View Full Version : [OT] "Paranormal HooHaw" or "Why you believe in ghosts"

23-07-04, 01:58
So I was looking at a thread (10 pages long) on a forum for which you must purchase a membership, and I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to forums. So now I'm feeling like sharing what I've experienced, maybe you have experienced something yourself and feel like telling your story.

Here it goes:

So I have a friend (YES!), I've known him for almost ten years now, this experience happend 3 or 4 years ago. He'd always told me he had a ghost in his house, moving objects around in his room, playing with closet doors. But I'd never given much thought to his stories being true, just believing that he was a disorganised, forgetful bastard. He lives in a townhouse, rented to people who cant afford much. There are 9 other suites in the building. All of them having their own entrances. All of which are on the same side of the building. His place was on the second floor, up a flight of stairs shared only by the suite next to his.
So I didn't believe him until one day when we were doing hot knives in his kitchen, (something he'd told me pisses of the ghost [possibly an old bible thumper?]) We'd just finished up and were sitting around in the living room which was connected directly to the kitchen/dining room. First, one of the drawers shot open inside the kitchen. A physical impossibility as there is a bump on the drawer's tracks that it must be pulled overtop of, in order to open the drawer. Next right afterwards, the closet next to the front door in the kitchen, folds open entirely. Needless to say both of us were pretty weirded out.
On another occasion the front door swung open, even though it was locked (you can't do blades in the kitchen with an unlocked door), and promptly slammed itself. First we both thought someone might be outside, maybe wanting to piss us off, so my buddy jumped up and opened the door, which was still locked. Both of us looked outside, and there was no one there. Anyone who had managed to pull it off couldn't have possibly made it down the stairs AND gotten around the side of the building to where we couldn't see them.
Other mutual friends have had weird stuff happen in that house so I don't think I'm crazy. (unless maybe theres something in the drinking water in the house...)
One of the oddest things my friend related to me during a summer of his;
He left the city to head up north to stay on a reserve (hes a native american, in canada they can live on the reserves that we promised them, while we stole the rest of their land) that his father lives at. It's a fairly long drive, in a very remote location. Anyways, heres the messed up part. It took the ghost 3 weeks to walk there. It followed him to see what it could see I guess. Chad had 3 weeks without the ghose pulling strange shit on him and then it all started up again, the same sort of things. And when he came back to the city it spent another 3 weeks walking back.

So anyways, those are my direct experiences, if you have only 2nd hand stories, they're just as good, but please no one line posts (like, no ghosts aren't real!!!1111, your e-penis will never get as big as your post count).

23-07-04, 03:07
why do i believe in ghosts...

1) because i'm a freak. this is the most important reason. it's also the reason i buy into reason #2.

2) because of the law of conservation of energy. energy cannot be destroyed. it can only be changed. while the energy that makes up the matter in your body becomes one with the earth, the energy spat out by your brain floats free. thoughts, dreams, muscle commands, etc... the stuff that makes up a person's mind are all electrical impulses.

3) because Dan Akroyd is da man.

23-07-04, 03:59
I've not experienced ghosts but my grandfather did, the house was haunted.
For example one evening the outer door's handle started to go down slowly and back up slowly, then it got wilder and it started going up and down very fast. My grandfather sneaked to the door while the handle was moving very rapidly and he grabbed it and opened the door and no one was there, neither were there any footprints which it would have been as it was snow outside.
Would be pretty fun to actually experience a real ghost myself, maybe I should take one of those trips to haunted hotels etc. and spend the night ^^

