View Full Version : Introducing the Neocamp 2010!

21-07-04, 08:38
OK, I am going to try a first in Neocron gaming… I am building a Neocron playing AI.

Now, this is based on a similar project for SWG (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=104171), initiated by Fargo of Gamespy.com:

Having gotten a hold of Fargo’s elite engine: I am going to make the worlds first Neocron AI.

The rules table is remarkable simple:

1: any statement ending in a question mark is responded to with “dude?”

2: any statement ending in an Exclamation point is answered with “sex”

3: anytime anyone mentions my name directly, I respond with “bug”

4: any sentance ending in a period is answered with "Cool!" "yup" or "right on"

5: Join any team that invites me

6: attack any target that aggs on me

7: attack any target that is in range and lower than twice my rank.

8: If I die, generep to Plaza 2: Rontrade Walk and ask for pokes for the next 5 minutes.

9: If I die, respond with “damn they need to nerf” and whatever killed me.

10: If anyone opens trade on me, give them a Milky Wren.

I’m testing it out tomorrow, I’ll post more then

<PS This is based on a fargo article on gamespy that was a joke about the SWG community and the tedious nature of the game, I am not actually making any kind of bot whatsoever! :angel: >>

21-07-04, 09:41
lol, will be interesting :D

21-07-04, 09:43
Don't forget to tell the AI to GR it's backpack back, put it's weapons back in the quickbelt and the implants in the processor before it starts yelling for pokes... :)

21-07-04, 09:45
if you were to make one it would be one hell of an exploit lol

21-07-04, 09:49
You need a game that doesn't crash every 10 minutes to have a bot anyway lolololololo.

If you wrote a bot for NC 90% of the scripting/coding would be relogging scripts.

21-07-04, 12:23
Don't forget to tell the AI to GR it's backpack back, put it's weapons back in the quickbelt and the implants in the processor before it starts yelling for pokes... :)

And relogg becuase you have lots of Milkys in your armor slots etc :lol:

21-07-04, 12:48
damn i was gonna do that

mine wuda been better to :p

*goes into corner curls up into a ball and sobs*

21-07-04, 16:01
only trouble is are you that sad that you need a program to level for you??

if yes then gor for it but dont moan here when you get a ban

21-07-04, 16:27
and to put imps in the processor window before asking for pokes.... basic stuff really

21-07-04, 16:28
LOL if this is just to have a daft laugh where as you run it once and have a giggle fine. But if your gonna use it to lvl your chars I can see you getting banned for it as macros and Bots are not allowed

21-07-04, 16:38
LOL if this is just to have a daft laugh where as you run it once and have a giggle fine. But if your gonna use it to lvl your chars I can see you getting banned for it as macros and Bots are not allowed

*its a joke* not a *real* *bot*

21-07-04, 18:23
It's a total joke, I'm not actually building any kind of bot... first of all it WOULD get me banned... second it would be nearly impossible...

the 'bot' will consist solely of me sitting at the computer trying my best to act like a robot... do it early enough in the morning and with no coffee and no one will ever know the difference :D

22-07-04, 12:29
i know but there are people out there who would atempt it,just poniting out that it aint worth it,never said you would do so :)

22-07-04, 12:32
im making mine now, i had the idea when i first saw this about 4 month ago, its coming along pritty well, if anyone wants me to involve there char name on pluto just PM me.

22-07-04, 12:42
speaking of witch, where are the FEMBOTS?? :)