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View Full Version : Filter Heart 2 = WtF?

23-07-04, 10:25
Yea, stupid name but my question is...

I have a Sniper Spy, not a close range fighter, would it be a wise idea to put a FH 2, or keep the strenthen(how ever spelled) and get the extra health

23-07-04, 10:29
Since you get more than enough xray from PA, I can't see you switching to filter heart (and consequently losing some hit points because mere con level adds hit points) since your only real benefit would be poison. Hopefully you'd be able to drop an APU or Melee tank (poison uses) before they got close enough to need the poison resist.

23-07-04, 10:31
can spies use fh2? thought it reqqed 45 con..

23-07-04, 10:39
Well it needs 43 CON - So you can put the heart in if you have a MoveOn, but as it then drains 5 CON, I'm not sure that it would function.

23-07-04, 10:55
You can't use a Filter 2 on a spy. The con nerf is too big.

J. Folsom
23-07-04, 16:06
For spies, since you usually don't spec either XRay or Poison resist, a strengten heart 2 is usually more point effective anyway.

23-07-04, 16:17
Isn't Exp Heart 1 better then Strengthen Heart 2 because of the +10 extra Endurance? A spy wouldn't spec xray resist anyway.

J. Folsom
23-07-04, 16:19
Isn't Exp Heart 1 better then Strengthen Heart 2 because of the +10 extra Endurance? A spy wouldn't spec xray resist anyway.
You lose the endurance again because of Spy PA, might as well just use a strengten heart 2. ;)

23-07-04, 16:19
Isn't Exp Heart 1 better then Strengthen Heart 2 because of the +10 extra Endurance? A spy wouldn't spec xray resist anyway.
Doesnt really matter as the spy pa takes away all end anyway.

But one of those two is the best choice. fh1 doesnt help, spies cant spec enough poison anyway.

DAMN, beaten to it. :)

23-07-04, 18:57
Beside that Spys normaly cant use FH2 they dont need it anyway.
Str Heart2 is prolly best for them and the weak point on Spys will be POR all the time. U can set up decent fire and enrg but never realy good por if whant to have more resists then only por. So even a Fh1 would be waste in a Spy close combat or not!

23-07-04, 19:26
imo, exp heart 1 is the best for "classic" spies, cause u dont give a fuck about the xray malus with your PA, and u get health + end + con