23-07-04, 04:39
alright i guess i'll tell one of my lameass stories. i've always chalked them up to hallucinations from being tired or something... but anyway.
years ago when i was still in junior highschool, my sister and i were up getting ready to catch the ugly yellow bus. i was leaning on the wall in the dimly lit hallway outside the bathroom. ya know.. waiting for my turn to put my face on.
she finally opens the door and comes out, followed by a black cat. i thought nothing of it. we'd always had lots of cats.
the cat stopped in the corner by the bathroom door and i reached down to pet it whispering "hey kitty". and just as my hand got within reach of its head, my sister turned on the light in an adjacent room, lighting up the corner the corner the cat was standing in... only there was no cat. i never once took my eyes off the corner. i was about to pet the damned thing and then poof.. gone.
i thought "oookaaaay. that didn't just happen." i shook it off and went about my morning beautifying ritual.
afterwards i asked my sister if one of the cats was in the bathroom with her. she said there wasn't.
then i realized.. it was black cat. we didn't have a black cat at the time. we did have a black cat, but she died the year before. her name was star because of the starshaped white spot on her chest. that cat loved my sister and followed her everywhere around the house.

i kept that story to myself until a few years later when my mom was on one of her "this house is haunted i tells ya!" lunacy binges. (her and my sister swear they have seen and/or heard ghosts several times) when she heard the cat story she got all teary and was like "oh my god. it was star. she really loved your sister."

anyway. even tho my mom and sister say they've seen and heard ghosts in that house, i've only ever seen that cat. (and wierd phantom metal/glass ball thingy that tried to take my head off) it was dark and i'd just woken up. i've never been a morning person. i figure my head wasn't awake yet and still trying to dream.

i believe in ghosts and stuff, but until i see evidence, i don't even believe my own experiences.

23-07-04, 08:55
decent stuff so far, lets hear some more or were you all scared shitless and cannot remember anything?

23-07-04, 09:25
ive heard many ghost stories from my family. mainly my brothers who sleep downstairs. my phone number ends with a 6661, we moved in friday the 13th and my bro used a oiji (spelling) in the basement alot. one of my brothers "my oldest" used to feel like he was being watched all the time. He would come back into his room and some of his things would be switched. like his lamp would be on the ground infront of his door when it was on a shelf. i thought he was being paranoid until i slept downstairs in his room one night. i was trying to sleep and couldent seem to get to find a comfortable position. i kept turning and switching the side i was sleeping on. i look to my dresser when i was turning and i saw this figure of a person. saw my bros paintball gun right through it. I ran out of the room with my blanket ofer my head. scared the hell outa me. ive heard tons of stories but thats my only real "encounter".

people think seeing a ghost would be exciting but i have yet to know someone who has seen a ghost or similar without being struck with immense fear. its just overpowering.

once my bro used an oiji board and after putting it under black light nad using it and then in regular light the permanent marker still looked black. but when its placed under black light it apears to be blood red. we used the same marker on the wood to see if the marker just looks red under the light and no, the black apeared black. then, they wanted th sand the triangle peice so it would move smother and what not. after a few seconds of sanding the wood reveiled red under it. the whole peice was dark red right under the surface some how. anyways they have asked many questions. after my feet felt cold from the inside out (strangest feeling ever) i left becouse i didnt want to get to involved with it. aparently they asked it what nicks name standed fore. the answer wasent scarey but, they ran in fear for their lives the second they saw the last letter finish. BTW the wuestion was "what do my initials stand for?" and the answer "naked dead party" my heart beats faster and i cant help but think im being watched just as i write this. but i know thats probably just becouse im being paranoid (still in the same house btw). i dont think its a very good story, if you can call it that. more peices becouse i dont feel like saying some of the questions, answers right now.

anyways i still have the oiji board peices in my garage. stil goes red under black light and the triangle peice is still red. and i recall there was also a black line that was showing up aswell for some reason. i cant remember where it was onthe board though, and im NOT going to go check it right now in the middle of the night when im hole alone.

ya and thats why i beleive in ghosts and almost anything "paranormal".

