View Full Version : Please remove DoY bots from El Farid zone.

12-07-04, 20:34
I was on my way running from MB to El Farid, and everything was going ok, the second I zone into the El Farid zone, I get owned by DoY bots. I ran that whole fucking way on a monk with very low stamina, and the closest non op owned GR to it is Battle Dome. Why cut out one of the key leveling areas for ALOT of people? There aren't that many decent leveling areas to begin with.

12-07-04, 20:42
I don't know the latest condition of El Farrid but I love it as a leveling ground so I vote for a no present option of just plain "No". When I was headed to tag the El Farrid GR I would zone in from one point, and if there was a DOY there I'd zone out and try another area. Made it in and had a heart pounding adventure making it to the GR while dodging DOY scout units.

12-07-04, 20:48
Biast pol's suck man :D

But its not the DOY bots thats the prob, its the fact of how zoning in is. You see nothing infrounf of u, but u zone in and suddenly there is like 40 around you :/


12-07-04, 20:53
You were just unlucky with your zone in point, most of the zonelines are clear and parts of the zone are generally held by stormbots too and there are no spawn points near the gr so unless somebody agros bots there its pretty much safe there too.

Biased polls are lame and the whole point of DoY bots versus stormbots is to give the game an atmosphere of a war going on so I wouldnt like that bit of the atmosphere removed.

12-07-04, 20:54
Biast poll, so I voted against the thread. If everyone did that, nobody would ever create biast polls!


(If the poll wasn't Biast I would still have voted no, so no harm done.)


What should be done is an equivalent dungeon should be made farther south - perhaps this will be done with DoY, so there will be a seperate but equal standard of caves for both pro-NC and pro-DoY.
Agreed to some extent. Remember Neocron is pro-conflict. PvP battles are supposed to spawn randomly.

12-07-04, 20:55
the whole point of DoY bots versus stormbots is to give the game an atmosphere of a war going on so I wouldnt like that bit of the atmosphere removed.

I agree, but why would it have to happen in one of the very few zones that is good for leveling?

I should have made this thread about the graves as well. See thats 2 of the best leveling spots there. Good luck getting into the Graves, they are always right there.

12-07-04, 20:58
All the desert zones are contested because they are near the doy enterances you can say the same about the graves and worm dunnels being bloacked off to a certain extent aswell loba village being a pain in the nutsacks to get to for the biotech epic.

12-07-04, 20:59
If not remove DoY bots then at least add more leveling spots that are just as good closer to Neocron/MB.

12-07-04, 21:00

What should be done is an equivalent dungeon should be made farther south - perhaps this will be done with DoY, so there will be a seperate but equal standard of caves for both pro-NC and pro-DoY.

12-07-04, 21:03
I voted no, because i do regularly go up there and hack the belts of victims.

12-07-04, 21:03
Swamp caves for the most part are ignored as are the doom harbinger cellars.

El Farid isnt that hard to get to you just got unlucky and Im sure that there will be more levelling spots added with DoY but god knows where DoY bots will be then if the still exist even.

12-07-04, 21:09
Psycho, sounds like you were unlucky. I just got to El Farid a short time ago, trying to make it to Graves with my mid-level, pro-city, droner char. Perhaps I got lucky but I didn't see any DoY bots around El Farid. Also didn't see any cool leveling spots - the village underground just didn't do it for me, all those scorpions.

But back to teh point - one zone east and it's DoY central and I died really fast a few times before I learned to peek over dunes and run like hell if I see those DoY scouts. So no Graves for pro-city me, too bad, so sad, have to find another place to level that's not on the doorstep of the bad guys. At least until I can look after myself a little better or get a good team (with a droner? yeah right...).

Voted No - but I don't hack (belts or anything).

OBTW - the new Racetrack GR is open and closer. Watch out for TG guards tho.

trigger hurt
12-07-04, 21:35
I voted no cause I like to hack belts as well. I think there needs to be more bots...last time I went to hack belts, there were only like 5 or 6 all over the place...i need em all in one place so I dont have to score the zone.

12-07-04, 23:09
The whole doy bot thing is and has been fucked up since they hit the wastelands.

But they do provide a nice place to put my droner meatstack in the middle of like 6 doy bots.

12-07-04, 23:22
join citymercs. :lol:

12-07-04, 23:41
Biased poll = pathetic. Get a life instead.

If you want to talk about in-accessible leveling spots then lets' talk about CRP and the Chaos Caves.


Seriously, they were placed there for a reason and there's maybe 10-15 DoY bots in the zone at most anyways. It sucks to get killed while zoning, but you risk that happening in the WB infested steppes, the canyon areas, CM territory and just about everywhere else. It's part of the game, explorers never got anywhere without taking a risk now and then.

Shadow Dancer
13-07-04, 00:48
Hey Psycho, I made it to El Farid on my first try. Safely.


13-07-04, 00:49
get cash, spec vhc and drive hovertech, much easier than running.

13-07-04, 08:03
what server are u talking about? because on both saturn and pluto el-farid is rather safe, there are few doys, but when you coming from yutano road to el-farid GR is secured with stormbots, so you shouldnt have any problems with it... I didnt.

13-07-04, 08:23
what server are u talking about? because on both saturn and pluto el-farid is rather safe, there are few doys, but when you coming from yutano road to el-farid GR is secured with stormbots, so you shouldnt have any problems with it... I didnt.

I was almost put off on even trying to go back until I had a PPU but Shadow Dancer showed me how. I guess I did just get unlucky. I made this thread because I got pissed off at dying over something so stupid. Oh well. Too bad zones can't be totally removed like Lineage 2.

13-07-04, 10:25
i used a hover tech to get there :) i did get pounded by the scout bots on my way there :(

13-07-04, 14:00
Whether I agree with you or not, I don't bother voting in childish bias polls.