View Full Version : [Brainport] Movement PA vs Combat PA

03-08-04, 03:09
This is just an idea to mayhaps spice up the PA selections, as well as 3D models.

All classes have a sort of +Combat PA. I'd like to see a -Movement, either ATH or AGL added to all of these, like the H-C PA. To just add a malus however, would obviously suck :p So in trade off for this, how about more Powerarmors? A second set of PA for each class that would give a substantial bonus to ATH and/or AGL, with a small malus to your combat skill.

This would result in people having at least two clearly defined skill-setup paths, with the exisitng plethora of subskill setups below them: The Combat-based setup with Movement PA, or a Movement-based setup with Combat PA. Both of these could have very definitive looks, and for each class. A bulkier, mayhaps more defensive look, for each class with the Combat PA. Then a sleeker looking, body-fitting PA that shows a little more skin and looks more like... spandex or something. For example, the existing Tank PA would probably fit under Combat PA, while the existing Spy PA would fit under Movement PA.

Rate/Rant/Whatever away :)

03-08-04, 03:28
Love your idea. I don't like to compare this game to others, but this has a bit of a planetside esque feel which is a good thing as far as armors go.

My only comment is, it could be difficult to balance especially with PE's.

03-08-04, 03:44
you said planetside, bad idea man

03-08-04, 04:03
I've never played Planetside *shrug* So I dunno if this idea has any reflection to that or not.

Shadow Dancer
03-08-04, 08:25
I <3 the idea.

03-08-04, 09:02
It seems like a nice idea, but me being a number cruncher, i can see the downside. Unless the bonuses are nicely balanced, the combat one will give more points.

But there are some masochists that would probably use it anyway :D

Freaky Fryd
03-08-04, 14:10
There could also be a Transport bonus on the Movement PA, for those that are doing mob hunting and need more free load for looting, or for tradeskillers that want to carry more...

03-08-04, 15:09
going just off a heavy combat one, you have to throw a lot more in to HC than you do ath/agil, so the gain from the speed one would have ti give massive bonus to make people use it.

its easier to free up points from HC(since each point is = to 5) where as speed is proberbly going to be 2 or 3 per point

so personally i would see no gain from this.

not that the idea itself isnt good

26-08-04, 19:50
I agree good idea ;)

Dribble Joy
26-08-04, 20:01
Personally... nah, I would rather see the atl malus taken off the HC PA.

That siad, more types of PA would be cool.
Like a tradeskill powerloader, that gave +50 tra.

26-08-04, 20:06
Like a tradeskill powerloader, that gave +50 tra.

Can the powerloader look like a Mech? Huh? Please say it can look like a Mech. Cuz that would be mechtastic.