Rude Boi
23-07-04, 13:53
Ive had a few minor experiences with ghosts in my old house.

ie feeling a cold breeze on my flesh when im sitting down, with no windows or doors open, and the occasional "Someone is watching me" feeling.

i enjoy talking about this topic of the paranormal and ghosts, dont know why, just seems intresting to me. :rolleyes:

there doesnt seem to be a presence of anything in my new house...

Also... i seem to be a paranoid pessimist :wtf: , is there anyone who thinks they have seen a ghost or it actions who isnt paranoid or whatever lol

23-07-04, 14:14
I'm pretty paranoid, but I don't believe in ghosts or any paranormal shit. If it can't be explained in plain science and logic, it doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.

My friend told me house was haunted about 3 years ago, so I went and stayed the night. Suddenly two cuboard doors swing open, then close again all by themselves. I was like O_o . I went to check it out. Immediatley I noticed the base of the cuboard wasn't on square, so the whole thing tilted back and leant against the wall slightly, that explained the doors closing again. I opened it up, had a look inside with a torch, and found one of the back panels missing, and behind it, in the wall, was an air vent. The wind coming in had built up pressure inside the thing, burst the doors open, then they closed by themselves under gravity because it was tilted.

Example 2: one of my ex girlfriends told me that a white ghost flies around her garden at night sometimes, its 12ft tall, fat, and floats about 20ft above the ground. So I stayed, and about 11pm sure enough, there it is, hovering around erraticly. It stopped, so i walked out to get closer, saw it was actually against the trees at the far end of the garden, walked up to it, and I see this bright white light behind me. Turns out, the next door neighboors teenage daughter likes to read at night, and does so by torchlight, some of which shines out of the window, and onto some trees, looking like a ghost. It made me realise how unreliable our own senses are, before I knew what it was I really did think I saw a ghost.

I believe every single ghost story/sighting can be attributed for things like this, or people's minds playing tricks on them. I've seen some freaky shit when drunk/high.

Rude Boi
23-07-04, 14:37
well, normaly i belive in scientific shit, especialy when it comes to the bible....
i try to come up with possible reasons how everything happened.

but i dont know why i believe in ghosts... maybe its just the bored side of me trying to excite me :P

(also i dont do drugs :p, drugs are bad mmmmkay, and only drink on special occasions :angel: )

23-07-04, 14:49
Ghost appear in peoples mind. People fall for peer presure and say they "also saw the ghost". Some say it because they want their 15 mins of fame. Sighting by more than one person at the same time can often be attributed to something else, like a prank, drugs or some other effect (possible even by EM disturbing the brain or whatever) Same goes for alot of UFO reports.

You should flip on Discovery Sciense Channel some time. Only Ghost i've ever seen is a Harddrive cloning program called G.H.O.S.T.

Rude Boi
23-07-04, 14:57
u compare them to ghosts, but the fact is how the hell do we know we are alone in the universe.... but the fact of them visiting us is sounds pretty stupid to some peoople, and the probability of being visited by creatures not
from this earth is very low

there could be endless reason and explanations for UFOs and Aleins etc and why they have/havent visited us yet :wtf:

Anyway back to ghosts, you see people going on gameshows where they have to spend the night in a old haunted mental institution where someone broke out and killed aload of people, and throughout the show u see these people doing dares and start crying and shit, but for all they know it could just be the production crew scaring the fuck out of them.... or it could be ghosts :P... but the 1st reason is probably more acceptable.

people will always try to proove that ghosts and aliens excist, while other people try to proove them wrong

24-07-04, 03:31
good stuff, we got some sceptics in the house now. i can totally understand how one can't come to accept that ghosts or whatever exist, no one in their "right" mind would believe in anything out of the ordinary - not supported by science, of course just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The first thing anyone's brain does is try to adhere what they've just experienced to reality, of course who's to say everything we've all experienced in recorded history isn't one giant, mass-hallucination...

oh right. *bump to the top*

Epsilon 5
24-07-04, 04:16
I have never witnessed any paranormal activity, nor do I know anyone which anything of that kind happened, however, I am an open-minded person, so i could believe in ghosts with credible evidence.

