View Full Version : New BDoY Logo Poll

21-07-04, 02:44
Ok folks. Not being a huge fane of any of the logo's KK paid to have made, I've decided to create a couple of my own. What I would like to see from you guys is to vote for the one you would like most to be put on the list of current logo choices that KK has offered. Thank you for your time. (those of you I promised termi parts too for voting will be getting those later this week):P
http://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/shdowman/logo 1.jpg
http://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/shdowman/logo 3.jpg
http://www.iownjoo.com/freeimghost/shdowman/logo 4.jpg

21-07-04, 02:52
3 is by far the best. It' looks damn good.

Could also rename it the Millenium Dome of York then :p

21-07-04, 03:06
2 is broken, theres a space between the img and the http

i like 3 most thou :D

Rude Boi
21-07-04, 03:09
personally i dont like the 2 in any of em, but no one cares what i think :rolleyes:

21-07-04, 03:27
I agree with ya, I don't like the 2's either, but that is what KK is naming it, so it should be incorporated into the logo

21-07-04, 03:56
Ugh I ticked the wrong one!

I like the 2 in it, gives people an idea that it is Neocron No 2 and not just an expansion to Neocron 1.

I like Logo 1 the most for the simple reason that I do not like that picture of what looks like Madonna's titti

21-07-04, 04:04
Logo four, its simple yet looks great... not a big fan of the big design things taking over the name like in the official ones or the other designs.

Epsilon 5
21-07-04, 04:09
OMG obsessed at finding SW references! logo 2 and 3 makes me think about the imperial lambda shuttle (http://www.xs4all.nl/~wizzarts/shuttle2.jpg) from up front :eek:

21-07-04, 04:41
OMG.. you are all SW:G-ers ;) i knew it ;)

well anyways i like logo3 the best

21-07-04, 04:46
#4 looks like the MTV2 logo with Dome Of York printed over the top. :p

21-07-04, 07:10
OMG obsessed at finding SW references! logo 2 and 3 makes me think about the imperial lambda shuttle (http://www.xs4all.nl/~wizzarts/shuttle2.jpg) from up front :eek:

surely you mean the Imperial Llama Shuttle, right?

21-07-04, 09:32
good, good, I like all the feedback....let's keep it coming and give people more options on the logo's for BDoY!!

21-07-04, 17:30
Gotta be number 3

21-07-04, 17:36
I don't like any of those, but if i would have to choose, i would go either 1 or 4.

22-07-04, 01:43
It looks like a close race between 2 and 3...... hmmmmmm need more votes though

22-07-04, 02:12
I vote for none because KK won't use a logo which they'll copyright and have to pay you, a community member, royalties, when they've already hired a design company which has yet to come up with anything that really is eye-catching or even completely orginal.

But I do like yer logos, esp the 2 in the first one.

22-07-04, 02:17
2 and 3 are teh win

22-07-04, 02:22
Well, you seem to be a bit misinformed about graphic designers. I have never received royalties on work I've done, in fact I don't know a single designer who ever has. Second, for KK to get it copywritten would not be at all difficult. But lastly, I know they would never even consider using a community members' graphics for NC. Just was trying to shake things up a bit, seeing as how there were so many complaints about the logo's they provided. But what's the use eh?

22-07-04, 02:46
logo 2 is cool, but i still feel it is redundant to have two slash-type objects that represent the sequel attribute of NC2 plus the number two.
is kk really looking at these community-created logos? i think it's nice to see that they payed attention to the community's dislike of the former star wars rip off logo, but i have to wonder if they'll continue to make adjustments.

Epsilon 5
22-07-04, 02:52
OMG.. you are all SW:G-ers ;) i knew it ;)

well anyways i like logo3 the best

I like the SW universe in general, but i have never even thought about trying SWG.

22-07-04, 11:29
Personally I would like to see KK prove us wrong and see if they do allow members of the community to provide options for the new logo and allow the community to vote on what they really want.

22-07-04, 14:50
I like the SW universe in general, but i have never even thought about trying SWG.
Exactly the same here ;) :lol: :lol: