View Full Version : Shockers

18-07-04, 22:01
Been pvping all day, and somethings bugging me.

Melee have good parashockers, and yet they are the class that needs them the least having good defence, massive runspeed and having zero slowdown.

PPU's have excellent parashockers despite having near capped runspeed, best defence in game and being non-offensive(mostly)

tanks and riflers have the worst shockers, despite being the two types that would need them the most?

Pistolers dont need shockers, and have terrible shockers...

It seems to me that every class but HC and rifle should have either no shock or crap shock, and HC and rifle should only have decent shockers..

Your opinion?

18-07-04, 22:11
Can`t say I agree with your points but I do think all shocks should be removed as I think they spoil the game

18-07-04, 23:01
All those measures taken to prevent its abuse, and we still bring the same problems over and over.

Anti shock drugs are still far from viable, being the main reasons the use of belt slots in already crowded quickbelts, or just the flash effect created afterwards. We still rely on PPUs to counter them properly, which aggravates the problem as they (and melee tanks) are the ones with the effective shockers.

I think shockers, if not removed, at least should become a tactical weapon rather than the 'I WIN' tool. If shockers are here to stay, I would preffer that they did no damage, were exclusive weapon of a certain class, had their effect adjusted to be useful, and the player paralyzed/shocked lost the effect once being hit.

Now they are either completely useless if you have an skilled PPU watching you, or devastating if you are on your own.

Shadow Dancer
18-07-04, 23:06
Hrmm, being unshocked when you're hit. That's not a bad idea.

I don't think there should be any shockers at all. I'm still wondering why KK gave melee tanks such a powerful shocker.

J. Folsom
18-07-04, 23:09
I'm still wondering why KK gave melee tanks such a powerful shocker.I'd guess that's an unwanted side effect of damge and TLs of melee being increased, as the fact that Damage Boost apparently used to increase shock strength shows, the damage something does seems to influence it's shock strength. Since higher TL items do more damage the shock has now become stronger.

But for all I know, I'm mistaken.

18-07-04, 23:09

18-07-04, 23:09
I say remove just about all forms of shock. I think it should only remain as a mob style of damage/effect.

18-07-04, 23:15
IMO they should stay, just have the shock effect reduced. They kind of balance out the hitting a running target problem that melee tanks have to endure. Unfortunately the shock effect is too strong (as attested by a PE using PA4, duranit 2, S+D, heal, heal sanc, 18 drugs - I aint kidding! - Judge, RoLH, Exe and Libby who STILL went down to me, with myself only losing 150 hp!) and unbalances melee a little too much....maybe 50% of its current shock effect would be ok?

18-07-04, 23:49
I don't think bugs that melee users suffer from are an excuse to give them an overpowered shocker.

I think all forms of shock should be removed. I see your point Celt about maybe giving them to the classes that need them the most, but to be honest I don't think anyone really needs them that much. I know if H-C suddenly had the best shock I'd be forced to carry one around with me all the time, for two reasons: 1) to shock people for my team and 2) to shock other H-C tanks back in duels. And I really, really hated having to use freezers in duels. Today it would actually give me a significant advantage, because my Con setup has improved massively. And I'd much rather have a fair fight.

19-07-04, 00:26
Remove it!! (warbot parashock i mean)

19-07-04, 00:32
Tanks shock should slow people's run down to that of a rifler with capped runspeed, nothing more.

Not a huge amount, but a little difference

19-07-04, 01:05
Tanks shock should slow people's run down to that of a rifler with capped runspeed, nothing more.

Not a huge amount, but a little difference

Yes exactly, before the boost melee shockers were just fine, now they are have similiar effects for breaking the opponent's legs. Really, they have the power of holy para now and unlimited ammo (and nice frequency). This is ridiculous, as melee are the class who actually dont need them at all.