View Full Version : MY idea on why vehicle storage wont work (as of now)

Clive tombstone
15-07-04, 03:32
A lot of you (as well as I) want vehicle storage, I mean, who wouldnt? It offers the character the ability to store ammo for additional attrition times.
it offers a "lockbox" for Rare hunters. It also acts as a med-station, holding medical supplies.

But right now, My idea on WHY this wont work, is because I have noticed this.

1, In my trike, when im hunting, I fill my magazine with ammo, and start raising hell. when I finally feel I've taken to much damage and a vehicle garage is near (or I've ran outa nano's [MAKE THEM CLONE ABLE DAMNIT :D ])
I despawn my trike, and repair it.
Now when I respawn my trike, all the "access ammo" left over from my "rampage",is gone.
My theory to this is that, when a vehicle is spawned. A previous record of your vehicle (server base) is brought up. When the vehicle is spawned, damage recorded from "despawning" is put in instantaneously, yet, coding of ammunition is completely negated. This is telling me that the Trike I drove before is actually a different trike from the one I spawn, yet it is my property.

MAYBE with a little active coding, the "despawn" records could also include ammunition stored from last use. This could be the first step towards vehicle storage.

PLEASE NOTE-I have no actual clue if this is apart from the actual coding. this is pretty much an educated guess.( any commentary?)

15-07-04, 03:46
thats one reason why KK wont bother implementing such thing :rolleyes:

15-07-04, 04:05
Just remember to swing by a gogu to empty out your stuff before returning it to depot. In a nutshell the garage isn't yours. The Vehicle is but do you really keep valuble objects in your vehicle when you park and leave it somewhere if you can help it? There are gogu's all over the place just look for them. But then again . . . I can hear the complains already even though everyone could benifit from the storage in a vehicle. >_> some people will never be happy and will always find something to compalin about.

Clive tombstone
15-07-04, 05:15
Nono when I say "extra ammo" I mean, as in lets say, on the revler 4x4, you have a 60 round clip, and you use about 40 of those shots, youll be at 60/40, but when you park and respawn the vehicle, you come back with 60/0. THAts what Im talking about.

15-07-04, 08:09
i think its just because nobody told them ever that ppl missing their ammo.

no complain > no fix until nothin else to do