View Full Version : KK fix the lowtech rifles

22-07-04, 15:13
i can't bloody shoot with anything.. the PE NEVER hits 3 bullets i'm lucky to get 2 in somebody how good i aim or what.. and the termi is emty in 8 shots and then takes soooo much time to reload a 0/2 spy can kill me in that time

there is no point at all. the PE packs dmg the dmg doesn't need to be fixed.. but it bloody needs to hit something. all bullets going everywere exept on a target.

22-07-04, 15:14
amen, then again not like KK give a toss about a minority now is it?

*cough* trike users *cough*

22-07-04, 15:18
ya im with you on this, i got a rifler PE, and it is a pain the amount the PE misses.

though i also use a RoG which is good, however if the pain easer was better i would be fully low tech

22-07-04, 15:23
i aint gonna get a rog. i aint changing class or anything because kk just wants to push me there.. both the termi and pe are fucked up.. one doesn't hit and the other takes so long to reload it aint worth it unless your in a zonewar in pp1 :/

i'v been lowtech rifles since i started 1.5 years back and will stay that. but like hell i'm quiting pvp for now i just gonna sit in my app cause i can't take this no more.. even missing half the shots when you push the damn thing in somebody's face.

22-07-04, 15:24
Although it does seem to miss a lot it doesn't seem as bad as the libby atm :(
I'm more bothered by the stam drain on the pe atm, last op wars i was at i went through 20+ stam boosters O_o Its not really the quantity i find bad but more the point that with anti para etc a pe really can't afford many quick belt slots for boosters.

Just add fixing low tech guns to kks' to do list :p

22-07-04, 15:25
oh ffs quit moaning with db pain easer can roll 90's off most classes more off apu's per burst i never had a prob with my low tech pe although i will agree with u that termi reload is slow

22-07-04, 15:33
oh ffs quit moaning with db pain easer can roll 90's off most classes more off apu's per burst i never had a prob with my low tech pe although i will agree with u that termi reload is slow

Try using this little symbol: .
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22-07-04, 15:36
better hits for pe = death for silent hunter
atm pe is nearly the same like sh with dmg
because of frequency, pe is ok, nuff said

22-07-04, 15:43
All thats wanted is for it to hit more often hell standing still it manages to miss 1-2 a burst which is daft. Don't want damage boost just so it fekkin hit's.

also that is alod of bollocks saying it will make the SH redundant it has v nice damage and has the accuracy at range + spirit mods so don't try that.

22-07-04, 15:51
All thats wanted is for it to hit more often hell standing still it manages to miss 1-2 a burst which is daft. Don't want damage boost just so it fekkin hit's.

also that is alod of bollocks saying it will make the SH redundant it has v nice damage and has the accuracy at range + spirit mods so don't try that.

If its missing 2/3 shots and ur getting good damage imagine if all shots hit

al shots hitting = ub3r damage

22-07-04, 15:54
I have always assumed that each weapon has a base accuracy value (ranging from 1 - 100), and that increasing your aiming stat for the weapon (minus the size of the reticle) actually multiplies the base accuracy value.. so assuming the Pain Easer has a base accuracy of 30% and a player manages 200% aiming, and has a fully locked reticle (so it doesn't incur a penalty to the 200% aiming bonus) it simply increases the weapon's base accuracy to 60%, meaning that for every single bullet fired in each burst, it still only has a 60% chance to hit the target. This would explain why wepaons such as the PE and Libby miss quite a lot - I think their "base" accuracy is too low, so when coupled with a reasonably high RoF (esepcially with the Libby) you will see a lot of "misses" per second.

Conversely, this is why I actually think that the SH is better than the PE, despite what SpawnTDK seems to think - I suspect that it actually has a base accuracy of around 80%, because back when my PE was using one, I never noticed the SH miss as long as the reticle was over the target.. and a reliable weapon with great damage per shot beats the unreliable, high cyclic rate weapon that does medium damage per shot any day of the week.

If I am even vaguely in the right area with my assumptions, you'd just need to tweak the base accuracy a little for the lowtech weapons to solve the problem.

22-07-04, 16:28
If its missing 2/3 shots and ur getting good damage imagine if all shots hit

al shots hitting = ub3r damage

err like i dueled a bit today.. a fucking libby ********** me kept hitting me and hitting me and hitting me.. and all i dit to him was like 15 dmg.. thats good dmg ? lmfao.. don't make me laugh. a PE does good dmg when it manages to hit 2/3 bullets then it goes like 45 dmg.. but hitting 1 bullet doesn't work for shit.. and a PE only every hits 1/2 bullets.. its crap..

i fucking don't want more dmg on the PE i want it to shit stuff.. not only bloody walls and floors..

and talking about dmg boost is shit.. thats like saying anything that doesn't work like it should need ppu's to correct it..

also wtf has a SH to do with a PE ? jack shit.. a SH hits way harder and is nothing like a PE on range and shit.

22-07-04, 16:43
libby usually hits about 2 or 3 out of the 4 from a burst.

Same as Speedgat. all bullets actually, at least plasma blobs hit a guard or something and do damage..
all lowtech weapons in the game is pretty fubared in terms of hitting all bullets from a burst.

22-07-04, 17:12
oh ffs quit moaning with db pain easer can roll 90's off most classes more off apu's per burst i never had a prob with my low tech pe although i will agree with u that termi reload is slow

3 words.
concentrated damage blocker.
dbing as a pe is a stupid tactic especially 1v1. in the time it takes for a db to cast as a rifle user, you've already taken damage. by the time you change gun to pain easer they've taken a concentrated damage blocker. by the time you fire your first burst the db is gone and you've taken another burst yourself. That's supposing you hit with the db.

22-07-04, 18:43
3 words.
concentrated damage blocker.
dbing as a pe is a stupid tactic especially 1v1. in the time it takes for a db to cast as a rifle user, you've already taken damage. by the time you change gun to pain easer they've taken a concentrated damage blocker. by the time you fire your first burst the db is gone and you've taken another burst yourself. That's supposing you hit with the db.DB is an "iffy" tactic as a rifle user, as you said. However, it is good for ambushes.

The PE is pretty good damage wise, usually taking off about 15 HP per bullet on PEs and Tanks, 30 per bullet on unbuffed monks, and around the same for spies. I think it could use a small boost in RoF though. Maybe bump it up to 180 or 190/min.

And cannings, you will not see 90's rolling off the head of anything but a PSI monk when shot with the Pain Easer. Unless of course they have the worst CON setup in the history of NC.


22-07-04, 19:15
a PE is good dmg wise. ROF never was a point since a PE basicly can't cap a PE without drugs or a pure offence imp setup ( no moveon / ppr ) had 190 rc while i had hack on my PE and just got to 166 rof so you need like 195 rc to cap it..

but hell.. upping rof aint the point.. point is more bullets actualy gotta hit a target.. tho if you double the rof its good for me to.. since then MAYBE 2 bullets hit in the same time as they do now :wtf:

22-07-04, 20:55
I approve of this thread.

If the PE hits more often I might actually use it for once instead of my Terminator.

Damage Boost is also an unrealistic thing for a rifle PE (or imo any PE) to use in a 1v1 situation, it takes too long to cast, is too likely to fizzle and is too easily countered. I was practicing against Viruz yesterday, by the time he got his DB off (sometimes he just fizzled and gave up) I had already gotten a good number of bursts off at him, and taken off a good chunk of his hp. The times when he managed to get a DB off on me it only lasted for about two seconds... until my damageblocker took affect.

22-07-04, 22:11
I never had a problem with it :D

Shadow Dancer
22-07-04, 23:02
I agree, pain easer should have it's accuracy upped.

Doc Holliday
22-07-04, 23:06
I never had a problem with it :D

what he said. i regular get 2/3 shots landing never seem to get one or if i do on a rare occassion. im talkin duels here so its all at close quarters. i dont see a major problem.

23-07-04, 01:25
what he said. i regular get 2/3 shots landing never seem to get one or if i do on a rare occassion. im talkin duels here so its all at close quarters. i dont see a major problem.

then sir your h4xing..

send me your h4x in 7 days going on holiday now.

23-07-04, 01:51
I miss jusst as mutch as i do with my tank, and pistol PE when using the Pain Easer PE... IMO, it has the sweetest aim then any gun, with the Judge as an exeption... I <3 PE, so get ur sticky fingers off it.

23-07-04, 02:05
hmmm... wasn't the recoil stat of the gun the one that effected that... the more push back the gun gets from shooting will naturaly result in less bullets going in. though I haven't paid much attention at recoil up till this point... perhaps its flawed or something... who knows?

23-07-04, 04:19
KILLER']a PE is good dmg wise. ROF never was a point since a PE basicly can't cap a PE without drugs or a pure offence imp setup ( no moveon / ppr ) had 190 rc while i had hack on my PE and just got to 166 rof so you need like 195 rc to cap it..

correction 192 RC and 135 wep lore to cap Pain Easer :)

Tycho C
23-07-04, 05:18
I have to switch between low tech and high tech every month cause I get SO tired of how useless the Pain Easer is.

Iv whipped out the RoG recently. Its the shit. Why is there such a diff ?

Sure low tech gets you better resists, but they are useless if you cant kill your opponent before he eventualy kills you.

5 stars

23-07-04, 06:05
Yea, it should deff be uped a bit. And the reload fixed on the Termi.

Though i dont think they should be as good as high tech rifels, as with any gun, High tech should eb significantly better, there has to be some advantage into dumping an insane amount of skill into a whole extra Dext line :P


23-07-04, 06:38
my low-tech pe caps pe and tirmi and still giving shit dmg cause half my bursts miss :wtf: O_o o_O

awkward silence
23-07-04, 07:32
fixit plueeeeze