodan :D

Wäre aber richtig kewl wenn KK das implementieren würde, nur leider kann man sow3at seeehr schlecht als Player Frac machen *g* ICH WILL MEINE ANARCHY BREED AUF JUPITER!!!!111Elf :(

12-08-04, 20:15
leute stop
sonst sagt kk noch ok und sie verschieben wieder... is dann zwar nur ne ausrede weil sies wohl doch noch net richtig fertig haben :D
KK lasst doy so wie es is und released es, das kann man ja hinterher im patch bringen

MFG: Powerpunsh