View Full Version : what todo, im bored as hell...........

22-07-04, 16:03
What todo guys, im bored sitting here again in front of my computer and not really bothered about logging into NC, i gto m8's on vent who still enjoy it to a degree, some people are on the look out for new games or just something different, i got m8's on MSN talking to me about SWG and one of them is patching as we speak saying he is gonna go back to it and although we both know its boring there, he is gonna try it out again.

I sit here now, think about the games i play, which is mainly Neocron, and some CS from time to time, i find im playing more CS lately than NC, why is that? well serveral reasons, the crap that comes with Saturn for one, its a mess on saturn and we had a long talk about it last night over coms, I truely believe it is impossible to stage a clan on saturn for any lenght of time to be stable and have a known enemy, instead of this trust only your clan m8's you know.

We all know the trouble with it, but i cba to start on another server, or even go back to pluto as thats dead too, Neocron a dying game, to little to late from KK ?

I mean i was on last night, i though oh well i don't wanna lvl, thats boring, so my wife and I decided to go wb hunting in our rhino, we do this only to find out that i can't repair my rhino coz of the stupid cock up KK did with the so called fix to that XP bug, so I put a ticket in to ask for the 40k i had to pay to repair my Rhino, the GM DM'ed me saying he didn't know the repair tools had been disabled and that there was no way he could refund my cash, ending with "have a nice day" :(

So im looking at a reason to log in, its kinda a stepping stone tbh, first i log in and find myself standing about doing nothing, then i stop logging in and sit about doing nothing.

What am i looking for? hmm a game that gives me fun, makes me smile and when i log off gives me a sense of doing something positive and constructive with my time.

Instead when i log off after 5 mins i find im sitting there being pissed off with Neocron yet again, this is the 3rd time ive come back to this game and tried to make it work, and yet again i find it failing :(

Does anyone even think its worth giving SWG another shot? i mean i know there won't be anything todo in that game either tbh, i would be just changing the skin of the game i see for the same result, standing about doing nothing :rolleyes:

What todo, seriously what should i do, give up on games completely? sometimes i feel that way o_O

I know, i know im coming across very negative atm, but tbh i can't help it when i think about NC, its only the people keeping me here in the game atm, our voice coms went down for 3 days and let me tell you, without that this game is aweful, its so bloody dull.

22-07-04, 16:11
maybe just take a break from neo for a bit.

i do it from time to time, a few days away from game can be good sometimes.

personally i think the main problem is lack of population more than anything, with lots of people the game would still be fun even without voice coms.

early in retail i never had teamspeak and when we would go hunting as a clan we had like 5 or 6 people a go, so that was fun as we had people all having a laugh.

prob now is lack of players, its rare to get that many people in a team outside a cave session.

i can scour(sp) the wastelands zone after zone and its rare i see another player allie or enemy.

with DoY i hope this will A: bring more people, and B: bring them out of safe zones as there wont be any(apart from clubs and Hqs)

a lot of the fun is player interaction, and you dont always get it.

22-07-04, 16:17
Turn off the computer and get out of the house.

Seriously, we tend to get in a rutt sitting behind a computer screen all day, everyday, playing computer games.

Get out, take a walk, go to the mall and buy something you can use OUTSIDE.

Get a radio controlled car and go to the park and chase the birds or a boat and chase the ducks. :)

Make believe you don't have a PC, what would you do instead?

If you're bored with Neocron and other games, it means you're burnt out and need to give it a rest and try something new AWAY from the PC and house.

I know because I've been there. ;)

22-07-04, 16:27
Like I said last night on coms - There is just too much ppl playing the game the way it wasn't ment to play.

Green vs Green - Innerfaction relationchips are fucked (i.e. Crahn).
That was not the way KK ment this game to be played. But no one can blame anyone because it's everybodys individual decission how to play the game. But i'm sorry to say that it's mostly fucking up servers - imo like saturn.

