View Full Version : Neocron : The Book?

01-08-04, 02:27
Can anyone tell me if there is any books 'like' Neocron, I have recently quit and im missing it :(
Im in UK if that makes any difference to what books are available to me. I want something crossed between Neocron and Fallout (it rox) or even Postal 2 which would just be funny. Thanks

Oh yeh if Will4Green reads this then HELLO....sex

01-08-04, 02:36
Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive are some of my favorites, Nothing really like the wastelands, but they are the epitomy of 'cyberpunk'. And of course, the epic of Jest that I just found here on the boards.

01-08-04, 02:47
Thanks :)

01-08-04, 02:49
William Gibson created cyberpunk with his books - Neuromancer, Count Zero
and Mona Lisa Overdrive are a must read. His latest triology are easily as
good as the first one, check em out - Virtual Light, Idoru and All Tomorrows

01-08-04, 02:55
nothing to do w/ neocron but my fav all time book is Doomsday Book it kicks total utter ass

Indrid Cold
01-08-04, 06:38
Comic book = Judge Dredd.

01-08-04, 09:25
Stephen Kings "the stand"

01-08-04, 09:34
Bridget Jones's Diary is probabally the best Post-Apoc book I have read.
You should try that first of all.

01-08-04, 09:34
The 'Sprawl' Trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive) is THE seminal cyberpunk trilogy, it INVENTED the word 'Cyberspace' and Neocron makes plenty of internal references (I remember listing all of the FCs that had names from the trilogy once, it was like all but a few at the time)

Gibson's other Trilogy (Virtual Light, All Tomorrow's Parties and Idoru I belive) is also quite good, as is his newest, the 2002 release 'Pattern Recognition' although after the Sprawl Trilogy he got bored with cyberpunk and really changed to near-future SF... with less of a 'punky' bent. A quick primer and a great introduction to Cyber-lit is his 'burning Chrome anthology, which is replete with in-references to the later Sprawl Trilogy.

ANYTHING by Bruce Sterling, especially 'Islands in the Net', If Gibson is the father of Cyberpunk, Sterling is it's crazy unlce that always bought it alcohol and ciggs...

Snow Crash, by Neil Stephenson, cyberpunk with a sense of humor, and the name of our beloved dev. the Baroque cycle by Stephenson isn't quite cyberpunk, but The Cryptonomicon mentions my obscure hometown, so I have to give it props...

Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams is a personal fav, pure hard Cyberpunk, untainted by some of the later revisionism.

If you do tabletop gaming and want a Neocron fix, Shadowrun is good, Cyberpunk 2020 is better.

And I'm writing a D20 system Neocron conversion, which I should be done with in a few weeks, if anyone wants to help, DM me...

01-08-04, 09:50
Stephen Kings "the stand"



01-08-04, 10:34
Yea just go down to the rp forum. and read jest his 2 storys.. when you finished those.. there is always the nerd storys to read ^^

01-08-04, 11:48
lol almost forgot the nerd... only got trough halfway... there is ALOT of em...

01-08-04, 12:23
Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive are some of my favorites, Nothing really like the wastelands, but they are the epitomy of 'cyberpunk'. And of course, the epic of Jest that I just found here on the boards.
Aye. Read them or you'll get confuzzled when people start going on about Alephs and ICE ingame or on the boards :)

PS: Aleph = big thing (Simple terms) and ICE = Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics, antihacker stuff :p (Simple terms again!)

01-08-04, 12:24
lol almost forgot the nerd... only got trough halfway... there is ALOT of em...

i'm in nerd to :D does that make me old ? :( anyway nerd = pwnage :)

01-08-04, 12:56
Yay i'm in NERD too! :P

*Looks in mirror at greying hair*

01-08-04, 13:09
heh hell even im in nerd. we are the old pluto crew. the creme de la creme of RP :P honest ;)

01-08-04, 15:23
Bounty Hunter, by William C Dietz. Has the world run by corporate entities, has an intense cyberpunk atmosphere, has the post-apoc setting... Also has other planets. =P

01-08-04, 17:31
Just realized that no one mentioned Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, by Phillip K. Dick, the book that Blade Runner was based on.

It's probably the closest to Neocron's Semi-post apoc cyberpunk of any of the above mentioned, with the possible exception of Bounty Hunter, which I have not read (may go pick it up soon...)

Also, the 400 boys and it's anthology is mostly post-apoc cyberesque stuff.

Also: a clarification, an Aleph is usually used to refer to a LARGE amount of computer storage used to create an offline VR world. It has connotations of a new world, or more specifically a New Eden, by way of the fact that Aleph is the first letter in Hebrew and used as a symbol for the beginning of the world (alpha)

01-08-04, 19:43
Surprised no one suggested 1984 by George Orwell, very nice book. The main character almost seems like someone from ShityAdmin reliasing that Brotherhood of Crahn or Twlight Guardian are the good guys.

02-08-04, 02:34
The Nights Dawn Trilogy.
By Peter F Hamilton.

02-08-04, 02:39
this site (http://project.cyberpunk.ru) has a buncha cyberpunk stuff. including online books.

tho it's kind of an old site and hasn't been updated in a long time. so don't expect to find anything really recent there.
still it's worth a read.