24-07-04, 04:39
why do i believe in ghosts...
2) because of the law of conservation of energy. energy cannot be destroyed. it can only be changed. while the energy that makes up the matter in your body becomes one with the earth, the energy spat out by your brain floats free. thoughts, dreams, muscle commands, etc... the stuff that makes up a person's mind are all electrical impulses.

I am occasionally used by a local paranormal group as a consultant, mainly because I have a lot of experience with A/V gear (you would be surprised how many "ghost" "sightings" can be attributed to a faulty tape recorder or scammers).

I see this theory a lot about conservation of energy meaning the brain's energy turns into a ghost, and I have to tell you this theory is rubbish (not conservation of energy, the ghost bit.)

While indeed it is true that energy cannot be created or destroyed merely transformed, and it is true that the brain uses electricity, there is also the concept of entropy that people never take into account and the fact that your brain uses energy just functioning. If this were not the case, it would not require any nourishment and you wouldn't have to eat.

It would be like saying that when a battery is used up, then "because energy cannot be created or destroyed" that the battery then becomes a ghost battery and haunts toy and camera shops when in reality it uses a chemical reaction to generate potential and as those chemicals are used up it's power output falls until it is drained.

If you want true weirdness, get into sleep paralysis. Actually I think I may post a poll...

24-07-04, 05:38
well it's just one my wacky thoughts. i've got a million of em. did i mention i'm a freak?

btw. i also belive in extraterrestrials and ufo's. but i don't belive in extraterrestrial ufo's. hell, people thought the stealth fighters and bombers were alien spacecrafts before they were unveiled for the gulf war. (the original war. not the sequel.) i suppose it's possible for some ufo sightings to be extraterrestrial, but why the hell would beings advanced enough for deep space travel come to this backwards planet?

maybe they've come to see our ghosts. hmmm.

shit. i just ruined my l33t 666 postcount.

24-07-04, 07:21
Well all a UFO is, is unidentified, and they DO exist. People see craft they can't identify == UFO. Military tests new stuff all the time but won't admit it flew, therefore if you see something, it's a UFO.

As for extra-terrestrials - it would be safe to say there is a higher probability that there is intelligent life elsewhere than isn't. As to if it has visited here, unknown.

I will tell you one thing though - it is scientifically possible for ET's to exist as opposed to "ghosts".

Of course none of this could be real and we could all be living in some future generated simulation of life in the 21st century, and if that's the case then anything goes.

24-07-04, 09:05
Well. Here's my story.

So, I'm trying to get to sleep, because it was so damn hot in the house that night. Now the old blind in my room has NEVER done this. So the blind is down. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, it FLIES up, for no reason at all. So I just go. hoookaaaay... and go back to trying to sleep. Then, I have this touch lamp in my room(okay, this actually could have been faulty wiring, but it never did this before) just starts going crazy. So, I get it up unplug it. Duh it stops, but the clock keeps ticking. The clock is run on the same energy the light uses, not batteries incase your wondering. So, again, I just go hookaaaaay and try to get to sleep. Then, out of nowhere, my TV turns on, then turns off. The remote was sitting on my night stand. So now I'm pretty freaked out. Then, I start to think alittle, and remember that my Grandpa died around this time last year. So, I say 'Grandpa?' outloud. This INSANELY cold gust of wind FLIES by my face in the direction of the window. So, I'm scared shitless, and just try to get to sleep.

The next morning, I get up and ask my mom 'Did anything happen last night, in the past years?' Then, my mom informs my it was exactly a year ago that my Grandpa died. On almost the exact time he passed away in the hospital.

So, being curious, I phone up my cousins, ask them if they had anything weird going on, and they all told me yes. Pretty much the same stuff that happened to me that night.

Weird shit right there. I never believe in the past, but now I do.

