View Full Version : So what we realy want new with NC2..

19-07-04, 02:59
so.. with all threads about things we want in NC2.. what would we realy want in NC2 that aint ingame atm. or planned (clearly) already..

19-07-04, 03:03
I'd like a new method of pvp'ing, more like planetside's, with a use for vehicles by toning down runspeed and removing genreps.

Dribble Joy
19-07-04, 03:04
A small genie in the box that can grant me skills in PvP so uber that I might be able to kill a 0/2 apu using spy.

19-07-04, 03:10
new weapons got my vote. One weapon concept off the top of my head...

tranquilizer pistols
rate of fire would be very slow, not really that great of damage
what it would do: slowly enduce a drug haze on the targeted opponent (small amounts of haze, increases per hit)

Epsilon 5
19-07-04, 03:15
new weapons got my vote. One weapon concept off the top of my head...

tranquilizer pistols
rate of fire would be very slow, not really that great of damage
what it would do: slowly enduce a drug haze on the targeted opponent (small amounts of haze, increases per hit)

isn't para enough? a few people shoot the same weapon at the same target and now it's worse than para, since the player can't move for shit, and he now can't even see!

I think we have enough weapons that reduce player's ability to be competitive in pvp.

19-07-04, 03:17
more places of interest in non op zones, make em worth using ffs and a-lot of new mob skins, rather than the same mob with a diff name and rank

19-07-04, 03:22
I want whatever it takes to get BDOY out on time. Which means nothing that isnt' already planned at this point ;) . . . But what happens later after release .. well .. we shall see ^^

19-07-04, 03:52
well if ur gonna have islands ur gonna have water so u gotta have boats

19-07-04, 03:55
I want the economy to be dynamically unfucked.

19-07-04, 04:01
More ops more land more more more :-p

But truelly I don't care as long as it comes the hell out soon. I mean only a little over a month until it comes out! We been bitching and bitching how long its been and just think its only a little over a month away :-)

-- System --

19-07-04, 04:30
I want a cloaking system that allows me to take on the appearance of mobs and walk amongst them without being attacked. I would like to hang out with the Warbots, wander amongst the DoYs and explore the tunnels without having to fight my way through them all.

I want Obliterator to take me off mob radar.

I want combat vehicles that can go into caves. :-)

19-07-04, 05:37
Looks like I'm a loser... all i want ifs a stable version of the current game with more content and more population...

I don't like the sound of this red Vs blue... :(

19-07-04, 05:56
A stable Nc without crashes... nothing more!
After that everythings ok... but 1st place, a stable client and servers 8|

19-07-04, 06:15
A bunch of Losers just want a stable game. Imagine that.

Ya i voted for a stable game also seems so simple.

19-07-04, 06:20
a storyline that is player-interactive on a bigger scale and more events that everyone can get into... it should not be a challange to find events, it should be more or less inevitible.

Also: more content. New Weapons, New Mobs (and not just recycled old mobs with a slightly new name and a new rank...) Real skins for the bossmobs, not recycled Swamp Warriors, Soul Clusters and Reaperspiders/arachnid leutenants.

19-07-04, 07:43
Voted for "this" : new blood !
(and all the gizmos and gadgets are nice too, but only really need players)

19-07-04, 07:52
There is really only one thing that Im awaiting for NC2. More players. All the extra content is just icing on the cake.

19-07-04, 09:48
There is really only one thing that Im awaiting for NC2. More players. All the extra content is just icing on the cake.

Yes exactly my thoughts. Just more players. Much more.

Everything else would be useless without the appropriate amount of people.

19-07-04, 09:51
I voted for stable NC, I decided to veer away from voting for my own idea :p

But yeah, If we want to attract people who have never played before, give them a stable game, they won't know what NC was like before NC2, so they wont know about any 'extra features' like WoC or whatever.

Give us a stable game!

19-07-04, 09:56
stability of servers, bug free client, and crashless client.

19-07-04, 11:00
All of the above.

