View Full Version : Like QD said, pimp the video!

08-07-04, 01:33
I now, will begin pimpage of this video everywhere?

Now that, was impressive, nice to see some real marketing effort going on there.

quoted from quantumdelta.

I agree, why wait until BDOY? Get this video out and let the power of word and this community get us some new players today.

To be honest, this video did nothing for me, zero. The only thing it did, was get me excited about one thing: A flourishing population existing in neocron once again. I have stated many times that the #1 problem with this game is not bugs, lag, balance issues, but lack of a population. When there is so much chaos going on in every zone, the random friendship gained from two strangers crossing paths in the waste lands is really what its all about.

But even though this video did nothing for me, what it does is create some super powerful propoganda for the vast gaming population. They see that video, and its a great depiction of neocron's true fun and potential. So the task at hand is to use this video as a vehicle to gain population presently, not at sept. 1st. And with a higher population, guess who else comes back? Yep, thats right the veterans that left due to boredom. If everyone spreads the word and even just one person starts playing cause of you, then the population doubles and instead of having 120 at peak times on pluto, you have 240. ANd thats just the tip of the iceberg. List here ideas of places to pimp this video, whether it be us emailing to the webmaster of a popular gaming site, or making threads in different games linking this demo and giving it a thumbs up or two.

edit: would be nice to make it clear they can try it now, and not wait for bdoy, would have been good to put that in the trailer too :)

08-07-04, 01:34
Merge into discussion thread

08-07-04, 01:56
To quote my e-mail i got..

Hello [TgR]KILLER,

A new article has been added for the following MMORPG title:

Date/Time: 7/07/04 - 5:43PM
Game: Neocron
Article Title: Beyond Dome of York Trailer

Link to Article: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?loadnews=1918

** You are receiving this notice because you subscribed to our News Alerter
service. If you wish to stop receiving these notices, please visit
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08-07-04, 02:47
i'll post the movie link on the shaman's crucible and on my EQ guild board to see if that can help anything...

gotta help this move along somehow... and us shamans are very unhappy in EQ right now

besides let get this thing about keeping it "in house" out if the house!

08-07-04, 03:07
Great work Killer!!!

I'm sure that'll create a lot of attention on such an appropriate website!!