I said in one of the previos BDoY-threads that i really wish that KK gives us a server where you cannot bring your old characters or stuff. And anyways I haven't seen sequel char transfers since the old AD&D games (Champions of Krynn -> Death Knights of Krynn in example).

And I agree with anima, that NC is getting boring, and the only reason I play it too is the friends on coms. And some PKruns with them. For me OPwars have lost the glamour they used to have. That's mostly because of "lame/valid" tactics ppl uses. Just to name some: noobhealing,ninjahacking and zerging. I admit that i have done 2 of those myself - and i find it not so fun.
Yes, winning is always fun - but instead of winning i would choose good fight.

And the after fight.... jesus.. what is the purpose of trade-chan? i think it's not there for ppl to: brag,bitch,troll,<addthethingherethatdoesn'tbelongtotradechan>.. or CHITCHATTING..

Boredom > NC... and suddenly found myself signing up for beta test for Dragon Empires and WoW.. and MEO when it comes to beta.

I'm don't have any intensions to leave the game, that's just because of the ppl and the CP2020 atmosphere - not the game itself.

personally i think the main problem is lack of population more than anything, with lots of people the game would still be fun even without voice coms.
lack of population leads to that too many are bored, and that leads them to just fuck the game up. And coms are a must if you want to be viable in combats.but not saying that it wouldn't be fun without it.

22-07-04, 16:27
come back to swg and join the new fang city we'll be setting up in a couple of days :)

22-07-04, 16:34
Well... The way I think about things, to solution to getting bored with a game... is another game... and the solution to getting bored of that is another game... when you get bored of that there's always anime, and if you don't wanna watch then it's sleep time. :angel:

Anyways, I remember back when I played Neocron and FFXI at the same time, I got burnt out pretty quickly... I started playing some rounds of CS and Tribes 2 back then to relieve myself. Also, other single player games like MechWarrior seemed fun for a bit, then I'd go back to my MMOs.

Try giving gaming a break altogether, I never tried that but HEY there's always a first time for everything right? :p

22-07-04, 16:36
lack of population leads to that too many are bored, and that leads them to just fuck the game up. And coms are a must if you want to be viable in combats.but not saying that it wouldn't be fun without it.
i adisagree, although now adays we use it and yes it does help, i wouldnt say its a must.

in the past we opwar'd without and and often won, but meh not really th eissue here.

22-07-04, 16:40
Try roleplaying, it's actually pretty fun. I have a pure roleplay char in CA and it gets me good laughs from time to time.

22-07-04, 16:43
Play single player games offline, get off the Net for a while.

That's what I do. Currently playing Planescape Torment, Max Payne 2, Manhunt, Icewind Dale and Dungeon Keeper 2. Completed them all bar DK2 and IWD but Max Payne 2 is so replayable, the bullet time is fucking awesome.

22-07-04, 16:46
i haven't run outta things to do in swg once i master a prof i play it a couple of days and start on a new one gives me a lot of variation very different from standing in p2 doing u guessed it nothing

22-07-04, 16:47
Take up a sport, can be physical or mental.

I do martial arts, helps me relax and makes me feel fucking good about myself. Like I've achieved something. Or play mind games with trafic wardens. Go see your mates and get drunk, chase girls. Go shopping. Learn a new skill (buy a shitty old car and do it up).

There's loads of cool things to do...


22-07-04, 17:28
I've been playing a ton of UT2004 Onslaught. I am addicted. I have found a few really good servers and that makes all the difference. One of my favorites is ut2004:// They have a whole bunch of custom maps and excellent performance.

I am also planning to renew my PlanetSide subscription. I only tried the game for about 3 weeks when it first came out and a ton has changed. I have been reading their forums and am very impressed with the weekly updates by the devs an what is being worked on. They merged 4 servers into 2 to create even more action and they recently announced that mechs are in development.

