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03-08-04, 03:01
I'll gladly admit when I've not put a lot of thought into an idea, and this is one of them :p So there might be some obvious negative points that should be pointed out, so feel free.

I remember reading a thread a bit ago about the Faction Guards (FGs) in certain zones, such as Cycrow. So, stemming from that, what if after owning an OP for say, 5-10 mins, two FGs of your faction spawn at the right and left side of the UG entrance of the OP. My goal with this thought is two-fold.

A) Try to work out something that might reduce the amount of "UG Camping" that goes on when an attacking team is on the offensive, expecting the defensive team to zone up.

B) Incorporate a more faction-active role for Factions in the OP War scene.

Ideally - these guards would only attack Faction Enemies if there were in the line of sight of the UG, or if they were directly attacked. These guards might also serve as a decent defense for Tradeskillers of the clan, faction, or friendly faction, who would be sitting at the OP putting in their 8 hour shift of work.

Any thoughts? Or maybe other ideas to incorporate faction pertinence to OP holding? I think that OP holding somehow affects StockX, but I'm not sure if that's an old rumor anymore or what.

03-08-04, 03:08
From what I've heard with DOY factions will play a more important role than clans, so owning op's would benefit a faction over a clan, so an idea for getting more faction co-op for op's would be ok. Would have to have like a 30 minute respawn timer though once they die.

03-08-04, 11:55
Would have to have like a 30 minute respawn timer though once they die.
Why not make it so the occupying clan has to 'hire' new guards, meaning that the guards won't respawn until they are bought via clan admin on the citycom.

Also, even if the outpost is taken by another faction, the guards would still belong to the previous faction, so the new clan would have to kill them and install their own guards.

03-08-04, 20:09
I like the hiring idea *a lot*. Put a max of two Faction Guards with an upkeep price tag - this will give the idea of owning an OP being a money sink instead of a money gain a little kick. Clans can make a little cash by trading off the added defense or forego the clan cash deposit by renting both guards. Maybe even have an initial buying price of 100k each from the clan fund?

03-08-04, 21:50
Would make defending clans hug the UG because they would get free protection from overpowered faction guards.

03-08-04, 21:52
Would make defending clans hug the UG because they would get free protection from overpowered faction guards.

definetly and thus giving the game an even more dependency on NPCs to do even more for them.

03-08-04, 22:05
So limit it to one NPC if it's that huge of a deal...

Besides, shouldn't the 'defending' clan from the UG be getting to the HR to stop the hacks? And a defending clan using 'home field advantage' is far less lame in my opinion than the attacking clan getting the advantage over zoning players.

03-08-04, 22:12
@ -FN- I was thinking that the guards would cost a lot more, say in the millions. Afterall, you get what you pay for.

@ 40$Poser It could be fixed so that the guard AI only registers the immediate area around the underground. If the defending clan wants to hug the underground, then the attacking clan can hug the hack terminal.

03-08-04, 22:14
Considering how little damage any AoE does to a zoning player it makes little difference unless they crash and are dead anyway, and theres using home field advantage then theres zone whoring which is the main reason I dont fight much in PP and opwars are turning into the same thing a pepper park but with different surroundings.

04-08-04, 03:33
I really like this idea...pending on what changes in DoY. :)