24-07-04, 09:47
I'm not sure what i believe, I'm generally a sceptic who likes to see hardore evidence before I judge anything...
However, I've had some experiences, strong feelings, intuiton...nothing you can name or describe, but you all know what I mean , I'd imagine...
The chills, unexplainable fear/terror, just the concrete knowledge that something is not ``right``
I had an apartment once, that I KNEW was fucking weird. (Found out later about the murders)
Didn't see anything, but you still know.
Personnaly, I agree with the theories concerning energy dispersal, that were also posted here. That, and the ``psychic battery`` theory, that a place/area reflects what it was charged up with...
Emotions, and what they produce are energy. Rage and hatred can be measured (by the amounts of electrical activity they produce, any strong emotion, I guess)
The 21 grams theory is interesting also, not the movie, guys, look it up..
(Good movie, though)..The soul HAS been weighed....
well, maybe it's not the soul, but weight loss immediately following death has been measured, and no, it's not the piss or shit dripping on the floor when your bladder gives it up. (in electrical ``discharge`` and body weight testing in a few rather controversial studies)
I'm not gonna say Ghosts and the like don't exist, I don't wanna get a tap on the shoulder some night to prove me wrong by some bored phantom..

Rai Wong
24-07-04, 10:25
I am with the concept that whatever a ghost is, we can't harm them and they can't harm us. While experiencing stuff like a tv suddenly turning on with an old and black and white movie, I have little fear of ghosts (yes i'm scared of creepy movies though lol), I don't think they can mean any harm. usually anything weird happens I just tend to forget about it. If a ghost ever did talk to me, well i'll talk back.

however that energy dispersal theory is very doubtful, since energy in brain is literally neurotransmitters within our brains, which are chemicals, there is no proof that these transmistters don't just stay in the corpse and discompose with it as well, the electrical impulses are a result of variable polarity generated by these neutotransmitters between nerve cells, unless you can prove that the brain works outside of just chemicals its pretty hard to believe, that emotions/energy can travel like that.

24-07-04, 10:36
I guess it's really a matter of what you believe in.

Peronsally, I don't believe in ghosts(ghosts in my definition are the old white clear thinger in movies) but believe in spirits(hard to explain I guess, but just something that's there, but not scientificly, bah, I'm horrible at explaining stuff).

I've never personally had a 'seeing experience' like in the movies or whatever. Just that cold breeze type thing.

The only spirit encounters I've ever had have been with who I seriously think is my Grandpa. But, I guess there was a 'bond' between us. I hardly ever saw him, due to 1.) my Grandma was/is a bag to my dad, so we never visited and partly the fact I always lived 2+ hours away. I think spirits are normally emotionally connected to the person/persons who have 'encounters' with them. I've really never had a experience with a 'evil' ghost or spirit, but that stuff you always see on TV is just.. well... I think it's fake. All for ratings.

Meh, it's late, half of tha probably makes no sense at all, hehe.

Rude Boi
24-07-04, 14:32
does anyone here believe in that each and everyperson have a spirit guides?
that throughout our lives we have at least one spirit watching over us, helping us out and protecting us?

24-07-04, 15:27
I dont belive in ghosts or anything else that I can not see with my own too eyes (and cant prove it to be a fake). Im a martial artist from the bottom of my heart and I meditate once a day but I dont belive there is anything "magical" in it. It just calms me and I can think more clearly (plus I sleep better at night) when I meditate. The only thing in the world I completely belive in is my self.

Well this gets a bit too complicated for my English skills so I stop speaking about this subject now before I make complete fool of my self...

24-07-04, 15:37
Nice spooky Stories ...
Maybe this is a Ghost Story too ...
Was driving home on the Highway when i fall a bit asleep. As soon i closed my eyes i saw a very good Buddy who died a few Days ago. He told me "Watch out".
I cant explain this for sure but he woke me up in the right time otherwise i couldnt post this here ... sounds like an Guardian Angel eh? :confused: