View Full Version : hit 'em where it counts

trigger hurt
21-07-04, 14:11
There's 3 of these. One for each account. Appreciate the lost inventory once again. This time it wasn't a main char, was on jupiter where I hardly play and all I do there is go poke and level a bit...but it's obvious that there is something wrong with your systems and as many times as people complain about it, you haven't fixed it and you don't have anyway of returning my stuff.

Hate to see you go! But we will cancel your account as you have requested at the end of your billing period (July 25). Your bank account will not be billed again. Please let us know if we can be of service in the future.

Thanks for your patronage.


Customer Service Department
Internet Payment Solutions, Inc.

21-07-04, 14:20
damn that sucks :/

cya around then

21-07-04, 14:25
i had this bug with Jul, when i was killed by a drone i tried to recover the backpack but when i clicked the option on the Gr menu it said nothign at all, not even "unable to find any backpacks belonging to you" i had to actaully go out to where i died and find the backpack :( but everything was ok because when i clicked it everything was placed into inv... *phew*

21-07-04, 14:35
Leaving thread closed.