View Full Version : black screen of death

21-07-04, 20:19
please see this post.
Its really pissing me off!

21-07-04, 22:29
Cross posting BAAAAD!

21-07-04, 22:36
It will be fixed with DOY :rolleyes:

21-07-04, 23:44
ye - realise x posting is bad forum practise, but wasn't getting any help and BD were trying to take our ops!


23-07-04, 22:24
sorry for bump, but if this carries on both my brother and i are leaving NC.

Have found out that if I log on 1st, then he logs on, it works ok.

The other way round is no good at all.

This may sound like problem solved until I crash (which happens fairly often in the buggy old world of NC), then I am totally locked out, with my char still on screen for the killing.

23-07-04, 22:51
just a question boombang, i take it your on a LAN? Have you changed the neocron.ini file so that you two are able to both join at the same time? Basically you need to add a line to the bottom of the ini file which reads:

LOCALPORT = "xxxxx"

Where xxxxx is a number between 11111 and 65555 (I believe, someone mite correct me) and you both have different numbers in there. Hopefully that should work, if not then PM me and I'll have a look into the problem, as me and my housemate are on a LAN and have it working.


23-07-04, 22:53
Please don't cross-post.