19-07-04, 11:59
All. :-)
I would love a storyline like back in the beta. :p

19-07-04, 12:10
All. :-)
I would love a storyline like back in the beta. :p
i though we had a story line?

and im going for stable game, after being at the titans event on saturn last night a stable server is all i want right now

19-07-04, 12:14
Ppl ppl and even more ppl :D

The rest i dont really care about :p

19-07-04, 13:59
stable nc was the loser option since it was realy ment to be a poll what you wanted extra :p stable nc should be there anyway with NC2 IMHO!

so it wasn't not planned :p then again. i think they have a stable nc planned for months lol

19-07-04, 14:00
mainly bug fixing and more item new weapon types and new dmg types new class more vehicles

19-07-04, 14:01
After stable client and servers


19-07-04, 14:29
New weapons not sure what just new ones.

I invision the waste's being twice the size they are now. Or at least double the size of each zone. Remove zones like every current MMORPG only entering and exiting cities should have zones(syncing).

Screw it not going to rewrite a post i made in another forum so i will just quote myself from there.

Yeah i remember back in the day with over 500 people on saturn. The game in it's current state could not handle anywhere close to 1000 people on at a time. Shit servers, level 3 in general, to small of zones, hell fuck it zones in general is outdated.

If there going to be zones should only be a few of them. I can see 6 zones at a max is what NC should have. One for NC city, one for MB, one for TH, one for TG and one for the waste's. Idealy it should be 2 zones if you have to have zones. All the city's load together and the waste together. Better yet like every other current MMORPG no zones.

The cities in general are to small. Need to triple in size. For 300 noobs there are not enough lvling areas that noob could get to easily. Waste zones need to at least double in size. You can run alway across the map in a short period of time. Name another MMORPG where you can do that.

Fix the FRE's for fucks sake, long sync's, sync's in general would go away with the above statement. Nothing i like more then syncing at a OP war. Nothing like the zone crashing/lagging like shit when more then 50 people get in the same area.

That about sum's up what i would like fixed.


Oh and up the drop rate of tech's to what it used to be. Back when you could get 3 or 4 tech's in each WB. Well maybe not that much maybe at least 1 sometimes 3. Since rares are required to PvP increase the drop rate. Would also semi fix the economy. And would let noobs attain a rare without trying to save 5 mil or so.

19-07-04, 14:30
more ppl

19-07-04, 15:39
PPU monks removed

19-07-04, 16:14
more emotes, not 1 emote with 250 different ways of activating it :p

19-07-04, 16:15
I guess its the nature of players to want things they don't have, but while we're on the subject, here's my..er..list. *Ahem*

Vehicles as Mobs:

I want to run in to a TG lone Rhino guarding the eastern canyons! I want to see convoys of CA Troop Carriers that will spawn up to 6 guards when attacked! I want to see a riot control version of the Troop Carrier (CA + FA mob?) with a cannon hooked up to a tank of soporific foam doing no damage but giving mild paralyis and drug flash.

More weapons:

I would like to see at least two new rifles (a 7.62 Battle Rifle and a Tactical Shotgun), two new pistols (a full-sized 10mm SMG and a Pistol Shotgun like the Militech Crusher) and a mono-Kitana.

Changes to the PA:

Incorporate more Spy-like abilities to the SPY PA (built in 10 second cloak and visual zoom).
Incorporate more Infantry-like abilities to the PE PA (increased jump height and distance, increase carrying capacity)
Make the Tank-PA larger and make it more usefull (reduce weapon recoil, improve accuracy, armour, increase carrying capacity but a larger hit-box so it wont fit inside small doorways etc)

Emotes. Lots of emotes:

Salute, Eat, Drink, Type, Threaten.. you name it, I'd like to see it in NC.

19-07-04, 16:21
hookers in PP that you can take back to your apartment and use the AliceBot engine :lol: :lol: :lol:

19-07-04, 16:26
Yup storyline is a big one definitely. Also much more variety of stuff in the Wastes (this is in NC2 anyway they said)

TBH from what they have said about NC2 so far it seems pretty promising.

Dribble Joy
19-07-04, 16:44
Clan wars.