I also plan to try Guild Wars this fall. I think Neocron would be fun to try again in about 2-3 years when it's finished. 8|

22-07-04, 17:41
Well i do get out, i spend time with my family, we go out for walks and such, more so now its summer time, i spend time doing up our house, DIY is nasty business but the wife wants it done, you know how that goes lol

I have been about a bit, ive tried a lot of other MMO's, including planetside, but after a week of that i came to the conclusion that its good for a quick blast, but why pay for that when i can do that with CS which is free, i even have CS:CZ now, which is better for less hackers but still....

I do play other games, i got farcry which is almost completed, i got both a PS2 and Xbox, bought Thief 3 the other week, played that alittle bit, its not like im neocron 24/7 like some people, i got kids to look after too :D

There is a real lack of content in NC right now, if im honest with myself there has never been a real effort to give us content to make us active in the game, i mean they have even removed the quest run to get monk armor now, just making it easier :(

That was at least one thing about SWG, quests, which i did a lot of before i left the game coz i was bored lol

Maybe i should try a new server, and use a name no one knows and see if i can get some fun from it, i dont know what todo

22-07-04, 17:43
i've been trying out Fallout 2 recently, great fun, although it keeps crashing :S

Maloch Octavia
22-07-04, 17:56
Why do people ask these questions? It's like asking permission to piss.

Just go and play something else, and put Neocron back on the shelf, for however long you feel neccessary.

22-07-04, 18:19
Read a book.

22-07-04, 18:20
There needs to be a limit to the amount of accounts which can join a clan. Zerging is making this game boring

22-07-04, 18:23
you still get action with a zerg, the lack of action is the problem

22-07-04, 18:29
ezza, that can't be called as action. Whats the point even trying to fight when you have 200 vs 10?

ok lets say 30 vs 10.. no point, the 30 will runover the 10 if they don't lack skills badly.
As said, zerg = no point to resist.
30 vs 20 = mm.. perhaps.. but i prefer that 10 vs 10 is MUCH more enjoyable than 30 vs 10.

22-07-04, 18:31
you got a fight didnt you, a fight is action, thus you got action.

ive been on the end of more zergs than i have zerged *shrugs*

22-07-04, 18:36
yea well, i'm not gonna start this zerg conversation over again.

It's not fight when you get zerged, it's runover. It's some action for the attacking side, but how about the defending.. nope.

And would it be the reason your "defending" the zergging cause your in the bandwagon that zergs the most? imo, its that bandwagon of yours that is one reason for Saturn being what it is atm.

22-07-04, 18:39
rofl let me see, a force of proto and crahn attack shadow ops when only 2 shadow was on, clearly more than us, yet without turrets the smaller group won, go figure.

again at another op, about 5 BD, against what was like 15-20 FAs, was doing ok holding them off, they were going nowhere, then a few more BDs came and we beat em with lower numbers.

i can give examples ofback in cartel with whole server against us, and still coming up roses

and i aint bandwagon ok

22-07-04, 18:43
And here we come to the matter of having voice coms, and skills.
Yes i have killed 10+ CA:s, alone with my tank when they tried to take Jeriko. And we even were so busy attacking MCP so that we forgot to close the UG so they were all waiting me there. I > 10x CA.


And like i said in previous post, i'm not gonna continue this zerging conversation. It's lame and ppl doesn't enjoy that as much as equal number fight.

Edit: BD = Bandwagon @ Saturn, please open your eyes if you don't see.. the former enemies of BD are joining BD just because they don't wanna be in the losing side -> bandwagon.


22-07-04, 18:44
funny, cos i see more red these days on my BD than i do green

Magic Sausage
22-07-04, 18:48
I accually didn't play neocron for a whole day yesturday...

Spent 100 bucks on a new shirt, a book, and a very expensive dinner.

MMMmmm Ribs.

Anyway needless to say it was a great day and when i have the money to spare I'll do it again.

22-07-04, 18:49
Starlog day #855 time 18:49:26

I log in, find no one in clan online as usual, I look at the faction and clan forum to see that there is no new messages to read. I walk around in NC in different sectors to see if there is any interesting people online, unfortunely as always, no. I logged off for the day.

Over and out.

*beep bop*

22-07-04, 19:14
Starlog day #855 time 18:49:26

I log in, find no one in clan online as usual, I look at the faction and clan forum to see that there is no new messages to read. I walk around in NC in different sectors to see if there is any interesting people online, unfortunely as always, no. I logged off for the day.

Over and out.

*beep bop*

*cough* nerd *cough* (j/k :D)

Anyway, Anima, there is only 1 thing to do. Log off. Format C:\. Install Dos.
Seriously, as long as u have Neo on your computer you will log on, and
everytime you log on you get a little bit more dissapointed & a little bit more
frustrated & annoyed (sp?).

I heard that KK is releasing a Hotfix on Sep. 1st this year, apparently we have
to pay for that hotfix, dunno why, just heard some dude talking about it last
night. But anyway, Leave NC, pick up the hotfix in your local store when it
hits, and check that out instead.

I'll see you on coms soon :p
Should be home late Sunday / early Monday. (tell snake he wanks fat men)

- Primate

22-07-04, 19:24
I'm a trekkie, so what? :(

We are the borgs, resistance is futile!

22-07-04, 19:26
heh.. Centuri is borg.. atleast when he gets somekind of weird soundbug on coms :)


22-07-04, 19:27
reminds me of when mayhemmike was messing with soundboard while on teamspeak, nibbish to say the least

22-07-04, 23:25
you still get action with a zerg, the lack of action is the problem
Zerging is causing the lack of action. Players leave because of it and then there are less people fighting. It's funny how the zerging clan always decides to allie the clans that have a chance to beat them.

22-07-04, 23:28
Zerging is causing the lack of action. Players leave because of it and then there are less people fighting. It's funny how the zerging clan always decides to allie the clans that have a chance to beat them.
not really a clan im part of moved to BD to fight all those enemies, but they were big pussies and didnt want to fight so moved to allied factions

22-07-04, 23:33
Get a job like mine, where you spend 1/3 to 1/2 your time abroad!

Does wonders for your nc commitment when your back home.

Does kind of fubar your social life though.

Currently in Armenia, which is actually a really nice place. People are really friendly (if you make the effort to talk to them).

Back home in UK for 1 1/2 weeks (intensive nc playing) then off to work in Athens for the Olympics.

Trying to get out of going to Albania in Sept / Oct cos I've spent more time abroad this year than at home. And B:DOY is OUT the day I get back from Athens!

Edit\ damn talking smiley always appears when I write B: DOY

7 days and counting till I log back onto Uranus.


22-07-04, 23:53
I'll see you on coms soon
Should be home late Sunday / early Monday. (tell snake he wanks fat men)

- Primate

ROFL that he does m8, that he does :p was wondering when you was getting back, least we know now :)

Anyway i still played tonight, i been on coms all day tbh and finally was chatting to the guys about NC and saturn, i even talked about me moving to another server like Venus to check it out with the gliders and such.

But couple of the guys gave some suggestions and i ended up having a good night after all, we lvled "which i never really enjoy" and we had some fighting around TG area which is always fun todo.

I do miss op fighting a bit, the teamwork and such, I reckon maybe Adult Inc will be getting back to that once a few peeps come back "like above Primate ;) " and maybe we can fight BD again, would also be great if we did attack a Shadow op that we get only shadow there, of course fighting them when they got peeps online :D

23-07-04, 00:05
You could write a guide (http://forums.synergyxr.net/viewtopic.php?t=1231) for http://nc.synergyxr.net/ :)

Shadow Dancer
23-07-04, 00:07
Btw I love your site FN, lots of useful informationz.

Dru Blood
23-07-04, 00:20
do what i do man, take my car for an off road session in country sides, if you can drive that is, feels awesome, fresh air and great speed clears my head.

just a pain cleaning off the rabbit fluff from the intercooler :lol:

im jk im not rabbit killer :angel: