View Full Version : Well, this is it.. kind of

06-08-04, 07:34
First of all I'd like to say that this is not a leaving thread, it's a 'taking an active retirement' thread... I care about the community too much to leave altogether, I canceled Molly and Kumiko, sera's still going to be around, so I can get in on bDoY in a few months if I want to, and I'm still going to log in every now and again, but I'm not an active community player anymore when I play I'm just going to putter around doing my own thing, fuck everyone else.

I know you've heard this all before, and I doubt one more person canceling their accounts is going to make a bit of difference, but I hope someone out there hears me, because I WANT to belive, dammit, I WANT to have a good time playing NC, desperately, but I just can't anymore.

Here's how KK could have kept 2 of my 3 accounts and kept me as an active supporter of NC...

1: Support. Most other MMOs solve big bugs in a few days, SWG had a problem with the TEFs on Jedi, they hotfixed 2 days later, problem solved, none of this bullshit like the saturn mission bug, or the TH lifts, or the drone bugs, or the 'freaky friday sync bug' that leaves your inventory at someone elses mercy...
tied to this too is in-game support, put up a few tickets, none have been answered within 2 days, I know you're overworked, but dammit, you lose a lot of newbs that way, and veterens get pissed.

2: Control your community. I've been harrassed, griefkilled, called all kinds of vile names, had cheats used against me, been scammed, slandered and all kind of other nasty things, and not one of my e-mails to abuse was ever even acknowedged, and it certainly never stopped anyone.
Another part to this is giving those of us who are sick of being GR-killed and sync-killed an option to avoid the griefers while still PvPing in a fair duel or OP fight.

3: At least make an attempt at giving us content. I get REALLY bored when I've seen and done everything there is to see and do (I challange anyone to find something I haven't seen, killed or experianced in NC, I dare you!) no new gear, mobs, story or anything for months makes a game feel REALLY static and dead.

4: Events: and I mean real events, with a story, that you are invited too. THe Rust event was a good start, too bad it got so borked (delayed 3 times so I missed it, harrassed, ect.) It should not be a challange to find events, I serched high and low, and all I ever found when I did go to an event was a PvP tourny or a mass mobspawn by cackling GMs, which was dissapointing to say the least... I've already soloed so many DoY bots it's not even funny, what makes you think 1000 more of them makes it more fun?

5:When people want to help, let them help: I volunteered for the VotR, but after being put on the team, I found it was a ghost zone, the chat room was empty 24/7 american and german time, I'd put up a story suggestion on the boards and get 1 response to it, asking for a translation, and NO VOTES AT ALL on the poll. I'd ask about an event-related article, they'd say they had to talk to callash (back when he did story) and never get back to me... it was frustrating as all hell. Thanks to the few GMs that did help BTW, sorry nothing ever came of the pics I had you help with...

6: when we have serious questions, try to allay our concerns... IE when we're worried about bDoY and the item wipe issue, give us something to hope on so we don't end up endlessly panicking and speculating.

That's just my 2 cents on how you could have ensured that I bought 3 copies of bDoY/NC2 (I liked bDoY better as a name myself) and paid 2 more accounts for years to come, as well as continuing to pimp NC out to all my friends.

Remember a player is like a girl in a bar, we want to belive the lies. Just throw us a bone here.

I'd also like to say thank you here to all the fantastic people that helped me get into Neocron: You know who you are, I'll keep in touch and if you need me to log and help you, just ask, I'm not abandoning my friends, although I don't have my capped tank anymore (poor Molly :( ) and you newbs too, don't get jaded like I did, it's a great game, and it hopefully will get better...

-see you all around, Kate "Seraphian" A.

06-08-04, 09:13
A very fair and accurate synopsis of the game and some of its problems.

06-08-04, 09:44
3: At least make an attempt at giving us content. I get REALLY bored when I've seen and done everything there is to see and do (I challange anyone to find something I haven't seen, killed or experianced in NC, I dare you!) no new gear, mobs, story or anything for months makes a game feel REALLY static and dead.

I'll take that challenge....

lets see warbots nooo ummmm chaos queen noooo ummmm mc5 nooooo

got it got it DOY

06-08-04, 10:50
For the purposes of the forum this is a leaving thread and is therefore going to be closed. You are still welcome to continue to post here while your account is still active.