19-07-04, 16:55
more violent and/or amusing ways to die.
The tai-Chi sword should occasionally decapitate you upon your untimely dispatch:)

Water vechicles and riding my Hovertech though the TG canyons.

19-07-04, 17:02
all i whant is this, i whant the damn game to come out already, wev been waiting so damn long, then they can F with the new stuff in paches after the games out...

But other than that, id say more vhcs, guns, OP wars to be better ect... oh and NO FATLES...

19-07-04, 17:04

Fatals are virtually fixed aren't they????

Really very rarely get them unless I am running two clients on my comp or in some other way sucking up memory (and that's fair enough to fatal then)

Dribble Joy
19-07-04, 17:06
I rarely if ever get fatals that are not on exiting.
The cause of fatals is known, but it needs engine re-write to fix.

19-07-04, 17:18
Hmm difficult question...

I want many many things, but besides the obvious...

I want something done with the PvP system, I'd prefere a system less dependant on character setup and more on player style... that means, no more locking on to targets, rockets can be dodged, targetting recticle removed for guns (makes no sence anyway... first you aim and then you have to wait till the game has aimed to o.O )

Skill setup still matters, but it won't be as important as before, and will allow more diverse skillpoints spending... you won't need every damn last point in that one freaking skill to make sure your not gimped against others.
Would go a bit towards the unreal/quake/halflife style though, which some or perhaps many wouldn't like.

As a 2nd I'd say more intresting additions for roleplayers, non PvP related, more sudden storys, and more difficult ones... serious puzzling, with rewards that don't just relate to PvP once more.
Looking at the rewards right now... its basicly always related to PvP... new guns, new armour, new mods... I want something of the RPG part of a MMORPG.
Examples could be best found with single player games like morrowind, implemented and edited to add some as single player and some as team based missions.

19-07-04, 21:03
isn't para enough? a few people shoot the same weapon at the same target and now it's worse than para, since the player can't move for shit, and he now can't even see!

I think we have enough weapons that reduce player's ability to be competitive in pvp.

well it was just an idea. No need to get a seizure over an idea pal.

19-07-04, 21:09
Stable nc gets mine, so you said its a looser vote but its still the thing keeping everyone and his dog away from nc, take this for example : you have a ferrari with 21" alloy's - multiple dvd players each with there own 12" screen - Full bodykit but you have an unstable engine and the car konks out and stalls everytime you idle it...no one would want to buy it. Nc is like this, you go afk for 20mins+ and you WILL fre on the first zone line you cross.

J. Folsom
19-07-04, 21:12
What I really want, is some ice cream right now.

Oh wait, for Neocron? You should've said... :p

I'll join in with the "More people" voters I guess.

19-07-04, 21:21
I'd like a new method of pvp'ing, more like planetside's, with a use for vehicles by toning down runspeed and removing genreps.

I totally agree with you. Toning down runspeed would change NC more to my liking. More strategy and thought would have to go into the players ways of playing.

19-07-04, 21:25
I totally agree with you. Toning down runspeed would change NC more to my liking. More strategy and thought would have to go into the players ways of playing.
If it also included a proper damage system so suppressing fire worked that would rock. But even Planetside, which is designed for that and doesn't do anything else, is laggy, so it would need some serious hardware to get that working in Cron. Still, we can hope. :)

19-07-04, 23:52
Stable nc gets mine, so you said its a looser vote but its still the thing keeping everyone and his dog away from nc, take this for example : you have a ferrari with 21" alloy's - multiple dvd players each with there own 12" screen - Full bodykit but you have an unstable engine and the car konks out and stalls everytime you idle it...no one would want to buy it. Nc is like this, you go afk for 20mins+ and you WILL fre on the first zone line you cross.
The funny thing is, Aslong as I keep my neocron install clean, I barely ever crash (say... once a week or so) and never fre while zoning, if you ask me the engine is just fine, its just that its not cleaned up properly (altough drivers sometimes add to the problem to) ...or so it seems to be with others.
Once in a while I get more crashes, I then copy a backup neocron installation to my primary one and its all fun and play once more.

Anyway, the poll posted was actualy ment for additions, not fixes (hence the "loser option" said)